I just hope app developers actually implement it. I'm not optimistic about that though. Most Android apps are too minimum effort for nice things like that. Just like how basically nothing implements smooth keyboard animations.
This relies on Google servers anyway.
4500 in CSGO in 9 years and I'm not planning to stop any time soon.
They compile Java Bytecode to Dalvik Bytecode and run that on the Android Runtime which is a tiered JIT compiler.
It still inherits the issues of Java such as the GC, no stack allocated value types, poor cache locality, etc. Although tbf the GC on Android is pretty fucking good these days and doesn't pause the world anymore.
Das ist genau das Gleiche wie wenn die Bank sagt man kann nur von der App aufs Banking zugreifen weil der Browser wäre ja so unsicher. Das
Aber wehe, du entsperrst den Bootloader und installierst ne third Party Androidversion. Das wäre auch unsicher! Bleib schön bei deinem 3 Jahre alten Betriebssystem mit haufenweise bekannten Exploits.
As long as the tracking is purely local, this seems like a good solution to me.