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Has no community yet on lemmy
It depends on how you see environment safety.
Either you want to safe dieing species and biomes, or you want to safe somehow the global ecosystem that keeps us alive.
First is illusionary, second is apparently too expensive according to the industrial nations.
If you can place solar in the desert without killing food supply, then do it!
The USA will have a big problem producing food once the Mediterranean climate zone wander north.
Also a lot of USAs food production is supported by a big underwater reservoir that is very close to dry up....
However I never see that they adress this issue....
In theory a great idea. In reality you get very little space to farm on. Imagine how you drive though the solar panels with an harvester which is as big as 6 rows are wide?
I mean you can shrink down the farming equipment, but farmers make more money not plastering their fields with solar.
If they use solar then they go full south orientation panels because then you don't need to deal with anything on that field anymore.
Also after you install solar panels on a field with heavy equipment the soil is pressed and you will have a few years until you get the soil quality back up.
I didn't meant I doubt the facts. Just it's hard believe.
I will take your example and follow you.
First the cereal and then the milk!
She is looking at me!
Irgendwie komisch das mit einem Nazi Charakter aus dem Film zu machen.
The thing is a bit more complex.
We have a theory of the big bang,which could not be disproven yet.
This theory would expect that our current universe would slow down in expansion.
However our observations show that expansion is accelerating.
Introduce dark energy. It is supposed the mystical force which expands the universe.
(not sure if I get the following right) This force acts on every atom. But it is weak on its own, even the weak gravitational force is stronger. However over great distance the force is bigger than the gravitation.
Then there is dark mater. Our visible universe was made into a simulation where they use all the physics we know of to simulate the currently visible situation. However the simulation did not behave like what we see. It only works when they added a lot of matter. But matter that you can't see? "dark matter"
Then they formed new theories that both dark matter and energy needed to exist or our universe wouldn't look like it looks today.
Now I am no scientists but it is possible that we are completely wrong here.
I can't fap more silent.
Or maybe uninstall some of those shady apps.
I write such comments because I have to.
Company policy.
Also we have to specify every line of code and what it should do.......
Kann man statt Kopfhörerverbot nicht einfach sich drauf berufen, dass man aufmerksam im Verkehr teilnehmen muss.
Ich höre meine Musik nicht so laut, dass ich nix mehr höre. Will ja nicht überfahren werden.
Wo ist der Unterschied ob ich jetzt Kopfhörer auf habe oder im Auto so laut aufgedreht habe, dass ich nichts mehr höre?