
joined 1 year ago
[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

The video had a good example on how important voting in a functional democracy is, as it applies pressure and weakens the grip of stronger "keys" as the ones in charge must try to balance self-interest with survival. It also shows how this power can also be used against itself as those in charge try to manipulate the system towards a desired outcome.

Also thank you for confirming what book the video is based on

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I assume the video is based on "The Dictator's Handbook" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dictator%27s_Handbook?

The video, helps for me, conceptualise the rationale where one sees some of the decisions that take place in the world.

Makes me think past an individual and questions how an action is targeted for a result.


A video from 7 years ago by CGP Grey that talks about how democracy and dictatorships run and I find it an interesting look at the general politics and how it effects how a country is run when compared to today's landscape

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Happy with the confirmation with the questions I was pondering in regards to Kamiki with the earlier panel in, i think 154,where his "black eyes" were ablaze showing he was putting in a "star" level performance selling and even convincing people (and judging by what I have seen been said about him before this point) of his lies.

Edit: looking at manga pages around 154 again, kamiki lost his "light" during the affair with the married woman and has been down the path of darkness ever since.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

[Indubiously] Forta would be filled with pride knowing that. [Bewildered] Imagining having to script all of Hamlet with all that pretext

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

To be fair the greatness of experiencing Elcor Hamlet was intended to be seen through his actions not emotions.

[Regretfully and with much sorrow] One cannot truly experience it in its 14 hour splendour

[Restrained Optimism and sadness] It will be a different game considering the people behind it and the aftermath of the trilogy. [Wistful Contentment] Having the next Mass Effect have some grounded world building and, if need be, mix elements to a compromise of old and new

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

That is fair, I prefer renegade femshep as well. Jennifer Hale, for me, does her renegade lines with more menace and she carries authority better.

Male Shepard, I feel, does the vulnerable moments well, especially in 3... maybe it is a bias in the display of male lead vulnerability. I feel like Mark Meer does the more meme-worthy comedic moments better.

Generally I lean towards light hearted paragon MaleShep and badass renegade FemShep on voice preferance

Jade Empire, takes me back. Great game and had a nice morality system that effected how your character developed with skills and how the playable character interacted with the world and how it had a strong effect on type the ending that would play out.

Also thank you for the link, will have a look

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Disppointed there are no insert

Greedy Corpo:

"Aah yes, 👐 A.I. 👐 we have dismissed those claims"

Jokes aside, at least in regards to Mass Effect both voice actors bring something to the game for me

Although, I admit female shepard is consistently better throughout the triology, male shepard has his charm as Mark Meer improved on his performance throughout the trilogy. The human element can do much to elevate a weaker performance and in its own way leave a stronger impact, at least for me.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It is a grindy game, eventually you will need to make use of platinum ( premium currency) to unlock slots for warframes, weapons, pets or to unlock skins and convenience items like forma - which can be farmed but fully completed ones are a rare drop and to build 1 takes 23 hours- ( item used to allow great customisation of frames and weapons and resets forma'd object back to level 1) and there are a few other things spending platinum on mostly for slots, but that is in spoiler terriority to mention.

One can farm stuff most of the stuff if you have the time and patience, besides the "prime" version of mods and weapons and warframes.

Prime stuff is essentially the "best" version of something and considered "best in slot" for the space it takes( prime mods are a bit more complicated in regards "best")

The prime mods one gets from a trader that pops up every 2 weeks and exchanges currency that is earned by cashing in prime parts for currency and use the currency to buy from the trader.

Prime warframes and weapons are rotated over time and put in a "vault" when its time has run its course. There are a few primes that not vaulted, but for the most part one just has to wait if they are looking for a specific prime.

Platinum can be traded for items, but is probably best to trade platinum on the unofficial market site.

Generally it is a good game with good gameplay, but is very, for lack of better word "gated" by a lot of timers and daily caps that either the impatient can use premium currency push through either by buying the stuff they want or speeding up the forging process

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

It is probably been said, but roll with the failures in disco elysium, sometimes the failures bring out a better result. It systems do a great job commenting on your decisions and whether you do your job as a cop or not, it still drives across a very human story

In regards to a game with a good story, I can say OneShot surprised me. It breaks the 4th wall by having you be the character that guides the protagonist through the world as they wake up in another world and go on a journey trying to get back. Simple graphics and one has to read everything, but by the story's end was I left feeling some emotions in regards to its conclusion.

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Had to look it up to check its dates as a kid they only sold rip-off NES machines here, but the oldest game, i enjoyed playing, I found by date was Dig Dug, 2D game where you dig tunnels to get to all the enemies and defeat them by what I can only describe as throwing a bicycle pump nozzle into their mouths and pumping it until the enemy pops like a balloon.

There is the usual like Super Mario Brothers, Contra and I recall playing something where I think Diddy Kong throws barrels and "mario" has to avoid it to save the tied up princess behind diddy can't recall the name

There is also Bomberman, Lode Runner, Double Dragon( specifically 2), Arkanoid, Ice climber (co-op) and a game I really enjoyed called Operation Wolf

Oldest original game is most probably Pac Man, but prefered the "3D"-like one which allowed pac man to jump in the maze which is newer.


My bad, oldest game played in 2024, hmmm, Heroes of Might and Magic 1

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

Renegade Shepard can be pragmatic on the Tuchunka incident although that requires a commitment from the player through all three games to have been "renegade" on their choices on the matter - sets in motion events where your choice saves one, but ultimately ruined another's future.

Renegade Shepard does feel less screwed around with as their demeanour "demanding" respect, and mass effect 2 onwards refocuses renegade away from stupid "evil" choices and leans heavier to a " ends justify the means" with a slice of self importance and arrogance

[–] JayEchoRay@lemmy.world -2 points 2 months ago


Having too many cultures that have not established a "market share" in politics makes the, people who run a country, job harder as it has to contend with dealing with the potential of new cultures forming and the inevitable culture clashes that follow as differing values and ideals will demand different things.

It fractures and dilutes points of control which encourages politics to try ensure loyalty though aligning itself with views of the majority.

End tldr

Unironically, Stellaris is probably a decent example of the thought experiment played out. Unless a species is built with ideals of the intergration and/or has its proper foundation set then it can quickly spiral out of hand as you have to deal with " a hunded voices asking for one thing".

It is far easier to control and secure a foundational majority based off of one species as it can be more easily guided towards an established outcome.

Adding too many "outsiders" has the potential to cause an imbalance and a shift in thinking which then requires a new paradigm to "herd the sheep" as it were, while still trying to maintain a standard that the base species has become accustomed to.

If it not carefully controlled, it can potentially lead to a fracturing of opinion and thoughts which is a lot harder to manage and "guide" as one runs the risk of isolating one group and in doing so opening up the potential cascade of problems if the ignored minorities builds up steam which then forces leaders to contend with trying to figure out a way to maintain control over the many species bases while still doing it in a way that causes the least amount of disruption to their control.


A story I love sharing from an older version of the game and unfortunately the only one that I kept track of as I was left stunned at the result.

A forgotten beast Cyclops decided to pay my dwarven city a visit, so I sound the call to seal the city as I let the hunters act as a vanguard to get my dwarves inside. Unfortunately, the cyclops makes quick work of them and I only just started getting my military in order after getting my iron production started.

So here I quickly assign one of the early recruits to the role of Captain of the Guard, in the role of delaying the foul beast while I scramble to get a militia going to drive it off.

Little did I expect for this single dwarf to not only stand up to the cyclops in single combat but brutally kill it too.

I know cylcops are fairly low on the danger scale, but still to watch and read the logs as this greenbeard dwarf digs into a forgotten beast like I am reading a God of War fanfic was glorious.

XCOM Franchise Reviews (gamingmentalblog.blogspot.com)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by JayEchoRay@lemmy.world to c/blogging@programming.dev

Just finished uploading the last of my reviews on Firaxis' take on XCOM. In the link, is the page of the 5 games reviewed.

Hope whoever reads it - enjoys


Just making some Zomboid discussion about something,

So let me start, what type of weather effects have really taken you a spin?

One of more memorable moments was when I started a run that had unexpected heavy rainstorms, I think it was tropical storms in the first 20 days.

It was horrible having to deal with the monsoon rain and wind with the added danger of a thick fog that lasted most of the day. I made a bee line to north western riverside gas station in the boonies but didn't find much seeds to get myself self suffiecient. Which forced me to take the long travel back to Riverside to resupply. Unfortunately because of the bad weather that started around day 4, added to my paranoia worrying about the helicopter I decided on the was a slow process of moving house to house waiting for the weather to clear a bit before moving on, spending about two days in houses along the way, eating perishable foods, filling water into containers and setting out everything of value out on the floor for future trips.

It was day 7 or 8 when I got to the series of houses that was a few blocks away from the riverside scrap yard and I was doing the the usual prep work wanting to head into town and decided to go to sleep during the day as the weather hadn't let up and thought I would take my chances later hoping for better weather when I wake up. i did this, woke up at night and it still foggy so I decided closed the game for the session.

The next time I started playing, the helicoptor event starts not soon after.... I admit I was not impressed and just saved and quit to get over my frustration until I felt ready to try tough it out - for me it is like waiting for the cautious state to pass from Metal Gear Solid but more intense as I usually don't have much of a plan b. Eventually I go back to play having mentally prepared myself and the helicopter event had finished and to my mixed reaction only had to deal with a few stranglers that were probably drawn by the initial helicopter event starting.

By around day 12 the weather still hasn't improved, and it is still miserable as ever. Unfortunately I didn't screenshot it but I experienced something around, 18:00 game time a series of weather events that was truly horrifying to experience. I just resigned myself to just sitting in a room and when zooming out all I could seeing was just an impenetrable thick fog and heavy rain flying across the screen with my character sitting in a little dark room surrounded by this omnious weather.

That run didn't last too long as it was too much of an uphill battle for me with the weather being so oppressive without me getting settled. It was an especially depressing playthrough that drained my enthusiasm as my paranoia got the better of me fearing getting stranded in riverside in the fog during a thunderstorm


Last review for the month. Seeing as Adventure Mode for the KitFox Version is coming out next month, decided to do a write up for it


Cooked this up after seeing a picture of a certain Yahg and could not resist


I just wanted to express gratitude to those that helped give that little push to just blog what I feel and go with it. I have gotten to the point where I have published my 20th post today.

Although I do feel my blog site needs work, It has at least made me more confident to try and push my work into social networks by uploading posts of it on Mastodon and using my old Facebook as well. It is giving me more confidence to try "market" it I guess.

Still trying to figure out my schedule and most likely going to look at my least viewed posts and bring them up to the standard of the ones that got more views but overall I do feel better about myself while doing this expression of self

So with that I give a Thank You to the community 🫡


So I have thinking about Reapers and how they like to intergrate technology. Spoiler tagging, just in case for anyone that has not completed the trilogy.



  • To me seems it was the created or integrated Protean Reaper tasked with proving its value by starting the reaping cycle. I say this as Soveriegn nails that Prothean superiority and arrogant attitude. It could also be an interpretation of how a prothean sect failed to control Reapers and instead joined up with their beliefs or were "corrupted by the code". Perhaps an Illusive Man parallel.

  • Could also contribute to how Reaper-Saren had an overload perhaps? In its arrogance it diverted too much energy trying to do many different tasks, including trying to stop Shepard and in the moment it was defeated it couldn't handle the concept of losing to an inferior being which caused a logic error and subsequent crash.

  • It also played into the "God Complex" with the Geth, which seems very on brand with Protheans



  • Considering how they are cloned, it could have been another Prothean sect that was big on biosynthetic augmentation and attempted to survive the Reapers by trying to "hijack" a relay and escape to the galatic core and there finding the husk of some other cycle's attempt at constructing the Crucible but failed. Not knowing that by them integrating "Reaper-based AI" code that it would corrupt them and over time lose themselves to Harbinger's Will.

  • I say this as the Collectors only have one ship and how easy it is for Harbinger to interface with the augmented Collector General and Collectors. Interesting in how the Collector general seems confused once harbinger releases control - could also be that the general came to after being mentally dominated for who knows how long.

  • interesting how quick Harbinger is able to drop the charade of the starchild when it dismisses Shepard when they refuse on the Crucible in a similar manner to how it abandons the Collector General.

  • It is an interesting parallel to Cerberus and Collectors as well with them trying to integrate flesh and machine with Shepard, Project Overlord, not knowing the books, but I recall someone named Greyson as well with another Cerburus incident and also with attempting to pass through the Omega Relay and using any (advanced tech that in all likelihood has Reaper-Tech integrated) Collector Technology they find - although intended less for survival and more for dominance

As I wrote in the title, it is just me coming up with some conspiracy while thinking on it in my spare time - anyway it is all in good humour.

Thank you for coming to my Westerlund News Talk


Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/471147-mass-effect Uploader: Daft Punkjet

Not sure on the the origin, besides providing where I found it.


On the scale of paragon and renegade, I think the most memorable moments I have had with Mass Effect is being a Renegade with Paragon-like ideals - especially with Sole Survivor.

What I mean by this is being a renegade but try to push for paragon like outcomes - so making use of intimidation to obtain something usually obtained via persuasion, taking hard stances on those that wish to exploit and profit off unethical research, while still feeling strongly about preserving the rights of a species to exist.

Some great lines comes from both renegade actions and the contradictions.

By the time of the trilogy, I head cannon it together quite nicely as a Shepard feeling like he is always forced to make the hard choices, being someone struggling with survivor's guilt, and internally is conflicted with the consequences of his actions and tries to do better.

This self-enforced burden has made them a bitter person, but not an irredeemable one as the personal moments help peel back the bravado and exposes someone really struggling to keep their shit together.


Hi, I just started trying to blog (video games opinion and I suppose it could fall under reviewing as well) and I feel a bit overwhelmed thinking whether it feels "correct" or if it is missing something.

Currently it is just writing with pictures with it linked where I took it from on the title text option on the images and the publishing that.

Is there any sites or resources one can recommend for reading?

I am more than willing to read any advice anyone would like to share as this is still very new for me.

I am using Blogger, so if there is any tips anyone would like to share in regards to the platform, I am also willing to read those as well.


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