
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Does Gen Z actually have a tech savvy reputation?

Yes, with people who consider "uses the latest trending social media app regularly" to mean "tech savvy". They are less technologically literate than Millennials, though, having been exposed to fewer transitionary technologies and being raised in a world where certain technologies, like the smartphone or internet, are so ubiquitous that there isn't any of the "this is what it is and how it works" type education.

The difference is sort of like the difference between a qualified ESL teacher and a native English speaker who attempts to teach ESL. At first glance they may appear to be of equal ability but the ESL teacher who actually understands the what and the why because they have studied the language themselves will be a far more effective teacher than the native English speaker who basically acquired all of their skills by default and has never had that deeper understanding of them.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Most of the A series receives 5 years of security uodates now.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The platforms learn what the student excels in and what they need more help with, and then adapt their lesson plans for the term.

Strong topics are moved to the end of term so they can be revised, while weak topics will be tackled more immediately, and each student's lesson plan is bespoke to them.

The students are not just left to fend for themselves in the classroom; three "learning coaches" will be present to monitor behaviour and give support.

They will also teach the subjects AI currently struggles with, like art and sex education.

It doesn't sound quite as dystopian as the headline but I still think we are way too early in the development of this technology to be deploying it at this scale in education.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

I have a 12 km next week. Last year I injured my calf 1 month out, this year I get sick 2 weeks out. Really hoping it's all cleared out of my system by the time race day comes. I went for a pretty slow run yesterday and still felt terrible because I was so clogged up.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I just answered your question. Read it again.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

This is not really directly comparable to those older designs (or the Fairphone). It's more of a middle-ground - you still need to undo multiple screws and use a prying tool to gain access to the battery, so it's not something you can do anywhere or in a handful of seconds like you could with older models. You don't get particularly great dust or water proofing for these inconveniences either (reminder that the Galaxy S5, which is over 10 years older than these phones, had an IP67 rating with a back cover and battery that could be removed in seconds with your hands).

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

It is funny that YouTube took down his video detailing how to circumvent its revenue stream after he claimed doing so was piracy and theft.

[–] 14 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I recall ASUS doing something similar with the Zenfone 10 and then never following through.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (5 children)

I brought up the context of the first comment, which implied that Linus is against adblocking.

It didn't. Read it again:

Funny, considering in the past he’s gone on big rants about how adblocking is no different from piracy, and is theft.

But then again, its Linux we’re talking about, its not like he has a particularly big issue with theft.

He literally said both of those things. I have proven this. Someone asked for a source. Another person replied with:

No, because that isn’t Linus’s take.

But because he uttered something in favor of ads on his videos-which is how they got paid-he’s now considered ultra pro invasive ads by the user above

As I have proven, Linus literally said both of those things. That was his take in 2022. At this point in the comment chain, no one has implied Linus is "against ad-bliocking". They have only stated that he believed it was no different to piracy and theft, which is true. This third person in the chain was the one who actually brought up the "he's against ad-blocking" argument as a strawman - that was never never implied in the original parent comment.

The comment you claimed to be lying is talking about the actual context of why Linus compared adblocking with piracy

No it's not. That is quite clearly not what it was in response to. Again, read the the comment chain carefully here. You are taking things that were said or implied in other comment chains (or just completely fabricated) and pretending that they were what the comment chain I was involved in was related to.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Yeah if I could only get one of them back I'd pick the SD card too.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (7 children)

Read that second paragraph from me again:

Whether you think this is moral hypocrisy is irrelevant to me. I was only calling out the previous commenter who straight up lied about Linus’s history and then attempted to frame the people who were right as uninformed and wrong.

If you want to have a debate about the parent comment, debate the person who made the parent comment. That's not me and I do not care about the point you are trying to make here.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

These dongles that came with phones were also usually very thin. It also sticks out and made of plastic.

I agree that many of the ones that used to come bundled with phones (they don't even do that now) weren't great, though you can buy some pretty good third party ones now with sturdy ends and better quality, flexible cabling in-between. They don't have to be expensive either - I bought mine (CX-Pro CX31993) for AU$10 and it is durable and sounds good.

But yeah, I share your frustrations overall. It was an unnecessary removal of a useful feature to increase profits on already expensive devices. It's the same with the removal of the SD card slot to sell internal/cloud storage, though thankfully that has remained on many of the less expensive phones. I am definitely not trying to defend the manufacturers here, only point out that there are solutions for those like myself who want to continue using their wired headphones with newer phones.

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