
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Ask your service provider why they are holding back updates.

It has nothing to do with service providers, we don't all live in the US where you're slaves to telcos.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Well said. I have found challenging myself to limit or go without certain things has had a great impact on my happiness and contentment. Once you realise you can get on fine without one thing, it puts everything else into perspective. Similar to you, I switched phone last month and purposely didn't import any of my YouTube subscriptions to see how I'd go if I just didn't have that constant stream of interesting videos there demanding my time. I went from an hour or two of daily viewing to nothing very quickly and the only impact it had was to free up more time in my day. I used to check daily for new uploads from my favourite YouTubers and now it doesn't even enter my mind, I couldn't care less.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Those sites just scrape from many different file hosting sites. They don't pay for that storage themselves.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

Nice to hear and the aesthetic design of the phone is great too.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Neither the writer, the editor, nor the Telegraph's readership are millennials.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

What’s unusual is for a small publisher like 404 to demand an email address before letting you view their articles.

That's not how 404 started, though. For the first five months it allowed people to view its articles for free. Then it was discovered people were using bots to scrape the articles, paraphrase them with AI and then republish them elsewhere without giving credit. So they introduced an email subscription to counter this. This was explained in great detail on their website at the time.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Once upon a time, social media didn't exist. Once upon a time, people bought newspapers. Many things have changed over the decades that led to the media industry adopting paywalls and a subscription-based business model. 404 Media is unusual in that it continues to provide free articles to those who subscribe to its email newsletter, which I think is a fair trade.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago

A bunch of comments were removed/deleted.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

That tends to happen when you make thoughtless comparisons, get called out then cry "s-s-s-strawman!!!!" instead of engaging with the relevant issue(s).

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (3 children)

They didn't use Photoshop, they used generative AI. Maybe you should spend a little less time trying to save face and a little more time thinking about why that might have been.

[–] 8 points 5 days ago (5 children)

How is it a "strawman" when it relates specifically to the topic being discussed? A simple web search can bring up countless examples of generative AI tools that are designed to "undress" or "nudify" women. You seem to believe there is zero difference between using one of these sites and using Photoshop, so I am asking when Adobe marketed Photoshop as an undressing tool. The ease of use and access is the key difference here that you are trying to avoid acknowledging.

[–] 14 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Bad argument. None of those things are easily accessible by, or even targeted at, teenagers. Generative AI is a technology that big tech is specifically building into the social media platforms and devices that young people use every day and there is no regulation or education to protect against the dangers it poses.

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