Old bombers are fucking awesome and you show the bad guy that you have balls of steel by dropping balls of steel on their fancy doormat instead of some virgin rockets or drones.
joined 4 months ago
Bei kaltspiegel auf dem duröhre kanal
With my cat it would be kch kch kch kch kch silence kchkchkchkchkch kch kch kch kchkchkchkchkch massive shit kch kch kch kch MEOW 5 minutes of olympic sports
Oh ich kann zwiebelmenschens pfosten sehen:O
My family was too poor to afford the gameboy salami, we could only afford the gameboy bread
I did had almost every version up to the DS
Why he playing the salami tho?
Sabaton should make it real
Heißt der lümmel nicht Volker? :D
Bellgadse bessere gadse, normale gadse beste gadse, große gadse nicht so gute gadse
Jaaaa, depressionen, ein spaß für die ganze familie