
joined 1 year ago

A list of four things that voters on both sides view favorably but will never happen because corporations.

The last guy to suggest something like that got branded an antisemitic commie and was kicked out of the party.

Every cuisine except for those of uncontacted tribes is shaped by migration, trade, economics, etc.

Individual dishes can often be traced to a certain place and time though. You're being overly general in your thinking.

If Harris pulls away in the polls, he'll come crawling back.

[–] IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world 1 points 6 hours ago (3 children)

the notion of any “pure” and “original” cuisine existing is a myth that normalizes nativism.

So all the dishes that definitively originate from a certain place ... actually don't?

[–] IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world 2 points 7 hours ago (5 children)

It’s a practice that’s about as American as apple pie

"Noted first in the 14th century, apple pie recipes are a standard part of cuisines in many countries where apples grow."


What kinds of food can 100% be attributed to the US? Fast food? Spray cheese?

It’s gonna be brutal when she’s one-upped by er … Kid Rock.

No! Wait, Ted Nugent.

Yeah, suck it Swifters.

Eh ... Trump is stupid and greedy, Bibi is a whole different level of malice.

Not many. The BBC is great for world news but very pro-establishment for UK news. The Guardian is tolerable.

"If tens of thousands of women and children have to be massacred so I get to stay out of jail, that's a price I'm willing to pay."

Yeah, Bibi's not the only sociopath that would take that choice.

They want to conserve attitudes towards minority groups that were prevalent in the 1950s. They want to conserve the power of the wealthy ruling class. They want to conserve corporation's ability to ruin the planet for short term gain.


Despite a legal attempt to stop it, documentary The Bibi Files, which shows leaked interrogation footage of the Israeli prime minister, made its debut at the festival


This one hurts.


Robert F Kennedy Jr, the third-party candidate for US president, said a health problem he experienced in 2010 “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died”



I'm not exactly a linux beginner but I'm far from an expert and I could use some pointers. I have a domain and a VPS through Namecheap, I chose Ubuntu 20.04 LAMP and I've tried several guides to get this working but something always goes wrong sooner or later.

My latest attempt is to follow along with this guide: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/install_docker.html

No errors until the docker-compose up -d command, then

ERROR: yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: while constructing a mapping in "./docker-compose.yml", line 26, column 12 found unhashable key in "./docker-compose.yml", line 26, column 13

which leads to image: {{ lemmy_docker_image }}

I guess I could start over with a different guide but I'm just chasing my tail at this point. Could any kind soul suggest where to go from here?

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