
joined 11 months ago
[–] 10 points 1 day ago

They may look cute, but just remember they will never feel guilt after eating your lunch out of the shared fridge!

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (1 children)


[–] 30 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Jokes on you, I'm moderately red green colorblind so I wouldn't realize it if there was red present

[–] 192 points 4 days ago (6 children)

Because business majors decided a search engines primary job was actually to serve you ads rather than to help you search for things

[–] -1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

AOC can run, she will be 35 before inauguration which is what counts.

Biden ran and lost a couple times before he made it against Trump, Warren is more progressive than most of Congress and has already endured Trumps barrages of insults and came out of the wringer intact. Berners are going to struggle to accept her, but she is a compromise candidate between the center and the left.

Buttigieg could do with some more time perhaps, but he's aces in interviews and at least competent in debates. I'm not fond of his work history, but he's better than Biden. Young is also a bonus when you're shifting off of a candidate because they are ancient and can't reasonably do the job anymore.

Being from Michigan I think I like Whitmer less than most of the country, but she's popular here and a recognized name in most States. I really doubt we would get Medicare for all with her, but she's at least a continuation of Biden's agenda on a way more marketable individual.

As for Abrams she lost in a race where her opponent 'oversaw' the election. Personally I don't know if Georgia will go Blue this election, but I think she is recognized in other States and has the kind of activism experience I wish more candidates came to the table with.

Put that against Biden, who has been quietly helping a genocide along, whose single primary win was because he made deals with his opponents to get them to drop out, and who gave a debate performance that was so bad Trump's deranged lying couldn't even hold the news cycle.

[–] -1 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I literally gave you seven names in my first comment. I understand you've given up on ever making the world better, but try not to get in the way just because you're so fucking bitter.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (5 children)

It could be as simple as Biden releasing a new report to update the one where they said "gee it looks, acts, and talks like a genocide, but we are still going to give Israel plausible deniability so we can keep sending them bombs" and firmly conclude its a genocide thus legally requiring the US to stop supplying arms.

Like I said in my first comment, twice even, I don't want trump. So I don't give a shit what his policy would be. I know it would be horrific, that's not even a question. I think replacing Biden is more likely to save us from Trump, so trying to convince me Biden is better than Trump about foreign policy fully doesn't matter.

You're saying Biden is the option, but clearly myself and a significant portion of other voters in swing states would like another candidate more. Biden's performance was awful, something that appears to be particularly relevant to swing state voters:

I think nominating a feeble old man in his twilight years is going to be our doom if we let it happen. There should have been a primary, Biden is unfit and his staff know it. You can plug your ears and march into fascism saying Biden is the only choice, but passing the nomination to someone who is still all there might actually turn things around.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (7 children)

I don't want trump, I've said before that I think that his complicity in Gaza isn't only abhorrent but will lose him the election. Not exactly a stretch to then say "Oh and it turns out he is sunsetting too?" It sure seems like somebody else would be a better call to again not have trump. Give me Whitmer, Warren, Buttigieg, Duckworth, Ocasio-Cortez, Warnock, or Abrams and I'll be happy.

[–] -2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

If she admits it was a mistake to pressure michigan voters to not vote uncommitted I'd be down, but she is a corporate dem still.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Dead by daylight hits so well when I'm stoned. Very laid back killer games and chase as a survivor is incredibly satisfying

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

My recommendation is Wintermoor Tactics Club

Its a really cute and funny tactics game where you control the Tactics Club in a series of snowball fights to determine the future of the school. Each club is full of silly little jokes and the tactics got me well enough for me to replay multiple stages for a better score.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I just posted about Church Rock in a thread where people were saying the US did nuclear better. I.M.O. the #1 sign we aren't ready to be trusted with more nuclear energy is that most people don't even know how bad we've fucked it up already


I think capitalism can be understood as a living entity, a being composed of billions of smaller beings (people), essentially cells. It evolves (legally and through market innovations), has an immune response (police), and grows and reproduces itself (imperialism). The cells are independent life in their own right, but they exist almost wholely within the body of capitalism and the structure of their existence reinforces their participation in the greater whole of capitalism. All complex organisms are composites of smaller organisms and I think it makes sense to reason about capitalism and how to go about changing it or destroying it from this lens.

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