
joined 1 year ago
[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I guess the question "why wouldn't they just build the A-100 instead?" has about the same answer as "why don't they just build thousands of T-14 tanks?". They can't. Partly perhaps because it needs Western electronics, which are difficult to obtain.

That aside, restarting production of a large and complex aeroplane is going to take years.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago

True, some will probably have survived, and some of those may even fly again (some percentage usually sustain disqualifying injuries during ejection). The A-50 crews probably had no way to bail out, though, regardless of where they were shot down.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago

This is in such stark contrast to Russian soldiers, who capture and disarm Ukrainian soldiers, who have surrendered, and then shoot them. Yes, not all Russian soldiers, probably a minority, but still, there are now several documented cases (and almost certainly many undocumented).

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yes. And unlike foot soldiers, and to some extent tank crews, pilots cannot be replaced in a few weeks, or even months, if you want them to be halfway competent in operating a complex weapons platform. Then again, given the number of pilots who have "accidentally" dropped munitions on Russian towns, "competent" seems to be relative. The alternative explanation is, of course, that the pilots knew what would likely happen over Ukraine, and did the prudent thing, "losing" their ordnance before flying into range of Ukrainian air defence, and then returning safely to base.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago

Going on an aerial sortie against Ukraine now seems to be just as dangerous as it was to be sent into one of the meatwave attacks on Avdiivka.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago

Ever since the last A-50 was downed, it has been open Sukhoi season.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

IF Putin can get troops there. Through Ukraine, where the current velocity of the Russian army is roughly 1 km/month (because of massive ammunition shortage on Ukraine's side, otherwise it would be negative). That's going to be a decade or two, then.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Missing coordination, and no early warning, because they have no A-50 on station any more. Just speculating.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 9 months ago

Wow, thanks a lot for the elaborate reply. My French certainly isn't advanced enough (two years in school) to evaluate the finer points of such messages. But to me this makes a lot sense:

Yes, it is certainly a niche application, and not a mainstream French word. The same goes for the English equivalent, "Rascist". It is almost exclusively used by Ukrainian troops, and in the same sense as the article explains the use of the French "rachyst", denoting Russian troops engaged in the attack on Ukraine and everyone behind them, but specifically not the ordinary Russian citizen.

Writing messages like these on bombs and missiles has a long tradition, at least since World War II, so I think it's an actual caption on the actual missile. Showing it off on social media is a large part of it these days, but it is also done for boosting morale of the troops deploying the weapons, or by request of family and friends of casualties, certainly not for the Russian recipients to appreciate. It is also quite likely that it was indeed translated with the help of Google translate, creating the "un-French" phrasing.

Out of curiosity, how would you as a native speaker make a more fitting translation of "from Paris with love"? I do English/German translations as well as simultaneous interpretation at conferences, so I am very familiar with the intricacies of phrasing and deeper meanings and subtle connotations of idiomatic expressions, so I can totally feel your sentiment of "it's not wrong, but you would never say it like that in French."

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I'm sure many English people have never heard about "Rascist", either. It's just my interpretation that seems to make sense (knowing a little French). But if you have another take on it, I'm certainly curious.

The website Desk Russie also corroborates my interpretation.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 9 months ago

I also use this, and it works great. Another downside is that when using the free service, others can just use subdomains of your registered domains. You can always deny it, but you have to do it manually. With the premium subscriptions you can prevent that automatically for a number of domains, depending on how much you pay.

[–] Hopfgeist@feddit.de 0 points 9 months ago (4 children)

A variation of Rascist (not racist), a new word combining Russian and fascist, its use is widespread in English-language content from Ukraine. The spelling "rachyst" is a French homophone of the English pronunciation, the trailing "y" is the plural form as in the Italian "fascisti", where the word originated. Spelling it with "y" is probably just an artistic touch, or to make it look more foreign.


Diesmal nur ein kleiner Zweisitzer, aber dafür in erreichbarer Nähe von meinem Arbeitsplatz (der weit weg ist von meinem Wohnort), so dass ich mit meinen Kollegen die Welt von oben bewundern kann. Vorige Woche habe ich zusammen mit dem Charter-Checkout auch gleich meine Auffrischungsschulung zur Verlängerung der SEP(land)-Klassenberechtigung durchgeführt.


Ich fang mal mit unserem Schulflugzeug an, einer Piper PA-28-161 "Cadet", hier im Endanflug. Die Cadet ist eine "Zwischen"-Variante des PA-28 Basismodells "Cherokee", mit dem neueren sich verjüngenden Flügel und dem altem Rumpf mit nur zwei Fenstern pro Seite, angetrieben von einem 160 PS-Lycoming O-320. Es hat den "Steig"-Propeller für gute Startleistung auf Kosten von ein paar Knoten Reisegeschwindigkeit.

Antwortet direkt hier, oder macht einen eigenen Post auf.


Many news apps also have this issue: when I follow links for some time, basically surf the fediverse, it is awkward to return "home": you have to traverse your entire journey backwards. It would be nice to have the taskbar at the bottom all the time, maybe configurable or with auto-hide. Or maybe I am missing something.

Other than that, very impressed so far! 👍 Great work!


Was viele (einschließlich mancher Fluglehrer) nicht wissen: der Schulflug mit Fluglehrer zur Verlängerung der Klassenberechtigungen für SEP und TMG kann, genau wie die 12 erforderlichen Flugstunden, Starts und Landungen, irgendwann innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate vor Ablauf durchgeführt werden. Wenn ich das richtig lese, muss es nicht einmal ein zusammenhängender Flug sein, sondern nur zusammen mindestens eine Stunde Gesamtflugzeit (Blockzeit) mit FI oder CRI.

Eine Prüfung ("Befähigungsüberprüfung"), die man stattdessen machen kann (bzw. muss, wenn man die erforderlichen Flugstunden nicht aufbringt), muss innerhalb der letzten 3 Monate durchgeführt werden, daher vermutlich die Verwirrung.

Bei mir waren's nur ein paar Tage vor Beginn der letzten drei Monate, aber genug, um den Fluglehrer in meinem Verein ins Grübeln zu bringen:

Quelle: EU Richtlinie 1178/2011, FCL.740.A b) (1) ii)


I'm sure many have that problem right now (e. g. feddit.de is on 0.17.4), and I understand the developer's choice not to support old server versions anymore, so when I choose to stay with Jerboa 0.0.34 for the time being, I'd at least like to see when my instance upgrades to 0.18. I can see it at the bottom of the Communities list in the desktop browser, but haven't found it in the app, yet.


Ein altes Video, ursprünglich vor vielen Jahren auf YouTube gepostet, jetzt ausgegraben, um peertube auszuprobieren. Viel Spaß.


What's the general opinion on the BSDs? Are they just Unix-Like (like Linux), or are they really Unix?

Some call them "heritage Unix", because, although they no longer contain a single line of AT&T code (and haven't for over 40 years), they were ultimately derived from the original Unix.

This is a bit tongue-in-cheek, because I wonder, if you consider BSD to be "true Unix", what other "Unix-like" operating system besides Linux kernel-based systems there are. Or are "real" Unices also considered "unix-like"?

As an aside, what about macOS, if you use the command line a lot?


Die Vereine am Flugplatz Porta Westfalica (EDVY) veranstalten auch dieses Jahr wieder ein Flugplatzfest.

Es gibt Kunstflugvorführungen, Essen, Getränke, Ausstellungen, Rundflüge für die Allgemeinheit, eine Vorstellung der Bundeswehrhubschrauber vom nahgelegenen Fligerhorst Bückeburg, etc. und die Vereine informieren über ihre Arbeit.

Ein Highlight wie das Open-Air-Kino mit Top Gun: Maverick gibt's dieses Jahr leider nicht, aber wenn man sich für Fliegen interessiert sicher trotzdem einen Besuch wert.

Hier ein paar Impressionen vom letzten Jahr.

EDIT: URL angepasst


Für alle Piloten, Fluglotsen, Bodenpersonal und alle, die sonst mit Fliegerei zu tun haben oder sich dafür interessieren.

Es ist weniger gedacht für Passagiere oder Planespotter, also nicht in erster Linie eine Foto-Community, obwohl Bilder von ungewöhnlichen Luftfahrzeugen auch gern gesehen sind, wenn es dazu etwas zu sagen gibt.

Es wendet sich eher an die, die selbst fliegen oder das Fliegen ermöglichen.

Sonst: Fragen zu Verfahren, Lufträumen, Prüfungen, Lieblingsflugzeuge, lohnenswerte Flugplätze, ...

r/flying ist zwar wieder offen, aber das war sehr US-zentrisch.


Three times during summer the flying club at Hodenhagen EDVH invites the GA community to a Fly-In at the their local airfield. They have currywurst and fries and cold (non-alcoholic) drinks for a nice afternoon of talking and chilling.

This time I took some friends, for one of them it was the first ever flight in a light aircraft, and we all enjoyed it.

Tell us about your memorable flights!



Ich bin von reddit hierhergekommen, wo ich auf r/flying unterwegs war. Ich werde vermutlich noch eine Zeit dort bleiben, denn eine so große und hilfreiche Community kann man nicht mal eben woanders aus dem Boden stampfen. Aber ich hoffe, wir können hier eine nette Runde gründen, abseits der Politik großer Konzerne.

Postet, worüber ihr reden wollt, solange es irgendetwas mit der Fliegerei zu tun hat. Fragen, Berichte, Fotos, Filme, …

Schreibt, was für ein Luftfahrzeug ihr fliegt (oder fahrt), alles was die allgemeine (oder auch gewerbliche oder militärische) Luftfahrt betrifft, oder was euch sonst am Rande der Fliegerei bewegt.

Ich bin Privatpilot in Porta Westfalice (EDVY), unser Club hat eine Cessna 172S, eine Piper PA-28-161 Cadet als Schulflugzeug und eine PA-28-181 Archer III als bequeme Reisemaschine mit Garmin G3X Toch-“Glasockpit” und Autopilot.

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