
joined 3 years ago
[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

if it automatically goes to that website and the website downloads malware to your device, well, I wonder... Certainly trackers could be put on you that way. I am convinced that is why TAILS makes you go to their website before it allows you to go to the Dark Web or Tor.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Is western media unbiased? Even WION is no longer as honest and impartial as it used to be - after Youtube temporarily froze their channel and scared them into submission.

[–] -2 points 3 weeks ago

Iran is my guess. Putin loves Europe - including Germany. Putin loves his people and white people. He is forced into this predicament and takes no joy in it. Russia has vast resources that others want. They also have new ports, sea routes, and highways - great new trade routes that threaten to affect western income.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

more than a piece of land - its about securing their borders. NATO is danged-near surrounding them.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

come see me and I'll help you on your way to your permanent rest. better you than my loved ones or millions.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

most westerners no longer live in reality. They make short poses for Facebook or Tiktok or Snapchat, they play video games for hours, they do anything to avoid researching both or all sides and to practice foresight, discipline, introspection. They numb themselves with constant convenience foods, porn, screentime of any sort, drugs, alcohol, etc. My hope for these warmongers are that they are forced to fight in the frontlines -even if they are female or 65 or have diabetes. Volunteering others to suffer isn't "adulting".


At least 3,000 that died were on a feed lot. The short video I saw showed no trees or even bushes around and solid black angus cows that almost certainly were in over-crowded conditions standing in full sun all day. It pisses me off that the real scene of the crime(s) wasn't shown.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

hmmm, good idea. a libertarian instance might be nice. I dislike left and right equally. Both are too demanding and intrusive. i'll let the right do thier own thing without me.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Minds is a bit FB-like. I used them for years at a time when they had encryption as somewhat of a default (though it was confusing). I quit over 6 months ago when they changed. I might go back because I'd like to join some protest movements. I'd like to see a breakdown of what servers this social media sites are using so that censoring server co.s such as AWS/Amazon can't pull the plug on them like was done with Parler. I love Lemmy's large ratio of tech-savvy people, but it is certainly left-leaning and not very tolerant of other voices. I am bisexual, atheist, vegan, female, a minimalist, tree-hugger, often date outside of my race, but Lemmy members still call me a rightwinger and try to throw me out of this or that group. We need a chart outlining servers, general politcal stance, who runs it (how much it is controlled and how), if a phone number is needed and what kind of phn # is accepted, if IP is necessary, etc. These details are extremely important. EX: without ever signing in, Google/YT knows I am using TOR (and may give an error message to say as much) and also knows my IP or IMEI or possibly my mac address - some identifying fingerprint - not sure which. Also, knowing what type of encryption is avialable and if by default would help. I've seen a decent chart somewhere with some of that, but it needed to be more indepth.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

as long as you don't expect the rare exceptions to live or think the way the many live and think, well - good. Individual needs and desires matter. Society is made up of individuals, after all.


Do i simply install on top of a Debian server OS? Which .iso do I download/install?

I think even XFCE is rather bloated and have Debian XFCE on 2 other drives already, so will test out Debian stable nonfree with xfwm standalone. I have the names of the top 5 packages to add and will worry about the rest later. I am in no hurry to get this perfect yet. But, I would like to install the fundamentals tomorrow.

[–] 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

Great topic. I am unwilling to give up everything (especially when most others are willing to give up nothing), but have wondered how listening to music using a YT extension or on my phone - maybe with a Bluetooth speaker attached- would change power usage. Then, I wondered if the speaker would wear out faster than my PC speakers and that would be bad for the environment, too. Thanks to covid, many of us have become reclusive and the only entertainment we have is from technology. I rarely leave the house or even my room anymore. Even the library is a bit harder to access these days -even after shutdowns ended. You change this in order to save that and then something else gets screwed up that you failed to consider. People have said that people who live far from their jobs are "bad" because they waste so much gas commuting, but maybe they use less internet or technology and may even grow some of their own food or collect rainwater and dry clothes on a clothes line and open their windows on fair-weather days. My point might be 'unintended consequences'.

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