
joined 1 year ago

Heya, I'm really good at inconsistency, so instead of a weekly thread, sporadic thread! Thought I'd toss one over and see what we see.

Tried any new foods, games, music, software? Finally made that mobile DJ setup so you're bangin' out beats as you ride your unicycle?

Finished that model you've been putting off for forever?

Or did you finally get your sleep schedule back on track and now you're too awake and want to wreck it again?


Been going back and forth on this, as personally I don't have much problem with politics posts and discussions. I know how they can get, and some of why people dislike them, but nevertheless...To not discuss politics enables the worst among us to take the reigns and drag us all over the cliff.

Given that, I'd like to pick apart what may be meant when people say politics. It's a can of worms, so to try to focus things a little, let's say, is it when they're distinctly partisan that disliking them may be meant?

Something you find across the board is the sentiment that a lot of political journalism has very blatant partisan-leanings, and for some organizations there's zero doubt of that.

I should also take a moment to clarify here, when I say partisan, I mean any strongly held political views, not merely left or right, but also including moderate/centrist.

Or is it slightly less the kind that matters, and more the volume of it, pervading every discussion? Especially when one may already be aware and trying to address it in their own ways, and is visiting an online community to get a little respite.

What's your take on this?


Taking a note from our fellow community Casual Conversation (now on Lemm.ee), I've added a few links to our sidebar under Additional Discussion Focused Communities to a few more specific discussion communities people might be interested in.

In the spirit of federation, these communities are all remote, that is, located off-site from Lemmy World, while remaining connected and accessible to those here on Lemmy World.

The communities added to the sidebar are found below:

πŸ’¬ Additional Discussion Focused Communities:

Also of note, this wasn't at anyone's request, so if any of the moderators from these communities would prefer removal from this post and the sidebar, they may message me and I'll do so accordingly.

Please remember that if you decide to participate in any of these communities to respect their rules and the rules of their instance, and that Lemmy World rules still apply in remote instance interactions.

p.s. if you're in growing communities you'd like to get more people participating in, feel free to reply to this thread with links to them!


...Which foods? A variety, or would it all be the same perfect food in an unending supply?

Think like a food delivery service but it magically provided the buffet items as needed.


...This post, but what is it??? It's clickbait! Unless you wanna talk about the weekend.

It's brought to us by workers, and...It should be longer! Do you create your own weekends with every spare moment? Besides doomscrurking (ooh, or doomlulling?), what do you get up to in those moments?

I've been reading, and catching up on some movies lately.


This is not a comprehensive list by any means, and is why I'm featuring this post and leaving it open to comments. I may update this as people make suggestions, and I encourage others to make their own variations on this list in the comments or in their respective versions of this community.

Also to clarify some terms here, by active I'm aiming for at least some commenting on recent-ish posts, not merely recent posts, and by the topic names...I'll let the linked communities serve as examples.

🎨 Creative Communities 🎨






πŸ—Ώ Humanities πŸ—Ώ

History & Anthropology



Religion & Spirituality

πŸ˜„ Entertainment πŸ˜„
Reading and Listening





πŸ… Sports πŸ…

Hope this helps any newcomers find some different communities to join and participate in!

p.s. although it's now out of date, as some instances are no longer around (RIP Lemmy.film), this post is still a pretty useful resource for a broader range of communities than those listed here.


As Bluesky begins to open up more and more, it's felt more pertinent to try to wrap my head around it. To help in this, I decided to write out my rough understanding of it from its documentation, in the hopes that it may help others and myself with any corrections from misunderstandings.

As Bluesky themselves note, the architecture is laid out in Personal Data Servers, Relays, & App Views. The intent is that each of these may be deployed and/or developed independently of Bluesky, with some caveats to each.

First & foremost, which is somewhat glossed over, is the notion that ordinary people will have the knowledge or interest in deploying their own Personal Data Servers. This isn't really touched on from what I've seen in their documentation, despite it being touted as such a major benefit of the architecture.

Second, which is recognized in their documentation, is that due to the high volumes of data involved, there are likely to be fewer Relays deployed instead of many. See the following:

The federation architecture allows anyone to host a Relay, though it’s a fairly resource-demanding service. In all likelihood, there may be a few large full-network providers, and then a long tail of partial-network providers. Small bespoke Relays could also service tightly or well-defined slices of the network, like a specific new application or a small community.

This inarguably undercuts much of the benefit of it as a distributed network given that Relays are what may enable much of the transfer of data across the network.

It is noted that this may be avoided via server-to-server networking, so we'll have to see how that shakes out given it's mentioned almost as an afterthought.

Third, data portability across a distributed network is absolutely an achievement, but it must be scrutinized. Their language concerning PDSs itself indicates they expect them to be as prone to ephemerality as existing fediverse instances, see:

We assume that a Personal Data Server may fail at any time, either by going offline in its entirety, or by ceasing service for specific users.

Data portability then is reliant on a few crucial details:
Clear communication of the need to safely store recovery keys and backups.

Retention of recovery keys in some way (people never lose recovery keys, right?).

Device safety/stability to ensure access to your Authenticated Transfer client's backed up data, and sufficient storage for said backup.

From that last section note the following about PDSs, "...or by ceasing service for specific users", and then see their documentation on PDS Entryways.

Bluesky runs many PDSs. Each PDS runs as a completely separate service in the network with its own identity. They federate with the rest of the network in the exact same manner that a non-Bluesky PDS would.
To enable this, we introduced a PDS Entryway service. This service is used to orchestrate account management across Bluesky PDSs and to provide an interface for interacting with bsky.social accounts.

What's noteworthy here is that in creating Bluesky Social, they've essentially created a model that I foresee others building on the AuthTransfer protocol emulating. Many everyday people won't be spinning up their own PDSs, in the same way that few people spin up their own fediverse instances. Essentially instead of PDS Entryways, what may emerge may be AuthTransfer Entryways/Gateways for whatever variety of apps may eventually be built on it.

Similar to different fediverse platforms, you may then eventually see AuthTransfer platforms that pair together Entryway services with an App View as Bluesky itself is presently doing. Arguably this may make the AuthTransfer network no more decentralized (they go back & forth on describing their approach as decentralized and distributed) than the ActivityPub network is.

Lastly, regarding custom feeds and composable moderation, there is something on a protocol level here that those using ActivityPub may look to and improve on (and may already be doing so).

In some cruder ways, however, these are already in play on the fediverse. Custom feeds exist here on Lemmy via different communities and instances. More topic-focused instances (on Lemmy as well as other fediverse platforms) in particular can collaboratively produce distinct local and federated/all feeds. To a limited degree similar may be said of "composable moderation" with community moderation and user/instance blocking.

Mastodon even permits the sharing of one's mute/block lists, albeit admittedly somewhat clunkily.

Altogether the AuthTransfer protocol definitely makes some interesting improvements, but not without some awkward tradeoffs that they seem to be trying to talk around instead of speaking more plainly about.

Addendum, as I wasn't sure if I was about to hit a character limit:
The idea of regular people spinning up a Personal Data Server is already pretty laughable, but it's accentuated by the idea that they might also go out of their way to pay for a domain name to sort of establish(?) their identity across the AuthTransfer network. Many will likely simply have names like around here as @name.atentryservice.tld.

Also there's a kind of weird disconnect throughout the documentation from the idea of people perhaps wanting to operate multiple handles/identities for different platforms, or different purposes on the same platforms. A lot of thought seems put into owning/maintaining a singular identity, but not as much to multiple identities.


Image description:
Text in the upper left with an expressionless head to the right with a hand putting an earbud in for them saying, "Gonna really listen to others today"

A pair of hands is now putting on what look to be blinders over the head's eyes with text to the mid-left saying, "Give them my full attention"

Lastly at the bottom, the head is now shown wearing a VR headset with earbuds in and text on the bottom left saying, "I feel so immersed in our conversations now"

Blank version below if you wanna make your own variations!

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