
joined 11 months ago

I want my self hosted things to use https. For example, I have Jellyfin installed via docker, and I want it to use https instead of http.

I don't care about necessarily doing this the "right" way, as I won't be making Jellyfin or any other service public, and will only be using it on my local network.

What is the easiest way to do this? Assume everything I host is in docker. Also a link to a tutorial would be great.


[–] Dust0741@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Ah cool. Yea asking for something as simple as the flipper is basically impossible with my setup.


I have an RTL-SDR v4, and a Raspberry Pi. I am wondering if there is some way to get the ease of use that comes with the flipper zero with the pi. This is ignoring the packaging, and how small the flipper is. And also ignoring the replaying of signals, as additional hardware would be needed.


Looking for a docker containers or program to run on my server that looks at my list of subscribers (from google takeout or newpipe etc) and downloads them automatically. Ideally there'd be an option to delete after watching, and a nice interface to watch the videos as well.

Does anything like this exist? Thanks!

Drones (lemmy.world)

Can y'all help get me started with open source drone stuff? Ideally sub 250g. I'm looking to get into the hobby, and don't have anything. Recommendations for controllers, SIMs etc would also be nice.


Why are people happy or approving of AI on apple products, when it seems like the same thing was treated (rightly) horribly when Microsoft just did it.

Is Apple doing it better in some way? Both said it'll be local only, but then Apple is doing some cloud processing now. Do people really just trust Apple more???


What score does your browser(s) get?

I'll start: I got:

one in ~25000 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours