
joined 1 year ago

I didn't realize this community existed and posted my other thread about linux distros in another community, so I'll try rectifying that here.

I'm trying to learn as much about linux as a desktop system as I can before I dive in to installing a distro on my computer. I do have a tiny bit of familiarity with the terminal from having servers running Debian, but those I get a lot of help with. the distro I've chosen is Bazzite, which is based(?) on Fedora if I recall right. I liked the stuff it comes with (I love video games) built in and I like the idea of the atomic desktop setup.

so, what are your tips and tricks for a new linux user? what about outside resources? I've been doing as much digging for articles and videos as I can, but I thought asking the community might be a good idea too. I'm trying to compile these resources for myself and my partner, so that we have stuff to learn from and reference.

as a final question, what got you into using linux over windows or mac?

thanks in advance!


to clarify, I mean games like Diablo 4, Path of Exile, and Grim Dawn!

I really love the genre (right next to roguelikes and looter shooters for me, I guess I just like shiny loot a lot hahaha) but I've been feeling kind of lost in it since I quit playing Path of Exile (with over a thousand hours in it) due to not finding the shifting meta builds fun anymore. my favorite build ever in that game (that I had even made myself!) was a tectonic slam juggernaut, and while it was never the best skill, it was an enjoyable one for me. later, things seemed to get more difficult for me to parse in PoE so I never went back. I also never really enjoyed trading, but found playing by myself hard and not as enjoyable since I played with other people at the time.

I've dabbled in Grim Dawn and Last Epoch, but couldn't quite get into them. I keep feeling like I should give them both another go, because I like the genre, but I've bounced off of them multiple times. I also played Diablo 3 briefly but it was at the height of my Path of Exile phase so I didn't really stick with it.

I've been curious about Diablo 4, especially with the summer steam sale potentially coming up soon. most reviews and such I can't find something recent, but I know they had a big update not too long ago. I know a lot of reviews a saw before didn't like it from the start, but I was wondering if anyone who played it could tell me about how it currently is right now.

what arpgs are your favorites, or maybe ones you dislike? what aspects do you like about them? is there something new you'd like to see in the genre, or maybe something that you want to become standardized?


hey beeple! I didn't quite know what to title this, I apologize.

feeling a bit insecure about what would be interesting to post about here on beehaw. so, I thought I'd ask, what kind of posts interest you in the communities you're involved in?

I personally like to learn a lot of things (provided I'm interested in the topic! school was not great for that) and like to learn from other people. for example, I'm recently dipping my toes into linux, and I've started doing things with self hosting (also linux...) as well as trying out new video games and such. I don't have many people to talk about these things with, so I'd like to turn to beehaw for this, but wanted to see if people are generally discouraged by seeing if 1) the same person is posting a lot of topics and 2) that person is a newbie to what they're posting about most of the time.

I know I can't "win it all" per se and have everyone enjoy that kind of thing. just wanted to post a general feeling out thread of how people feel I guess? I came from reddit (unfortunately) and am still trying to grasp what a community like this is open to. since my experience on reddit was not great.

I do want to post some other things and get feedback and possibly stir up discussion if that ends up happening! I'm trying to participate hahaha.

as an additional question, somewhat related, but is there a new hobby you've recently gotten into?


wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with wifi and didn't love the GNOME layout. I have a new distro picked out, but I just was curious what other people are using in this community. was also wondering what made you fall on your current one.

and maybe as some bonus questions, what are some distros you've tried but didn't like? what about a distro you want to try eventually? I've seen distrohopping is a thing, hahaha.


hello hello!

beeple, I'm wondering what you like to play video games on the most. from cellphones to a custom watercooled pc, what's your favorite?

I grew up a nintendo fan (my first console was a super nintendo) that ultimately shifted towards pc gaming after the wii (and some associated issues surrounding me getting it) because I really love rpgs and the wii didn't have a huge selection that I could find as a kid.

that said, I had a gamecube and playstation 2, and of the two I was partial to the gamecube more. I'd say the gamecube is probably my favorite console, but with the caveat that I started with the super nintendo very young, so I didn't get to play any of the classic Final Fantasy games on it or anything. I got to play those later, and I enjoy them now!

but ultimately I game on pc most of the time (I just dusted off my switch and found Mario Odyssey, so I've been playing that a little while my computer issues get sorted out) and don't feel a pull towards sony consoles any more because they started putting games on steam as well. including Persona, my beloved game series.

what about all of you?


was just wondering if anyone had any great homemade breakfast recipes to share! I'm notoriously picky but wanted to start off by sharing my favorite baked oatmeal. a family member got it's recipe from a bed and breakfast, and I'm obsessed with it.

bed and breakfast oatmeal

  • 3 cups oatmeal
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 2t baking powder
  • dash of salt
  • mix together and pour into casserole dish
  • bake at 375 degrees for 40-45 minutes

some optional things I've taken to adding are walnuts, vanilla extract, almond extract, and/or cinnamon. if you add the extracts, I would recommend adding a bit more oatmeal to compensate. and if the middle of it doesn't seem quite baked (I've had this issue before when I'm too eager to eat it!) then I would let it sit outside the oven for like 5 minutes or so.

I've also shared these breakfast cookies before as well, but I thought I'd share them again.

anyone else got recipes to share?


Forgive me if this kind of post isn't allowed.

I wanted to ask people what was new going on with their pets, if they had maybe learned something about them, or maybe just gotten one. Just two examples.

For my part, I have two adopted boys (Champion and Bowser) and had to, a couple years ago, move back in with my mom and now we share a house with her and her two dogs. Champion has always had a lot of behavioral challenges, which led to me doing extra work at my previous job to learn how to train him better (I worked at a doggy daycare and we had to also learn how to train dogs.)

But somewhere along the way between moving to a new place and having to work with him to teach him it was okay for the other dogs to play together (among various other things I've had to help him learn), Champ lost interest in most things other than a bit of play outside (he's still a bit rough around the edges there too) and sleeping on my bed. He's very difficult to walk because of his anxiety, too.


Recently he started showing interest in a rope toy and when I picked it up and waved it, he grabbed onto the other end and started to pull. We had a great, really long session of tug-o-war and he was really worn out by the end. I've managed to replicate it several times now and it's given me a lot of hope for not just play time, but that he might be able to do things like walks in the future again.

What's going on in everyone else's pet parent lives?