
joined 10 months ago

🤞 🙏


After finishing reading books 1–6 for the first time, I would personally rank them in order of enjoyment:

  1. Dune
  2. Children of Dune
  3. Dune Messiah
  4. God Emperor of Dune
  5. Chapterhouse: Dune
  6. Heretics of Dune

I am honestly not sure if I will re-read books 5 and 6. I did enjoy some parts of Chapterhouse, but overall thought the ending was ho-hum. I was entertained and engaged by the first three novels and found God Emperor to be an interesting philosophical and heady trip and didn't mind the near lack of action. I found books five and six also had interesting parts, but overall didn’t offer as satisfying of reads as a whole.

Now I am faced with the decision as to whether or not to read the next two books by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson (Hunters of Dune and Sandworkd of Dune). I know that there are some strong opinions on these two books and that many are not fans, like many also don’t particularly like the last three of Frank Herbert’s books.

I’d like to hear from this community what people’s thoughts are on the series as a whole and the pros and cons of continuing to read the last two books or not. Does it put a satisfying bow on the overall story for those they did read them? Are they worth the time? Would it be best to call it here and re-read the books I did enjoy on occasion? I’m curious about what others have experienced in their readings and interpretations of this series as well. Thanks for any thoughtful replies anyone cares to offer. Keep it flowin’.


From Chapterhouse Dune


From Chapterhouse Dune


I just finished watching the entire series over the course of the year, so I’m a late-blooming fan. Probably top three comedy show for sure. Seinfeld for Xers and Millenials but with more heart and cast chemistry. It’s amazing that they were able to maintain the quality for the most part through the entire series. Dennis takes a mental health day season finale of the most recent series was fantastic!

I’m curious, why do others connect to and enjoy the show?


I just finished watching the entire series over the course of the year, so I’m a late-blooming fan. Probably top three comedy show for sure. Seinfeld for Xers and Millenials but with more heart and cast chemistry. It’s amazing that they were able to maintain the quality for the most part through the entire series. Dennis takes a mental health day season finale of the most recent series was fantastic!

I’m curious, why do others connect to and enjoy the show?

Memory (

Memory never recaptures reality. Memory recon-structs. All reconstructions change the original, becoming external frames of reference that inevitably fall short. —MENTAT HANDBOOK

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