
joined 1 year ago

Time and time again, we've proven the best weapon we have against corporate greed is our ability (and willingness) to share knowledge.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Do yuo have IDP/IPS turned on on pfSense? My OPNsense on my 1Gbps fibre will easily drop from an average of 900Mbps down to around 300Mbps-500Mbps, if I turn on IDS.

That's my life now :/

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Arguably, her giving the blowjob meant she got the berries

I just switched back to iPhone a couple of months ago, after 10 years on Android.

In short, I trust Apple more than Google. That’s not to say Apple is 100% trustworthy, but I definitely trust them more than Google.


Right wrist (I'm a leftie): Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar Tactical (with generic glass screen protector and silicone case)

Front left pocket:

Front right pocket: my iPhone 15 Pro Max in a black Spigen Tough Armor case

Back right pocket: a large handkerchief (I get bloody noses and my engine runs pretty hot - I can sweat a lot at times)

Back left pocket: reserved for my minimalist EDC wallet when I carry it (not the exact model, I don't always carry, as I can use my phone for everything, including digital driver's licence)

Belt, right side:

Belt, left side: RAE Gear sheath for Leatherman bit kit, holding:

When I go camping/offroading, I'll often put the Leatherman into a Toolbro holster, holding my Wuben L50 rechargeable torch.

Sadly, it looks like WJMake is no longer selling on Etsy (where I got the Toolbro), which is a real shame. They sold some really nice, handmade EDC accessories, and were happy to customise to suit my exact needs.

Mine has the extra elastic loop on the side to hold my Space Pen, an extra pocket on the front to hold the Leatherman saw blade, and they swapped out belt loops for a pair of belt clips, so I could wear/remove without having to undo my belt - a really important (to me) capability when camping and offroading.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Right wrist (I'm a leftie): Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar Tactical (with generic glass screen protector and silicone case)

Front left pocket:

Front right pocket: my iPhone 15 Pro Max in a black Spigen Tough Armor case

Back right pocket: a large handkerchief (I get bloody noses and my engine runs pretty hot - I can sweat a lot at times)

Back left pocket: reserved for my minimalist EDC wallet when I carry it (not the exact model, I don't always carry, as I can use my phone for everything, including digital driver's licence)

Belt, right side:

Belt, left side: RAE Gear sheath for Leatherman bit kit, holding:

When I go camping/offroading, I'll often put the Leatherman into a Toolbro holster, holding my Wuben L50 rechargeable torch.

Sadly, it looks like WJMake is no longer selling on Etsy (where I got the Toolbro), which is a real shame. They sold some really nice, handmade EDC accessories, and were happy to customise to suit my exact needs.

Mine has the extra elastic loop on the side to hold my Space Pen, an extra pocket on the front to hold the Leatherman saw blade, and they swapped out belt loops for a pair of belt clips, so I could wear/remove without having to undo my belt - a really important (to me) capability when camping and offroading.

I'm still using it via mbasic. It looks like shit, but I can get to my messages and reply, etc.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Er, what question? You day drinking over there?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Jesus, talk about failing to get the point.

I'm not talking about my government or yours. I'm talking about society making a change for the better. That requires change at a generational level. Bigger guns aren't the answer - changing people's thinking is.

But, by all means, feel free to keep playing the Team America card. That's what landed that orange-skinned moron in the White House for his first term.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Maybe you should take the time to engage your own critical thinking, and realise not everyone is American.


[–] 3 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Can we reason our way to revolt, already?

`twould be nice, but I see this as requiring a multi-generational solution. We need enough young voters to get out there and vote with their social conscience, to overcome the combined weight of ignorance, money and power.

It's won't be on-prem, but it will be dedicated data centres, built and run by Amazon, so almost the same as. Why? Because AWS runs better data centres than the gov ever could.

Gov is outsourcing the physical infrastructure risk, just like any other ocmpany that puts their stuff in the cloud.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I host a Plex server for our household, which includes a couple of teenagers. All members of the household (myself included) have a PIN protected managed user profile on our Plex server.

The problem is, if I let the teenagers have my Plex account password to login to our Plex server, it automatically logs them in with the Home Admin profile, whereas I'd much rather it force them to select from the list of profiles on our server (eg. just like Netflix does).

This means that, every now and then, I have to manually go to whichever new device they want to run Plex on (such as a Playstation) and handle the login process myself, so I can be certain they're logged in with their own user profile - not the Home Admin profile.

I've set a PIN on the Home Admin profile, but that doesn't help unless you've already logged in first, then go to use fast user switching to select a different profile. On very first login, Plex will always auto-select the Home Admin profile.

I've searched high and low, but can't find any info or settings that help me change this behaviour.

So, my question is simple: is it possible to prevent auto-login as the Home Admin profile, and force selection from the list of managed users instead?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should have provided more details about what I've tried so far. We have tested out using a separate Plex user account for the oldest kid, as all the reading I did suggested she would "inherit" my server's Plex Pass rights when streaming from it.

But, we found that the iPhone app could still stop playback after a minute. Plus we couldn't log her account onto the shared Chromecast TV, so she could watch her shows on the house TV. So we ended up moving her back to a managed user profile on our server.

EDIT 2: after some more reading, it now seems the mobile app must either be logged in with a Plex Pass account (mine, in our case) or the user has to pay a once-off fee to unlock it.

I could've sworn it was different when I first read about it a year or two back, where the app would "inherit" the server's rights, but I guess that's either faulty memory or they changed the rules. The once off unlock fee isn't a big problem, so that's one hurdle overcome.

The second problem is how to use multiple Plex accounts on the Plex app for Chromecast, so the kids can enjoy their content on the big screen when they want to. Has anyone cracked the code on how to achieve that?


Can't even take a short break from 3D designing stuff. Glad I'm switching over to FreeCAD. All I wanted was to grab some dimensions from an old model.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Obligatory note for those that haven't read/retained the news: Simple Mobile Tools was sold to ZipoApps - an Israeli company that specialises in buying and monetising popular apps.

Fossify is the fork of the Simple Mobile Tools repos, and they're gradually getting through each app and re-releasing them under the new name.


So, a couple of weeks ago, I wrote to this community, asking for some advice about our new blue tongue's eating. And the advice I got really helped us start to understand the lizard brain a little better.

It's been nearly three weeks since we brought him home, and we've figured out he really likes tinned dog food, strawberries and raspberries. No luck with veggies just yet, but we're still trying new things. The important thing is he's not going hungry, and gets his calcium supplement with the dog food.

But he's still very reclusive, and quite cranky with us. Most of the time, he'll hide under his basking log, or bury himself under some substrate. When we've reached in to try and pat him, he jerks suddenly and hisses.

My daughter's been afraid to try patting him again herself so, the past week, we've just been getting her to hand feed him a small piece of fruit each day, to try and build some trust between them. It's gone well, and he's eaten out of her hand a few times now.

My biggest concerns are that either his behaviour isn't that normal and we've not done something right, or that we're running the risk of letting this behaviour become his new "normal", and my daughter won't get to have a relationship with her pet.

So I guess my question, without trying to sound too anxious or impatient, is if his behaviour at this stage would still be considered normal? Should we be doing anything different?

Once again, thanks in advance for any knowledge and experience you can share.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

We got our daughter (9yo) a blue tongue lizard for her birthday this week. We picked it up on Tuesday afternoon (it's now Saturday morning, here in Australia). The store says it's about 6 months old.

We also bought a really nice enclosure for it, with all the bits and pieces: 4' wood enclosure with glass sliding doors; twin 75W ceramic heat emitters; thermostat (located around the mid-zone); UVB light (on 12hrs per day, from 7:30am); good substrate, a basking log, a hide-out, and some fake grasses and leaves to hide under.

I'm not convinced the thermostat is particularly good, but I've kept a digital thermometer at the basking end, and the heat seems to consistently sit at around 30°-35°C (~86°-95°F) there, which at least tells me that zone is OK. I'm not sure the cool zone isn't too cool. I plan on buying another thermometer for that end.

The problem is, it's not eating much. It tends to find a hiding spot near the cool end, and bury itself under the substrate. We gave it some diced strawberries on Wednesday. I ended up putting it right near the food, and it eventually ate about a strawberry's worth.

The past couple of days we've tried some diced apple (freshly cut each day), but it hasn't gone near the food at all. Most of those two days, it stayed hidden and/or buried under the substrate. Per the store's instructions, we're taking the food away again around mid-afternoon - 3pm-ish.

Today, we put some beef pet food out and moved the lizard next to the food bowl. It had a tiny, little munch, but didn't really eat what you might consider a meal.

The store says it could take a week or so for it to settle into its new home, and I understand that. We're being disciplined and resisting the urge to take it out and hold it, to try and keep stress levels down.

But, I'm a touch concerned at all the staying hidden/buried, and lack of eating, as we've been told juveniles should be fed daily. My daughter's starting to get really worried, and I've tried explaining that cold-blooded animals metabolise way slower than warm-blooded, so it's not like he's starving or anything. At least, I don't think he is.

Should we be concerned at all? At which point should I start to seek professional assistance?

Just looking for some reassurance that anything we're doing/not doing isn't causing any problems. Thanks.


Took this coming down the mountain from Lovick's Hut, roughly halfway to Bluff Hut, looking west.

The peak at the centre (with cloud hovering over it) is Mt Buller and the one to the right of that (1/4 in from right edge, slightly more cloud) is Mt Stirling.

Love me some Victorian high country.

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