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[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Kommst du auf deine Ruhezeit von 10 Stunden (Verkehrsbetrieb: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/arbzg/__5.html)? Wenn nicht, könntest du dir den Stress sparen.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 10 months ago

Even that is a very American way of thinking. The number of gun shot wounds a police officer sees in the US is way higher than in comparable European countries.

I could not find exact data for wounds, but if you take gun fatalities as placeholder (I am sure they are connected) here:


You can see that precovid (2019) in the US there were 63x more gun fatalities than in Germany per person. In an average 1 million person city the police in the US has to deal with about 32 gun fatalities. In Germany that city has 1 every other year, in Australia it is 1-2 every year.

While the fictional US police department has every two weeks one or more fatality, the fictional German and Australian see it once a year.

So the frequency of it occuring and it being written about is way higher in the US than in comparable countries.

(Of course the comparing the amount of firearm fatalities between countries is not an exact replacement for gun shot wounds, but it should be close)

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)


(Rollend auf 'm Boden lachend)

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

I have rechecked the image and the coffee comparison was for 2 out of 3.

You are right, that the concentration of the caffeine was as high as it is in a normal cup of coffee. But the caffeine content was given as an absolute value not as a concentration, so it was misleading. But you are right, it was not a lie.

Their text can be easily interpreted as an comparisons of the large or small lemonade with a large or small cup of coffee. Which is not an unreasonable thought, as 30 oz of Cola has roughly the same amount of coffeine (83 mg) as 1 cup of coffee (96 mg, according to Mayo Clinic).

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The caffeine content was on the label but rather small for such an extreme amount. Additionally, it was not put in relation to anything for 2 of the 3 lemonades, they only wrote the coffeine content in milligram, very few people can relate to this information without looking it other drinks.

For one of them, it claimed to be in similar strength as their coffee, which was a lie according to the lawsuit, as their coffee has "normal" coffeine content.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

Dies ist der Weg.

Ich finde bei diesen Tassen/Bechern ist das vorwärmen für Espressi auch nicht mehr nötig.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the paper.

For a bold claim it would be better form to indicate how or at least with which search engine the search was done. But the claim is much smaller then the Guardian makes us believe. They do not say, that it is the first study, but that it is the only one with currently available products. Directly before this sentence they talk about the rising use alternative menstrual products, such as "menstrual cups, menstrual discs, menstrual underwear or reusable pads".

I would expect that manufacturer with some RnD budget will do more tests than the ones they publish. But if their results are inconclusive or unwelcome as you said, they will not publish it. They might also not publish good results for simple marketing reasons ("Bigger number is better"), but their product might still contain improvements due to those results.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Did anyone have access to the original publication and can tell me, if they explain how they determined it being the first study and what other liquids have been used before in studies? The Guardian article only says "Manufacturers have traditionally used saline or water", but that does not tell you much, as these are not scientists with independent studies and manufacturers usually do not publish their full internal testing methods.

I only have access to its abstract and curiously it does not mention it being the first published study with actual blood, so the authors themselves did not find it very noteworthy.

I can easily imagine, that a published, standardized, reproducible (model) menstrual fluid for such an analysis does not exist yet, but I am not that involved in medical publishing. If this is the case, that would be really infuriating. It might exist as some vendors sell artificial menstrual fluid.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

Auf BR24-Anfrage teilte Ramsauer mit, das Zitat von Deng Xiaoping sei "im Gespräch über die Mängel des Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetzes gefallen", aber nicht zur Veröffentlichung gedacht gewesen. Zudem versicherte der CSU-Politiker: "Ich würde auch niemals einen solchen entwürdigenden Vergleich mit zugewanderten Fachkräften oder Migranten machen."

Nur weil ich das so gesagt habe, heißt das doch nicht, dass ich so etwas sagen würde. Ist logisch.

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

In der Beschreibung von Kaya R. aus diesem Artikel war sie nicht ansprechbar als es zum Sex kam, da kann es kein Einverständnis gegeben haben: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/ndr/till-lindemann-rammstein-100.html

[–] DaveDavesen@feddit.de 0 points 1 year ago

Keine Sorge, der Kuchen wird jeden Moment heruntertropfen.

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