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[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 1 points 10 hours ago

No, I wrote that, it wasn't that difficult.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 5 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

That Canon lady whom I'm not about to call a judge, and Harlan Crow's man friend said it's because Special Counsel Jack Smith was never confirmed as an attorney, where as all other historical Special Counsels were.

So they see him as an unconstitutional representative of the "Administrative State"... Because the rightwing in America are hard line constitutionalists (who still bend shit), they want to destroy the "administrative state" eg. Public Servants, eg. All the stuff that makes up a modern functioning nation.

It goes along with their "defund the government" and "defund the tax system" goals, and their goal to defund all revenue streams of the commons (via privatisation), and "getting rid of red tape" (eg. Public protections).

In the minds of conservatives there should be a basic criminal justice system, and nothing else. That's what they see as government.

Of course when they get into power it's all embezzlement and golden handshakes with corporate friends... So there's the facade they believe in and then what actually happens when they get into office, as there always is in politics.

...now with Project 2025, this pattern may never end.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 2 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Agreed, corporate run centrists and establishment neoliberals act as stop gaps preventing the leftwing promises of democracy and enlightenment era leftist politics from being truely fulfilled, by instead deferring to the profit driven whims of wealthy internationalists and Capitalists, which undermine national interests whilst appearing to support national interests.

It's ugly and incompetent. If I'm to be honest, it's a national health and security issue too. But people act like you're speaking gibberish or saying something controversial when you point it out because of the hegemonic conditioning of Capitalism and its economic falsehoods.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 2 points 20 hours ago

How many more cases of "forever Capitalism" do we have to see to understand that Capitalism usurps all other value systems, including valuing each others health.

The problem is basic values are being usurped by profit driven interests.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 22 points 20 hours ago (13 children)

The number of leftists saying they've lost the election due to recent events is disappointing. Getting out and voting is all they have to do.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 3 points 20 hours ago

Not economically viable.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 4 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

How about an animated comedy series that teaches US history based on this premise... They always end up having partners and kids two of which always end up being cowboys.... Until the final season when they choose normal modern day jobs.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 7 points 20 hours ago

You could run a cabbage, but if everyone votes for them they've pulled it off. Voting is the difference between winning and losing.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 3 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

It's all religious Zealots behind the scenes in politics. They all think the issue is protecting cites mentioned in the bible. They think that's the basis for Western Civilization rather than the French and American revolutions and the Dutch or Westminster system of law.

Why haven't most Western nations had atheist leaders? Why don't they ALWAYS have atheist leaders?

This preference for superstition over rationality holds us back as a species.

[–] DarkCloud@lemmy.world 9 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (2 children)

Yeah... Surviving that basically won him the election.

Not if everyone making this assumption gets out and votes, rather than staying at home and assuming they've already lost. The left outnumber the right after all. Losing is a turnout issue.

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