joined 1 year ago
[–] DVD@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

How long has Lemmy been around for? The oldest thing I've seen so far is about two weeks old.


Hello lemmites! I decided that a great way to get some use out of this community while it gathers steam is to have a mega thread where people can simply come and practice their German with people on similar skill levels. If you're a more fluent speaker, and see any mistakes in someone else's sentences, feel free to correct them and possibly explain why.

I'm thinking how it'll go is I'll have a prompt for the week that you can answer and I'll try to reply to you, or you can totally ask your own question, or just comment about whatever is going on in your life, or going through your head.

I'll get the ball rolling: Was ist deine Lieblingsstadt in Deutschland? Warum?

Meine Lieblingsstadt in Deutschland ist Düsseldorf, weil meine Familie von dort stammt.

[–] DVD@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wunderbar! I'll definitely check it out. I need to broaden my vocab and a website like this is a great place to do it with more technical terms. Danke!

[–] DVD@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Huh, I've never heard of the German Grammar Drills book, absolutely is something I'll need though, I have some strong basics of German grammar, but compared to the other skills in language learning it is definitely my weak spot.

I started learning German with Duolingo, which I honestly suggest for anyone that is first jumping into a language and wants to gauge its worth and learning curve. Duolingo helps drill some basic grammar and vocabulary into your head, but I would not rely on it past an A1 level. Duolingo's idea of pure repetition to learn new subjects is not the way to go, its more of a tool to make sure you're reinforcing what you already know.

Easily the most important tool I use for language learning is a notebook for each language. Perhaps other peoples' brains do not work like this but a notebook to me is an essential repository of information you already know to look over. Also, writing down anything you learn helps further reinforce it. I structure my notebook with pages dedicated to nouns, where the page is broken up by gender (Der, Die, Das), along with verb pages where the page is split into columns for different conjugations.

Besides these two resources, I also use the Nico ist Weg movies, that start at an A1 level and get increasingly harder with each movie. Much better acting and story than you'd expect for a movie to learn German. I just finished up the A2 movie.


Hey there everybody, I'm DVD.

I came to the Fediverse/Lemmy recently after the mass exodus from, competitors, like I'm sure many of you have.

I've been knees deep in learning the German Language since October, and I wanted a community to help myself and others along in this process of language learning, which I noticed Lemmy lacked, so I created c/German.

I should preface this community by saying that I am probably the least qualified person to run a community such as this. I would probably fail the Goethe B1 Exam for German, and I have never moderated any community before, not on Lemmy nor its competitors.

But, I saw the need for a place like this, and I stepped up to the plate. If you are seeing this and are interested, feel free to join. If the place isn't quite as lively as you thought it would be, try creating a post or commenting on some existing ones. I promise to work on community engagement as this place (hopefully) grows.

With that being said, also message me if you are interested in any moderator roles. I will gladly accept others who are willing to make sure this community stays on track, and remains toxic-free.