
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yes, and you do it at the point you need to work on that feature. The business pay for it when they want the change.

You do not pay for the refactor with your time, if the company won't pay to fix their code. Just make it clear the risks and how bad it could be if you carry on with duct tape fixes.

You have to be strong and firm and not agree to hacks. You need to work with your team to ensure you're on the same page rather than getting undermined by cowboy dev claiming he can do the feature in 2 days when it needs 2 weeks to do the necessary work.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Fair point, and no on the last point. Legalise weed, tackle gangs and help addicts get the help they need. Punishment doesn't always work on crime. Without some element of reform.

Of course knife crime is pretty high here and if anything, police are a little weak on it and it has got out of control because jails are too full.

In some parts of the UK, it is genuinely scary to walk around and even looking at some young folk wrong is the best way to end up in an ambulance.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Many studies have looked into this, culture etc. For example how people conducted themselves in say Nazi Germany or during the Rwandan genocide.

Simply trying to understand how so many folk can commit such atrocities.

Knife crime is viewed differently in areas with high amounts of it. It's more shocking in an area it doesn't exist. In an area where folk growing up knowing or seeing people being stabbed, it's seen very differently.

I don't think juries should necessarily take it into consideration, but understanding situations, it's quite relevant. If you've stepped into both poor and rich areas, you'll understand the differences.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago


The context is useful to understand the area and what occurs there though.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

A very small step.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wouldn't go that far. I do not think Donald Trump could have won an election here. We do have a massive amount of idiots. Not as much though.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It's fine. They said Windows 10 is there last operating system. It sure is for me.

[–] -2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

It does though. If you have massive amounts of knife crime, the context makes sense. If there is none and one person does it, it's all about the person.

Either way, walking publicly with a big sword claiming it's a fidget spinner substitute is BS.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (8 children)

Not very populated in comparison though. If you take Birmingham, it's got around 1.5m people. London / Greater London has around 8m / 12m. So higher instances are noteworthy.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

It actually doesn't.

It is the open source code. You can optionally install Google play in a restrictive sandbox if you wish. You do not have to.

I cannot disagree with the last sentence. He has his fair share of issues, but it doesn't take away from his ability or contributions.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Unique seeeeeds, determin-istic activityyyy....

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Well Devops isn't a role. It's an approach in which bridges development and operations and integrating it in the team. It isn't sticking a cloud engineer (cloud biased sysadmin) in the team. It's about collaboration and delegating and supporting.

Cloud engineer is unfortunately what many orgs think devops is.


Hi, all.

We've grown considerably since rebuilding the sub (see Active monthly users 150 -> 380. 3.5k -> 5.42k subs. It seems to be growing organically now, and the higher we go, the more people will stumble across it. There is always a need to get away from Google, and hopefully our community can help people with this.

If you'd like to join us to help moderate so we have folk in place as we need them, that would be awesome.

If you are interested. Please send a message about why you think you'd be good for the role, and also an example post/comment in this community previously.



submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Here I will pin a list of recommendations for software. Getting started can be daunting, and it'd be great to pull that information together here for newcomers so they can take practical steps to degoogle their lives.

Disclaimer: These are recommendations by regulars here and on privacy forums. Use at own risk. We cannot due diligence on these, so if people do have issue with items in the list, please create a post and raise your concerns.


Browser -

  • Firefox (Strongly recommend in light of WEI and Google's plan that could potentially restrict access to websites)
  • Librewolf
  • Brave (Not recommended, due to Google's WEI changes. Using chromium is a bad idea. I left this in case you really must)


  • Duck Duck Go
  • Brave


  • Proton mail
  • Tutanota

Cloud storage

  • Proton mail

Productivity Suite (Alternative to google docs)

  • Libre office (Maybe not cloud based)
  • Only office (for MS doc compatibility)

Degoogled Android phones

Phone OS -

  • GrapheneOS

  • LineageOS (wihh or without MicroG)

  • /e/OS

Android app store -

  • F-droid


  • Signal

  • Element (Matrix)

Maps -

  • Organic Maps

  • OsmAnd+



Task lists -

Calendar -


These items are ones either recommended multiple times or seem to have some form of consensus on them being good and privacy focussed. I will link discussion topics so people can see the logic and reasoning behind recommendation. If you are not happy with anything here, please discuss here:

If you would like another item in this, please create a post discussion and we can pull it in and link to it.

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