
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 56 minutes ago (1 children)

Democrats bad!

[–] 1 points 58 minutes ago

How well do you think that would play over? “DNC rigs its own process to force through [candidate name here]”.

Notice you didn't address that. And after all the left's pearl clutching about "the DNC rigged the election!!! To stop Bernie!!" now you want them to do just that. Hah.

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

The only thing that will finally change the course of AI investment is when the bubble finally burst which will cause the collapse of our economy because, by that point, so much money will have been invested in it.

We're not there yet. Remember, tech is not the whole of the economy. The recent tech layoffs have had Silicon Valley screaming, "The sky is falling!!" and the rest of the planet going "huh? You guys hear something? Must've been a fly"

[–] 0 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

There are no states with requirements that would prevent a new candidate from appearing on the general election ballot.

What as a fucking independent? As a "minor political party"? (deadline for those is Aug 7 btw)

The deadline has passed for anyone other than Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee, and the deadline is rapidly approaching for ANYONE to be on the ballot, of any party.

I suppose the DNC could just nullify all its own rules and send a different candidate to the Secretary of State within the next 3 weeks. How well do you think that would play over? "DNC rigs its own process to force through [candidate name here]".

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

a good start, but

a good start, but

"Should we vote for him to keep going? Nah, let's just undo every bit of progress because life is not perfect yet" - leftists

Fuck that cutting off your nose to spite your face bullshit.

Biden has made more progress on all of these issues than any other president in my adult lifetime. PROGRESS. Not "instantly made everything perfect" .

Biden has us moving in the right direction. More of that please.

[–] 0 points 9 hours ago (4 children)

I'll let some shit slide, but you just keep doubling down here

The properly-completed and signed forms must be filed no later than 4 p.m. on December 20, 2023 with the Ohio Secretary of State’s Elections Division.

Reporting you for misinformation.

[–] -1 points 13 hours ago (6 children)

Literally true. In Ohio for sure that I'm aware of

[–] 2 points 17 hours ago

Your lips to God's ears


Not like "I went to school with one" but have had an actual friendship?

I've had a couple of conversations recently where people have confidently said things about the Black community that are ridiculously incorrect. The kind of shit where you can tell they grew up in a very white community and learned about Black history as a college freshman.

Disclaimer: I am white, but I grew up in a Black neighborhood. I was one of 3 white kids in my elementary school lol, including my brother.


There's a whole genre of sci-fi that has a major premise as "humanity is the most powerful/dominating/victorious species in the cosmos...and that's not a compliment". I always understood that to be a facet of HFY, but per this sub's description HFY should be "uplifting".

Like, a story where aliens try to invade Earth and we kick their asses is definitely HFY. But what if we then enslave the survivors of the alien horde? What if we reverse engineer their tech, go to their homeworld, and nuke their planet? What if we tailor a virus to their genome and purge the galaxy of their entire species, and their little alien babies die screaming in their little alien cribs?

Is that HFY?


A lot of people worldbuild when they daydream and have the bones of a story kicking around in their brain, but have to pay the bills and raise the kids etc so they never flesh it out and write it down. What's your story's premise? Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history, mystery, western, whatever genre.


The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi paradox.

The Fermi paradox is the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life and the apparently high likelihood of its existence. As a 2015 article put it, "If life is so easy, someone from somewhere must have come calling by now."

Personally I think it's photosynthesis. Life itself developed and spread but photosynthesis started an inevitable chain of ever-greater and more-efficient life. I think a random chain of mutations that turns carbon-based proto-life into something that can harvest light energy is wildly unlikely, even after the wildly unlikely event of life beginning in the first place.

I have no data to back that up, just a guess.


(it's not a solar system because Sol is our star, specifically; we're the only Solar system)

TRAPPIST-1 is a cool red dwarf star[c] with seven known exoplanets.

Up to four of the planets – designated d, e, f and g – orbit at distances where temperatures are suitable for the existence of liquid water, and are thus potentially hospitable to life.

The red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 has an estimated lifespan of pretty much the entire lifespan of the universe. If any of those planets are habitable, and humanity goes there, we could live there until the end of the whole universe, no worrying about our sun going out in about 5 billion years. It could be our forever home.

The planets in the TRAPPIST system are extremely close to each other, so the night sky on any of them would be awe-inspiring, with multiple bodies bigger than our moon rising and setting every night.


I was a non functioning alcoholic and ran with some rough types in my late teens/early 20s and have both kicked ass and had my ass kicked. Mostly drunken barfights.

One time someone legitimately mistook me for someone else and started cussing at me, so I started cussing back and pushed him to the ground. He got up and did a really neat move actually where he faked a kick and then socked me right in the cheek, knocked me on my ass. I apologized, got up, we figured out the misunderstanding and he bought me a beer.


Misread the title of the other post which made me think of this question.

I, as a male, have had multiple women ask me how we ride bikes without smashing our balls.


Always looking for new food ideas.


Three years ago, I bought a pair of Red Wing Irish Setter boots with steel toes. Two years ago, I got a new job that requires me to go through metal detectors pretty often, and it's a pain. I've been waiting for these boots to wear out so I can justify getting new ones with a composite toe. I generally wear through boots in about a year.

These fucking boots WILL NOT DIE. They are still WATERPROOF. I haven't had to so much as replace the laces. They're incredible. I bought a size larger than needed and made up the difference with a couple of insoles and it's like walking on a cloud plus I seem a couple of inches taller. My feet don't even hurt after a 12 hour shift.


In my observation, a big part of social progress is each generation pointing out the hypocrisy of the previous. "All men are created equal" so how can you enslave black people? If men can vote, why can't women? How come straight people can marry but gay people can't? How is it fair to send an 18 year old to war but not let him vote?

A lot of these hypocrisies were so internalized that a lot of people of previous generations never even thought about them. It was like a mental blind spot. It took young people with fresh thinking to point them out and fight to fix them.

So, speaking as a Millenial, I'm asking what my generation's blind spots are. What injustices are we perpetuating without even thinking much about it?

For reference, Millenials are currently in their late 20s to early 40s. Not running the world, but also not fresh eyed college grads.

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