Assumptions... Assumptions.
Well, every kernel update is overstated maybe, but I had my fixed workflow of dropping to text mode and reinstalling the latest drivers from vendor, which is annoying as hell.
Dropped the card after meddling about for almost a year. Been using Linux since slackware was still hip & happening.
I'll interpret this as "it worked for you". It did not work for me.
My experience with Nvidia (granted, 3 years old experience):
Going with the closed source driver means stuff breaking each kernel update. Going with the opensource driver (while it may work for you): not everything is supported.
So its not just "people being annoyed with Nvidia" i'd say.
They havent been since 10 years ago. Nvidia excempted.
A better use case for linux desktop could not have been invented.
I've been using hetzner for more than 10 years now. Fun facts:
- They have an API to create infrastructure
- They have a terraform provider which can provide infra on hetzner.
- This storage addition is a very logical one, after loadbalancers, floating IP's and so on. Very curious to know what will be next!
They have a long term vision and are very cost effective, while having good support.
I agree, although some messages are still cryptic for a newbie like me, but thats maybe more the person on the chair than the compiler 😇.
I'd estimate copilot to be correct in only 10% of the time, solving a situation like that. Most of the time the solution suggested is also wrong, but just differently.
Having said that: sometimes (small chance, 1% maybe) the solution is spot on.
AI mainly helps with the initial syntax and on language constructs and for that it is awesome.
I partly disagree, complex algorithms are indeed a no, but for learning a new language it is awesome.
Currently learning Rust and although it cannot solve everything, it does guide you with suggestions and usable code fragments.
Highly recommended.
Imagine being so young and having so much hate in you.
I pity that woman.
I cant even watch it.
The pouting of the quivering lips on Trump is unbearable.
You have adapted your way of working around the fact that it can break:
I call that way of not updating "annoying" and insecure IMO.
Other vendors don't have this issue.
My conclusion: steer clear of Nvidia.