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[–] 1 points 40 minutes ago* (last edited 37 minutes ago)

You said it yourself, the issue was appernt in 2016 but all 2020 to to 2024 no one did a god damn thing about it. I'm telling you, if you even tried to reason anyone away from biden, conversations were shut down. We cant just show up in the latter half of an election year and make demands. Change has to happen first. We took the W in 2020 when we should have said, "hey that was too fucking close let's fix this shit now."

If we survive 2024, it will only be by the skin of our teeth and the DNC will attempt the same shit. Uphold the status quo and ignore an ever more frustrated electorate. We need to secure democracy and then reform the party, and they will go out kicking and screaming.

The only reasonable explanation for all of this is the DNC and GOP are operating under the assumption of mutually assured destruction. Bidens going down with the ship.

[–] 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 34 minutes ago)

Luckily for us rush is dead. Sure there are others to take his place but he was the original he created the entire space and the rest are imitators.

I was just saying because that's their fucking thing, not because I give a shit about her.

[–] 9 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

I get so frustrated, and I'm sure others too, that I've been saying this for the entirety of the Biden presidency. Now that it's 10 minutes to midnight everyone decides to talk about it. My voice has been ignored, I've been shutdown and basically forced out of any discussion when I brought this shit up.

The problem isn't that the media changed. The problem isn't that the DNC changed. The problem isn't progressives changed. The problem is the voting public decided just now to actually show up. Democracy is dying not because the Republicans are political juggernauts it's because Americans can't get it up unless it's fucking a giant production.

So you mother fuckers better do everything you fucking can to keep Trump out because I cant fucking even with you guys anymore.

[–] 13 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Believe it or not even conservatives need their opinions validated. It's the reason anytime I talk to my father I'm given a straight up manufactured republican talking points.

Here's a little secret, they aren't that smart. They are the reason the Nigerian price scam exists to this day.

[–] 32 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

If the mainstream media had no effect the right wouldn't have spent 40 years dismantling it.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

We were literally social distancing, I'm telling you to social lick each other's faces.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Ok, cash out. Everyone empty the grocery stores with what ever cash you can then hold up in your houses making sure to share resources. Cut the power if your not at risk. Stop consuming. We are gears that keep the economy strong. They can break one of us but if we all stop turning they're the ones who break down.

This is the bar. After that comes the national guard. They will attempt to burn down something as an example but they can't burn us all (we hope).

Sound impossible? Well it's not. It only sounds impossible.

When they go to restock the grocery stores raid the trucks. When you get hungry raid the warehouses.

Take your phone and throw it in the street.

You are perfectly capable of living with only your local community to support you.

Host movie nights using a generator. Put on plays. Take to the streets and use your only voice.

It's only a dream. Soon you will wake to the bliss of nothingness or surrounded by your friends stronger then ever before.

The boogeymen we let haunt our nightmares can all be extinguished. The insufferable tedium of daily life can be the tedium of daily self exploration. We can rewrite the rules so that the fucking pothole that takes out 10 cars a day for the last 30 years can be filled in.

If we only could.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I'll vote biden all day every day. I'll vote biden today tomorrow and the next. Look around you. Pay attention. Any one who can see what I see would do the same.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Oh, I don't discourage people from voting biden. Go ahead and vote. I honestly believe there is nothing left to say about the election or there wasn't the moment we knew Trump was the nominee.

Everyone go vote. Please. You'd be stupid not to.

[–] -1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (6 children)

I asssume both of us realize 'vote blue no matter who' won't be enough. The DNC doesn't exist as a bulwark against fascism. It's only function is to operate as a hand of corporate interest. Currently the DNC is used as a way to corner us to the edge of a cliff so they can clip off the weak ones then drive the rest off the ledge.

If there was a way out, right now, it would be straight through. Except corpo rightly expect that you will cling to your way of life until the very end. Maybe if, when we were younger, they told us, "Some day you will have to make a choice. Chose to cling to your material possessions or to cling to each other. One will directly effect the other. Prepare yourself everyday until that point."

Even then, we know now 30% for sure aren't giving up their "stuff" no matter what. The rest. We will see I suppose.

[–] 49 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

Working in the chemical industry, this statement is horrifying.

Take a look for yourself:

A fucking judge who sits on his ass all day, "interpreting" the constitution like he's some fucking oracle, wouldn't even begin to understand.

Meme time! (
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