
joined 1 year ago
[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I’ve never been to a naming convention but I have been to some comic conventions!

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

*Atari Jaguar :P

I think he might have been the only good thing to come out of the Jag lol

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Except that one time. We don’t talk about that one time 😰

(For real though I’m glad they put so much thought into the UX with accents, this is an awesome addition to the DE)


Per /u/Harcroft from /r/OriginalXbox:

I’m still plugging away at collecting and distributing original Xbox DLC. Currently we are missing around 300 Title updates and DLC packs.

We’ve made a huge amount of progress this year including:

-building a list of what we know is missing, it can be found over on (thanks to /u/Derf_Jagged to starting and hosting the page!)

-Milenko has coded Pinecone, a tool to scan through an Xbox file dump to look for lost content and updates

-I’ve built the database file for Pinecone with all known and archived DLC, this information can be access by anyone and be used for any other appliation or tool anyone wants to build

-16 new installers released in 2023 so far, with 2 more pending, waiting on testers

-The first Auto-Update for Halo 2 was found, rewriting known history for Halo 2 online

-The last missing update for Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 & 2 was found!

-A partial set of Mechassault PAL/Region 4 DLC was found which allowed us to generate a full set of PAL DLC for that title (thanks /u/HoneySoakedSeagull!)

-A partial dump of Advent Rising DLC was found, allowing us to generate a replacement set of the missing 4 DLCs (thanks /u/CasuallyNoted!)

-Ignoring roster updates and duplicate DLCs we got the unique missing DLC list down to just 1 title! Shikigami no Shiro II

-We figured out a way to force the Xbox to load a title update from a different version of a game, paving the way to “spoofed” title updates to maximize compatibility between players on System Link and Xbox Live replacement services (thanks navipar!)

The year isn’t even half up yet and we’ve done so much, I can’t wait to see how much we get done as a community before the end of the year.

Please go out and find Xboxes that had connected to Xbox Live before the hard drives die! For PAL regions we’re badly in need of German and French console dumps. We’re also badly in need of console dumps from Japan and South East Asia.

Thanks for reading!


A series I’ve started where I delve into the history of Square Enix’s PlayOnline service. Next episode I’m gonna be doing some datamining!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Fun fact- HIV PREP absolutely is free under the ACA, but nearly all insurance companies in the US actively defy regulation by making up ways not to cover it (which still aren’t in line with the law). Excuses like:

-We need you to use a specific medication -We’ll only cover it if you go to a specific pharmacy -It’s not on our formulary -We can only cover 60% -Oh but there are patient assistance programs! Why don’t you use those instead? We’ll help you get set up with one!

All of these are serious ACA violations and need to be treated as such. If your insurance does this, get in touch with your state’s department of insurance and file a complaint. I did this and had PREP for free within days after nearly a year of fighting.