
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 5 hours ago

As mistaken as I believe they are, I can see why some women support him.

Lots of single issue voters see him as the abortion ban guy. Also tons of people that don’t see “him and his ideas” per se, but are so immersed in conservative propaganda that they simply think “Trump presidency = my kids will be able buy a house and live a normal life”

Then there’s the backfire effect, where people tend to double down on their beliefs instead of correcting them when presented with contradictory data. Obviously makes it really hard to pull someone out of the cult, needs a pretty extraordinary set of circumstances in many cases.

Even then, usually it won’t stick. There’s a very well done essay, “The only moral abortion is my abortion” by Joyce Arthur, I highly recommend giving it a read. Women who faithfully protest at abortion clinics and harass other women will one day come in for their own abortion, and then be back to protesting the following day

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

It’s a reference to how relentless phone scammers can be. The joke being that they would go to extreme lengths to reach you. Other similar memes might feature a message in a bottle reaching you while you are stranded on a deserted island, or a brick with the same message thrown through your window at night

[–] 16 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ah, I’m sorry I know this isn’t the point, but the depicted movement doesn’t hit biceps or shoulders at all. That’s like a lat pulldown and a tricep extension. Maybe a little hamstring activation too depending on what happens with the head after

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sadly the big corporations don’t care at all and actually make money when people do these schemes.

They give money to artists based on proportions of overall listens. They take the same cut from the subscriptions either way. So a huge wave of fake listens basically just diverts money that otherwise would have gone directly to artists

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Absolutely jaw dropping work. Words can’t describe the journey I just had panning around. Something about (what I interpreted as being) the kid dejectedly looking up at the parent while holding the refresh symbol just hits so hard.

[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Macs are like uncannily good at real-time audio processing, also audio and MIDI routing in general has less friction. Less tinkering in general when connecting external synths

Like with anything you can find tons of people online who have no issues with their windows based production setup, YMMV. But macs are ubiquitous in the music space, from my experience I think it’s deserved

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Here is a link based more on nutrition

The short version is that saturated fats generally have a negative effect on cholesterol, and the recommendation is to limit your intake. They’re popular because they’re found in many animal products, and have useful properties (such as often being solid at room temperature, like butter)

Then unsaturated fats are pretty much the opposite, whether poly or mono unsaturated. They have a generally positive effect on health. Use these when possible.

Most sources of fats are a blend of the different types, so don’t worry excessive about it.

Oh and then trans fats are the worst for you by far and are banned from sale in many places, although you can actually create them in your own kitchen I believe via some methods of deep frying

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

What are you supposed to do if you are the toxic people?

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Is that CRT-berus in the back?

[–] 14 points 1 month ago

That’s where I’m at as well. Could go so many different ways; how do I know someone is intelligent? Do their conversations feel particularly deep to me? Do they invest their money well? Good at memorizing baseball facts?

At a certain point yeah, obviously if they just have wind blowing around inside their head it’s unlikely that I would find them desirable as a partner. So in a way it is very important to me. But the vast majority of people are capable of nurturing loving and rewarding relationships rooted in who they are as a whole, whether or not they are remarkably intelligent. So in another way it’s not important at all

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I’m genuinely amazed that the hill you chose to die on is whether or not the weight loss studies, that specifically targeted obese patients, which measured their results in weight loss, with the stated goal of reversing diabetes via addressing obesity, are in fact about addressing obesity.

Studies, btw, not study. Lots of interesting stuff in this article if you actually bother to read it. Some of them even have obesity in the title, if that’s really the only important thing to you.

Anyway, your continued refusal to answer the question you are directly being asked is noted, as is your repetition of the false assertions I have already addressed. I wholeheartedly support your initiative to leave this conversation. Cheers

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