
joined 1 year ago
[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Like it’s trying to convince people Linux is inherently vulnerable.

I'm typing this reply from a machine running KDE Plasma on top of Linux Mint 22.

I'm not sure what precisely what you mean by "inherently" but I'd like to point that "Linux" has security problems all over the place; the kernel has issues, the DEs have issues, the applications have issues. It's more secure than Windows but that's not a very high bar.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 1 points 1 day ago

You shouldn’t be doing anything interacting from a server anyways.

Ideally no but in the real world it happens, especially with with Windows Servers.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I don't want to install "word webview" on a server in order to look at a large log file or peruse some XML.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 2 points 3 days ago

Dammit! Why did I mistype that?

Obviously it should be RHPS. Sigh.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 1 points 3 days ago

I wouldn't say "created by", more like "failed to address". Of course THAT particular brush puts as much, or more, paint on Republicans than it does the Biden Administration. Those buffoons wouldn't even vote for the bill that they wrote because they didn't want to give Biden a win. It's another example of Republicans of putting the good of their party ahead of the good of the nation.

We used to have a word for people like that.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Because we’ve started mass importing them to make things more streamlined.

That's a reasonably accurate description of what's actually happening. The US opened up access to CBP One and there's now about 43,000 immigrants a month coming across the southern border legally. Then there's the CHNV Parole program that's averaging about 28,000 more people per month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Add those together and its something like 71,000 people per month who are using streamlined processes to legally come into the United States.

Those are official numbers from US Customs and Border Protection by the way. They're in the August 2024 monthly update which you can read at this link.

I'm not complaining about it either. My grandparents got here through Ellis Island and I've spent years arguing that US Immigration Policy needs to be much closer to what it was back in the '50s.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

The Biden Administration has been working closely with Mexico to grab these people and put them on "El Carrusel". .

With as many as 700,000 northern bound migrants already in Mexico and more arriving daily I don't think Mexico can afford to play along with this for much longer.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (6 children)

If you ever decide you want to see it please for the love of Tim Curry don't watch it on TV.

The only way to experience the RHPS is at a theater, movie or stage, with a floor show. Without the floor show you will not get what makes RHPS an adored Cult Classic. Seriously, the floor show is what makes (or breaks) the experience.

If you walk into the show and you're not surrounded by people in costumes spouting weird lines, or if you don't see them in the aisles within the first 90 seconds of the show starting then you may as well get up and leave.

Edit: Fixed my typo's as pointed out by @shiny_idea@aussie.zone

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 17 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The education system collapsed with the death of the USSR so even before the War in Ukraine started they didn't have enough Engineers and Technicians to make their country work. Their population has been declining for decades and COVID killed another Million. Then ~700,000 people, mostly men, fled the country when the War started. Then another ~500,000, again mostly men, fled the country when the first conscription was announced. Those 1.2 Million people, mostly men, were likely the ones with the education or trade skills that Russia could really use right now.

If that wasn't enough Russia has suffered over 600,000 casualties in Ukraine and is now seeking to replace losses with a 3rd round of conscription, so there goes another 130,000 people out of the labor pool.

Russia is now eating its demographic and economic seed corn trying to support a war that has no possibility of a positive outcome. The death spiral is locked in and I'm predicting a collapse of the Russian state no later than 2035.

[–] Buelldozer@lemmy.today 24 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

That Russian pilot was entirely dependent on the American pilot not experiencing "Air Rage" or having an untimely "weapons malfunction". There's a 100% chance that an AIM-9, which that F-16c did have on board, would have wrecked that Rooskies day.

Beyond that if the Russian had fucked it up and actually hit the F-16 all hell would have broken loose.


As originally conceived, the House was supposed to grow with every decennial census. George Washington spoke just once at the Constitutional Convention — and on its final day — to endorse an amendment lowering the ratio of constituents to members to 30,000.

Today, House members represent roughly 762,000 people each. That number is on track to reach 1 million by mid-century.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Buelldozer@lemmy.today to c/linuxmint@lemmy.ml

One of my computers is an HP Elitebook X360 1040 G8 (convertible) and I'm happy to report that in Laptop Mode both LM21 and LM22 work perfectly. There's full control of the normal hardware including the touch screen, good performance, and good battery life.

With a couple of exceptions Mint also handles the shift to tablet mode pretty damn well. The keyboard and trackpad are disabled, the keyboard backlight shuts off, and the screen easily changes orientation with rotation.

The exceptions though are so fundamental to touch screen use in general though that I feel like I must be missing something?!

First and foremost is an on screen keyboard. I know it can be enabled under accessibility settings but when I do that it splashes up a keyboard that permanently fills half the screen. If I close the keyboard window it goes away but I can't find a way to get it to come back except to unfold the machine and re-enable it again.

It may not be possible to make it launch predicatively, although Gnome itself does. but why isn't there an icon at the top or bottom of the screen that I can tap to bring it back on demand?

The second one is scrolling, especially in Firefox. I know that Grab and Drag is possible because you can do it with the regular Firefox scroll bar but the scroll bar can be difficult to get on because of it's size and even then the scrolling action is backwards of both iOS and Android. This should be fixable be enabling gestures but surprisingly gestures don't have any assignable scroll functionality.

I'm really confused by these two issues. They seem so fundamental to how a touchscreen is used, especially the on screen keyboard, that it seems impossible they weren't addressed year ago. It's far more probably that I'm missing something obvious, but what?


I've had at least one computer with regular Mint + Cinnamon installed since V19 and it's always worked well for me. I somehow only learned about LMDE last month and since I've previously run Debian I figured I'd give it a shot.

I took the drive with my LM22 installation out and installed a brand new 1TB NVME, put LMDE "Faye" on it and YIKES.

I'd forgotten how "raw" regular Debian is in nearly everything from Grub to package management and even Cinnamon is somehow less sharp and sort of lackluster on LMDE.

The first boot up went okay but trying to swap the nouveau drivers for the Nvidia drivers did not go well at all and somehow ended up with all the fonts and icons broken.

I couldn't figure out how to fix it and decided to simply re-install LMDE from scratch, no big deal.

On the 2nd install I started getting AER errors on boot and every time I rebooted I got more of them. At one point the DE locked up entirely and I had to manually power cycle the machine. I couldn't get to the desktop after because of an endless string of AER errors.

In between reboots, while I could still get into the desktop, I was installing updates and while that process was pretty much the same as regular Mint it was also slower, even after changing over to the fastest repositories available. The update manager also didn't work as well. For instance the first update run said it was complete and wanted a reboot but before I could do that the update manager automatically ran again and it showed me all the updates it had just installed as needing installed again. WTF?

After frustrations with the Nvidia drivers, the weirdness of updating, broken desktop environment, and the AER errors I decided to see what would happen if I installed regular LM22.

With LM22 on that exact same hardware, including the new NVME, everything works perfectly. No errors, Nvidia drivers installed without issue, updates worked as expected and Cinnamon looks and behaves just like you'd expect.

Swapped out the NVME for the original drive that had LM22 on it and it too works just like I'd expect.

I'm not running weird-o hardware either; it's a Gigabyte motherboard and an Intel i5 10700k with 32G of RAM and an Nvidia 2060. No overclocking or performance tweaks.

I have no idea what I did wrong, if anything, or why LMDE seems to hate my hardware but for me on that system LMDE is not at parity with regular Linux Mint.

Well Hello There! (lemmy.today)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Buelldozer@lemmy.today to c/announcements@lemmy.today

Yes I am actually an OG Star Wars nerd. I saw the release of "New Hope" in the theater on opening weekend with my Dad. We've actually seen every SW movie in the theater together. Yes all of them.

Anyway I'm a new Admin here at lemmy.today and @mrmanager@lemmy.today asked me to introduce myself so here goes.

As a GenX my 'online' experience started back in the mid-80s using my Commodore to dial into BBSs then it was BBSs on my custom built 286 (Computer Shopper FTW!) By the early-90s I was running rampant on CompuServ using my Tandy 386, in the mid '90s it was AOL on my IBM Aptiva, and by the late 90s it was ISP connections on my custom built Pentium II PCs.

Along the way I've participated in the rise, fall, and replacement of all the Operating Systems, Applications, Forums, and Aggregators that the last four decades have had to offer. (Dammit I'm old!)

Like many Lemmy users I ~~left~~ escaped Reddit last summer when they started seriously enshittifying the site in the IPO runup. I was actully on lemmy.world first but ended up here after they had too much downtime and too many defederations. I like it here, it's a fast and fairly open instance with very little drama.

Speaking of admin / mod styles mine is "Digital Janitor" and I really try to be as no/low drama as possible in that role. I'm here to to keep this instance functional, federated, and the content in line with whatever policies mrmanger or a community sets for itself. I clean up after spammers, remove objectionable or illegal content, and help with user management. That's pretty much it. I'm simply not interested in the power tripping rot that seems to infect so many Admins / Mods.

I ended up as Admin through an offer to help mrmanager when some other instances were threatening to defederate us due to spam and content problems. In the thread where it was being discussed I offered to lend a hand and the next thing I knew I had a red "A" next to my name! (I'm joking, they did actually ask me first and I took a couple of days to think about it before I agreed.)

I'm around quite a bit so if you run into something that needs attention feel free to reach out. 🙂


New York may become the first state to bar gun companies from selling pistols that can easily be converted into machine guns.


I read the sidebar and didn't see anything about asking questions so apologies in advance if this post breaks a rule.

I'm in the U.S. and wanting to knowif Proton Family is a good choice for my use case.

Two decades ago I got tired of changing email addresses whenever my ISP changed so I registered my surname as a .net vanity domain and started running my own email server at home. When Google started offering Google for Organizations for free if you had less than 10 users I folded up my personal email server and shifted everything over. We use it for e-mail and basic family calendaring.

Last month when going through bills my wife and I were once again frustrated by coordination required to sign into various accounts. "Hey what's the password for $CreditCard?" or "What's the MFA you just got for $BankAccount?" or "What's the password for Disney"?"

That got me started looking for a family password manager so we could easily share and keep this stuff up to date.

At the same time we realized that were paying for YouTube TV, YouTube Premium, two YouTube Music, and an Amazon Music subscription. Whoops.

Well, no problem. We'll just "family share" the YTTV and YTP subscriptions so everyone has everything and we save some money.

Nope. G-Suite doesn't allow family sharing. So we're all going to have to create seperate @gmail.com addresses to make this work. Oh, and I'll have to shift the YTTV subscription from my vanity domain to a regular @gmail as well. Which breaks the entire idea behind the vanity domain in the first place.

While I researching a Family Password Manager of course I found Proton Pass. While I was looking at the pricing for it I realized that they also have a "Family" setup for email which looks interesting.

So now I'm considering porting my vanity domain and all it's email out of G-Suite and over to Proton Family. At nearly $300 a year it's not exactly inexpensive, since I'd basically be paying it until I die, and it will be a fair bit of work to switch everything over so I don't want to do it unless it's going to work.

So would Proton Family be a good choice? Are there any significant technical challenges to migrating a custom domain and email out of G-Suite and into Proton?

Edit: This post was rambly and unclear. The TL;DR is that I’m increasingly annoyed with G-Suite and since I’m looking at Proton Pass anyway I'm wondering about Proton Suite (which includes Email, Calendar, and Pass).


The U.S. House of Representatives has one voting member for every 747,000 or so Americans. That’s by far the highest population-to-representative ratio among a peer group of industrialized democracies, and the highest it’s been in U.S. history.


Radically expanding the House of Representatives would help solve some of the biggest problems facing Congress and, by extension, the country.


UDMP is running UniFi OS 3.1.16 and I need a specific VPN configuration that StrongSwan supports but isn't possible to do in the GUI. Three years ago the files I need were located in /run/strongswan/ipsec.d/tunnels/ but they are no longer there. Does anyone know where they live now -or- how to edit a VPN config outside of the GUI?

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