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This study describes the identification of an antibiotic class acting via LpxH, involved in lipopolysaccharide synthesis having potent in vivo efficacy against bloodstream infections caused by the critical Gram-negative pathogens E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Further development of this class of antibiotics could make an important contribution to the ongoing struggle against antibiotic resistance. (open access)


Brief anger can temporarily impair blood vessel function, potentially heightening heart disease and stroke risks, finds new study in the Journal of the American Heart Association.


Scientists have created an infant ‘chimeric’ monkey by injecting a monkey embryo with stem cells from a genetically distinct donor embryo. The resulting animal is the first live-born chimeric primate to have a high proportion of cells originating from donor stem cells. However, the monkey had to be euthanized when it was only ten days old, due to health issues, thereby raising ethical concerns. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.10.005


Astronomers have been closely monitoring Bennu, which swings close to Earth every six years. However, the real cause for concern arises from the possibility that on September 24, 2182, Bennu could collide with our planet with a force equivalent to 22 atomic bombs. While the odds of such a catastrophic strike are estimated at 1 in 2,700, NASA is not taking any chances.

Schrodinger's Dog! (

Feline thief Gingee, a four-year-old Maine Coon, has been ransacking nearby homes in Buckley, Flintshire.

The most startling moment for owners Jay Phoenix, 43 and Mathew Westlake-Toms, 31, was when Gingee delivered a stolen knife to their bedroom at night.