
joined 7 months ago
[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I would suggest a small countdown to the end of the event on the place where the pixels count and coordinates belong (circled below), only displaying during the event.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

In addition, I'm quoting from what I wrote in the News & Updates section of my generator hub page:

But, in the end, I was able to put all of them together, a piece of history of my entire generator-making journey, into a part of a large collaborative canvas event! It was also really fun and I was able to interact with people from across the entire Fediverse, and it was also the very first time I experienced such things like that.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Good ranking!

Using some analysis tools, my template has 1356 pixels to draw. I spent parts of pixels on my drawing, and the rest on everything else. Thought I was only placing around ~1000 pixels during the event.

[–] 58 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

This will forever be recorded as one of the most exciting events to participate in for my whole life. I've never been this happy and excited before. It is fun and intriguing just to be able to explore and draw a bunch of pixels into a public canvas just like grabbing squares (pixels) and putting it into a giant block of land (the canvas) to draw art with.

Great job! 😃


After I finished working on my drawing, I spent some extra time on the event drawing small custom/abstract flags inspired from generated flags from my flag generator, placed on random locations of tiny available spaces on the canvas. Mainly just to help fill the canvas, but overall, that was a cool and fun idea.

I drew a total of 40 flags, but not all of them managed to survive until the end of the event. So, I double-checked and counted all the survived flags, and in total, there are 34 survived flags on the canvas. If you managed to find all of them, I'll reveal a huge list of locations in the comments!

These are some of the mini flags, for a bit of a hint.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Yay! Now it's only <2 hours and 30 minutes left to go

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I'll probably add a shading behind the text (especially on the "HUGE UPDATE" part) to make it more visually appealing and not to interfere more with the overlapping flag

[–] 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm also filling a bunch of small available blank spaces with mini abstract/custom flags

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

📍 Canvas location

I'm happy I could finish a 158-pixel-wide drawing mostly (if not all) by myself ever since the time when the canvas was expanded (took around 2 days to finish). At the time the canvas had much more space to build in that I instantly got an idea to build a template incorporating the two URLs of my most popular Perchance projects (Power Generator Manager and Power Flag Generator (a.k.a. Random Custom Flag)) and some references.

There was a bit of an adjustment when someone was drawing overlapping on my template, but it was fine, I then planned to move some parts around.

Now, while I look around the canvas, I wanted to draw more custom/abstract flags scattered around the entire canvas (in tiny available spaces of course) during the remaining time of the event, just to help fill more pixels around the flag layouts/models will be grabbed from my flag generator. Here's a group of the blank versions for a reference. What do you think?

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I also love how everything is getting more complete on its own. I always look around when I'm waiting for the pixel cooldown.

[–] 30 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (6 children)

On a side note, I would say this is the very first time I have ever experienced a live canvas event like this, I learned about the mechanism of placing pixels and everything. I'm pretty glad I was brought to Lemmy then headed out my job to it (creating an account etc.) and then brought to the canvas event, I got excited when first told me about the event. I've been interested to do this kind of stuff, and overall, that was pretty exciting after all! 😃


This would happen only in two ways, either the user ID is unique enough that when converted without being caught as a "bad" word in the process it turns into the ABCD visual tag, or after converted, the visual tag deemed to have bad words (or look exactly like a bad word), even after checking it more than one time, resulting in the tag falling back to the ABCD format.

I just deep dived into the comments plugin's user ID into visual ID converting algorithm behind the scenes, that's why I'm making a post related on this topic. Also, have you ever seen actual occurrences of tags like this happening on comments of generators? Share if you have one!


While updating an in-event generator for the ongoing Generator Manager Event, A Venture Poem Generator, I have tried to add the url-params-plugin to add a feature so users could disable glows on the poem for performance reasons. But when testing out the generator after saving, it doesn't work at all. Even when I test if that URL parameter exists at all, it still won't show the expected output. Whatever parameter I put into the URL, when I run [url.anyurlname], it outputs undefined instead.

I've done the same with my view counter experiment generator, and had the same issue. (Try visiting, the greeting text above the tabs thing should output Hello, Example!)

This is more likely a bug with the plugin that for some reason fails to cache those URL parameters into the generator. When I try setting the url value to [Object.fromEntries([ URL(window.location.href).searchParams.entries()])] in place of importing the plugin in that generator, that worked. And since I use two different browsers, both didn't work with the plugin imported.


cross-posted from:

Hello and welcome to the first Generator Manager Event ever hosted!

This is going to be a casual event that will be ongoing mostly during the times of my preparation for the huge update, created in favor to increase the "spirit" and uprising interest in those kind of stuff to a point where I could finally be energetic enough to release the update, unlike the past few weeks where I planned the update much earlier and ended up getting delayed a lot due to massive business stuff struck around in real life. The big update turned out to be even more massive than I think would be because that's when I was aware that I wasn't going to release the update as planned and I'm going to have to set up lots and lots of things and re-wirings prior to the actual release of the update.

As the name implies, it's about an adventure, so go make some adventure/space themed generators to be submitted into this event!

Starts: 30 June 2024, 12:00:00 UTC

Ends: 14 July 2024, 12:00:00 UTC

Generator Rules:

  • Make any adventure/space themed generators, as long as it's not explicit or adult content
  • It's recommended to add some color in your generator! Maybe simply make the background colored, add some decorations or whatever you like to further glow up the generator.
  • You can submit your generators to this community as well. Make sure to submit after the event started and before it ended.

To add some spark into the preparation event, I want to mention a bit of thought I have left for the changelog of the big update: We'll be back regularly releasing some improvement updates to the generator hub page a few times every single month, and that'll happen right after we release this very exciting update! These follow-up updates will often star some massive improvements and rollouts of features planned to be in the update that wasn't in the update afterwards, including the long-awaited dark mode and the re-aligned Home page, in the follow-up Generator Manager updates after that! So, don't miss the mark out if you're waiting for those really cool updates! (And the Event page will get a kind of an overhaul, too, for an even richer experience.)

Happy creating and stay together for the event! 🚀

See the Generator Manager Events here


So I just decided to move to Firefox for the updating and managing generators stuff personally (although I might still use Edge for testing stuff) to further minimize the connection-stalling problem from happening ever again, and so I've been wondering if it's possible to move the admin login data (basically a list of generators that I just logged into admin on) and the notifications data (a list of generators and keywords I've listened to comment notifications from) into a different browser, just like importing browser data, in some ways? I want to keep things synced between two browsers and thinking of this for a while now.

I do have tried a few things such as transferring the localStorage of the (the central domain of Perchance comments plugin), and even also tried to transfer some of the cookies, and both didn't work well.


Just made a decorative plugin that adds a cool rainy effect (or ANY kind of rain effect) into a generator. Released after the 20.0k views special announcement, and soon before the staggering Generator Manager update ultimately goes out...

There are all kinds of rains you can make from this plugin, such as:

  • Lava rain
  • Acid rain
  • Copper rain
  • Metal rain
  • Ocean rain
  • Golden rain

... and the list goes on. Just be creative with it.

Let it rain! 🌧️☔


This is yet another super weird bug I've discovered recently when creating a generator update. Tried on the generator first (while working on the update), but when I try on the Programmatic Get/Set/Submit Example, running the update() function into the testing panel seems to trigger this bug. I also got an error too, which writes as follows:

DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
    at ___updateTemplatedNodes (
    at update (
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (, <anonymous>:1:12)
    at Proxy.<anonymous> (
    at __evaluateSquareBlock (
    at __evaluateText (

And that "nullifies" the com object which of course renders the comments section's programmatic submission ability to stop working:

So, if you've tried to implement the programmatic interaction features inside of the minimal template (or any generator that has a practical "randomize" button that executes the update() function), chances are you've probably already stumbled upon this bug.


Yeah, the special announcement has finally been released, this time I decided to put it into the Announcements section of the Generator Manager instead of creating a whole new generator page unlike the previous two big announcements. Asides from the usual generator updates, the announcement will also be filled with some "internal" updates for adjustments with my current workflow to make my daily job on updating and managing generators even easier to manage and more flexible in the future (hopefully).

Go check out to see what's to be expected! And to not forget, there'll still be some new projects and stuff (such as new generators and plugins) as usual.


Just recently, I've tried to add an option that disables loading all comments upon reload of the page (with the disableCommentsLoad option) but hasn't been quite possible yet ever since. Been stuck on this entire frame loading problem in my "under-construction" advanced comments plugin demo and it's been really hard to resolve as of right now. I also added a ?disableCommentsLoad=true URL parameter into the generator page so that it disables reloading all comments directly after page load.

It would also be great if that feature would actually be implemented into the comments plugin itself. Could be very handy to avoid situations like the "connection stalling" problem (see this post and the comment), and just to overall reduce unnecessary background connections, especially if you're on a browser that doesn't have a "memory saver" feature (essentially to "sleep" tabs like that to stop all the connections in the background).

But yeah, this time I wanted to make a post instead of troubleshooting the problem myself to see what solutions from other people could be (and especially for the known issues on the project). 🙂

Here's a demonstration from the thumbnail (with the disableCommentsLoad option enabled).


When I open my view counter experiment page to check around, I noticed a pretty surprising hit on one of the biggest official generators on all of Perchance. The ai-text-to-image-generator generator has passed 10 million views! Yup, millions, not thousands. That's far off from other official generators which have gotten around one to four million views.

And that's just a few moments ago, now it has already gotten over 50.0k additional views as of this post was created.

Screenshot in the thumbnail from The View Counter Experiment

What is this URL request? (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I've been seeing more of this bizarre type of request whenever I look at the DevTools Network, with a strange request URL from But whenever it stalls or not, it sometimes still lets me save the generator properly, and in some cases, it halts the saving and loading process almost indefinitely. But any good explanation is appreciated!

That is the details of the "pending" rum request:

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