
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Does it also cover reloading with different ads? (such that it would count impressions for different advertisers)

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'll do my best to take this to heart, thanks

LibreOffice was very useful whenever i was asked to use MS Office, it's the shit

Tbh i already feel like an asshole because I'm having a hard time getting through to her, and she's now feeling so much guilt over this, wish it didn't have to be so hard.

Thank you very much, i don't mind doing most of the housework, thing is we don't live together (yet, hopefully we will soon), so there's a lot of guilt and other feeling on her side, i hope i can hold it just a bit more, until it gets better.

I had that idea, i think now that i have a bit of time on my hands I'll compile a list of stretches and compile detailed videos or links if i find any, and maybe will see to it that she does them correctly.

He's a wonderful person :)

The latter, and the underutilization of the fact that the standard library exists, and consequently the existence of so many micro dependencies.

Yeah anxiety and similar issues are present for both of us, I'm saving this comment as well, many thanks, friend.

I only told the parts I've been having trouble with, of course it will sound like this, this exactly is the reason why relationship advice online has a bad rep for going all "dump them".

On another comment i said she was my closest friend before being in a relationship with me, i want to keep her, that's the point of the post.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

i kinda don't really trust acupuncture, we had something similar suggested by her doctor, wanted to strong arm that man for suggesting it.

We'll hopefully get a better support network soon, but it'll take a while to show improvements

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

She already does that, usually when she's at her place, i worry she does some incorrectly as she has been reporting pain in her bones shortly after stretching


Been in a relationship for a year, since early in the relationship my partner has been suffering with chronic back pain. This pain is almost always present, this causes breakdowns multiple times a week, especially on weekends.

I've been having a hard time helping her manage her pain and being there for her, it reoccures so much that I'm starting to feel myself becoming apathetic towards her, and sometimes outright cold.

I haven't really been getting a chance to rest from being emotionally available, or even socially available (even though life circumstance already caused me to basically halt all social life). And i haven't really had a weekend this past months that i could use to rest instead of being on call and hearing her cry most of the day.

I feel like I'm pouring from an empty cup and that I don't have any other choice, otherwise I'd be leaving her to deal with it herself.

It feels like it's going to be the end of our relationship, any advice?

p.s. we're a man-woman relationship, young adults, both of us not really experienced in relationships, if that's any help.


Been 2 months since the update but I don't see any news about code editor support for the new syntax.

This kind of makes sense, i don't expect code editor support to pop up so fast, but i was at least hoping to hear some news about it.

The PEP in question: PEP 695

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