
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Free and open information, like Wikipedia, used to be an ideal. I have used Reddit since 2008 or earlier because it got on search engines and shared information consistently on precise topics. Twitter used to also be this way, but now mostly only puts paid subscribers on search engines.

If you are to organize information around topics, such as a Commodore 64 community, and the protocol openly allows copies to be made via federation, I encourage people to have the attitude that information be treated like Wikipedia content. It sucks now that so much information from 10 years ago has been just entirely lost now that so many deliberately purged their Reddit comments, etc. Tragedy of the commons. And it drags down the entire planet that people squirrel away discussions on topics that are generally public. It's like now everyone wants to monetize even their discussions on Commodore 64 or automotive repair / have behind absolute control or paywalls /etc.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

You obviously are so well versed on /c/Politics that you don't even know what Cambridge Analytica did to the population? Steve Bannon?

When presented with a citations, mocking is a typical symptom of the problem. Low-effort one-line junk responses to a total article.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (3 children)

It's odd how many people think Fox News language behavior isn't a concern.

People so strung out on memes they chase any free sample feed, inclusive of Lemmy.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (7 children)

I don't agree, other than the dogwhstle use of the phrase problem that is ongoing. But back to my point: there are reasons Cambridge Analytica and Surkov style meme warfare from the IRA go for this topic, because there WAS a transcendence in The Bible, there factually was The Enlightenment

People think we are living in Holocaust Denial... no, what Fox News, Alex Jones, and Trump present is described by Neil Postman... Enlightenment Denial is what killed good in the USA. -James Joyce unraveled all these media mind games back when Edward Bernays was doing his thing!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Just because it’s written in Rust doesn’t make your app safe, or performant.

Lemmy 0.18.4 listing posts, frequently via ORM Diesel:

            SELECT "post"."id", "post"."name", "post"."url", "post"."body", "post"."creator_id", "post"."community_id", "post"."removed",
              "post"."locked", "post"."published", "post"."updated", "post"."deleted", "post"."nsfw", "post"."embed_title", "post"."embed_description",
              "post"."thumbnail_url", "post"."ap_id", "post"."local", "post"."embed_video_url", "post"."language_id", "post"."featured_community",
              "person"."id", "person"."name", "person"."display_name", "person"."avatar", "person"."banned", "person"."published", "person"."updated",
              "person"."actor_id", "person"."bio", "person"."local", "person"."private_key", "person"."public_key", "person"."last_refreshed_at",
              "person"."banner", "person"."deleted", "person"."inbox_url", "person"."shared_inbox_url", "person"."matrix_user_id",
              "person"."bot_account", "person"."ban_expires", "person"."instance_id",
              "community"."id", "community"."name", "community"."title", "community"."description", "community"."removed", "community"."published",
              "community"."updated", "community"."deleted", "community"."nsfw", "community"."actor_id", "community"."local", "community"."private_key",
              "community"."public_key", "community"."last_refreshed_at", "community"."icon", "community"."banner", "community"."followers_url",
              "community"."inbox_url", "community"."shared_inbox_url", "community"."hidden", "community"."posting_restricted_to_mods",
              "community"."instance_id", "community"."moderators_url", "community"."featured_url",
              ("community_person_ban"."id" IS NOT NULL),
              "post_aggregates"."id", "post_aggregates"."post_id", "post_aggregates"."comments", "post_aggregates"."score", "post_aggregates"."upvotes",
              "post_aggregates"."downvotes", "post_aggregates"."published", "post_aggregates"."newest_comment_time_necro",
              "post_aggregates"."newest_comment_time", "post_aggregates"."featured_community", "post_aggregates"."featured_local",
              "post_aggregates"."hot_rank", "post_aggregates"."hot_rank_active", "post_aggregates"."community_id", "post_aggregates"."creator_id",
              "post_aggregates"."controversy_rank", "community_follower"."pending",
              ("post_saved"."id" IS NOT NULL),
              ("post_read"."id" IS NOT NULL),
              ("person_block"."id" IS NOT NULL),
              coalesce(("post_aggregates"."comments" - "person_post_aggregates"."read_comments"),
              FROM ((((((((((((
                   INNER JOIN "person" ON ("post_aggregates"."creator_id" = "person"."id"))
                INNER JOIN "community" ON ("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community"."id"))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_person_ban" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_person_ban"."community_id") AND ("community_person_ban"."person_id" = "post_aggregates"."creator_id"))
                INNER JOIN "post" ON ("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post"."id")
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_follower" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_follower"."community_id") AND ("community_follower"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_moderator" ON (("post"."community_id" = "community_moderator"."community_id") AND ("community_moderator"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_saved" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_saved"."post_id") AND ("post_saved"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_read" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_read"."post_id") AND ("post_read"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "person_block" ON (("post_aggregates"."creator_id" = "person_block"."target_id") AND ("person_block"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_like" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_like"."post_id") AND ("post_like"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "person_post_aggregates" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "person_post_aggregates"."post_id") AND ("person_post_aggregates"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_block" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_block"."community_id") AND ("community_block"."person_id" = $1))
                LEFT OUTER JOIN "local_user_language" ON (("post"."language_id" = "local_user_language"."language_id") AND ("local_user_language"."local_user_id" = $2))
                    ("community"."removed" = $3) AND ("post"."removed" = $4))
                    AND ("community_follower"."pending" IS NOT NULL)
                    AND ("post"."nsfw" = $5)
                    AND ("community"."nsfw" = $6)
                    AND ("local_user_language"."language_id" IS NOT NULL)
                    AND ("community_block"."person_id" IS NULL)
                    AND ("person_block"."person_id" IS NULL)
                ORDER BY "post_aggregates"."featured_local" DESC , "post_aggregates"."hot_rank_active" DESC , "post_aggregates"."published" DESC
                LIMIT $7
                OFFSET $8

That is with hand-optimized person_id = $1, which the Rust code does not do.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

What a non-story.

Lemmy project set wild unrealistic expectations on GItHub project: 1) "high performance', maybe the Rust code but PostgreSQL logic is the ORM madness. 2) "full erase" while sending all your public comments and posts to ActivePub without agreement on concept of delete.


Returning "operation timed out" right away. Thought you would want to know. Take care.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Front-end developers

There was a posting I saved about some people saying they were going to code on front-end:

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That's probably a big part. Web browsers can do ad blocking. Within the official Reddit app that's way more difficult.