
joined 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I should probably explore more synthwave. This stuff is pretty dope.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Meant to comment on this when I first saw it.

It sucks, but after my Kbin instance was swapping over to Mbin (quick shoutout to tuckerm at, dude's fucking awesome), I decided to give Lotide a shot, and unfortunately, the instance I signed up for didn't seem to federate at all for the communities I subscribed to.

If people want a federated Reddit alternative that isn't Lemmy or Mbin, I'm on PieFed rn and it's honestly been great so far. I like that the source code is on Codeberg, which is what made me swap to Kbin from Lemmy to begin with.

There's also Brutalinks, which has their source code on SourceHut like Lotide does, but I've yet to find a live instance of it:

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Lol, I formatted the title correctly, but seems character limits differ between instances.

But yes, the full name of the song includes the portion in brackets.

Genre is Hypercore, Year released is 2022

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Feel free to disagree, but it's a bit of a moral thing for me as to whether I'd be comfortable utilizing tools developed by a group with issues like this.

As said in another comment, I'm already on a separate server, that being tchncs. I just personally wouldn't like to see my usage of the protocol possibly being seen as me being content or indifferent to these heavy moderation issues in their official rooms.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

As the other comment said, it's less used than Matrix, but it's moreso I've heard that XMPP, unlike Matrix, doesn't really have their own official chatrooms directly managed by XMPP Standards Foundation.

Whether that's true or not, I'm not quite sure, I still need to do some exploring with XMPP and see for myself, but that being the case alone would prevent a situation like with Matrix where this kind of content is being posted under their direct supervision.

Again, I'm reiterating just to make sure I'm being clear, but it's not an issue for me if there's going to be CSAM on the protocol or even on an official server for it, but I'd be uncomfortable using a protocol if that kind of content was being posted and not properly dealt with in official chatrooms.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I'm currently on tchncs. As said in my last paragraph, that while I understand this doesn't reflect on all servers, rooms, and spaces, it still makes me wonder if I should be using a protocol where the official space for it ran by the foundation building the protocol has such ineffective moderation to the extent that CSAM can exist in their biggest official room for multiple hours.

To give a comparison, let's take Tor. Tor is used for people to stay anonymous online. Now this of course is a bit of a double-edged sword since on the one hand, you have the intended purpose where people utilize it to circumvent censorship or just as a method to increase their privacy in their daily browsing habits. The other side is people who use it to access and distribute illegal services or content such as buying and selling drugs, or distributing and viewing CSAM.

Now do I feel uncomfortable utilizing Tor because I see them as not doing enough to prevent the bad people from being on their network? Of course not, there's a lot of great people who use the network from hobbyist projects to simply enhancing people's privacy. However, if the Tor project had an onion site directly administered by them that constantly had moderation issues with CSAM or illegal services, then I would be more likely to utilize something like I2P because I wouldn't be comfortable utilizing a service where the developing organization didn't properly moderate that stuff on their own onion site.

That's the case with Matrix. I'm not even quite expecting them to be on top of everything sent to their server immediately, but this was the biggest room in their official space, and it becomes a question of whether I'd be comfortable using a protocol where the foundation behind it's development doesn't take adequate action dealing with CSAM in their own rooms.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

While there are 60K users in the room, only an incredibly small fraction are active there. It works like a Discord server where despite a server having multiple thousands of people in the server, only a small fraction of them will actively post in said server.

These 60K users could be anything from dead accounts to lurkers outside of small percentage that post to the room. However, as an official room under direct supervision of the Matrix Foundation, this still gives a ridiculously bad first glance of the protocol to people.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Ah, my bad, misunderstood Matrix as being part of the fediverse due to the decentralized nature of it and because I saw a cross-post regarding Matrix made to this community.

I'll delete the post here and keep the original one up.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Look dude, Imma be blunt, but this take has got to be one of the dumbest takes I think I've ever seen regarding politics.

You really think there wouldn't be any consequences at all for just culling 100 million people off the face of the Earth? That's more than every single death in World War II.

Russia and the world is lucky to not have you as the leader of China because frankly your username matches the quality of the take.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

In a really weird way this might actually be helpful to the campaign. When RFK dropped out of the race, both Kamala and Trump saw a boost in the polls, meaning there are people that supported RFK that were more Democratic leaning than Republican leaning, though it should be noted Trump went up only a few points more than Kamala did.

JD Vance has been the most unpopular VP pick in modern American history. While RFK is of course weird, I personally wouldn't be surprised if he's seen in a more favourable light than Vance is. The swap could potentially win some of RFK's supporters who moved their support to Kamala over to Trump and the Republicans, and could give the opportunity for "unity" messaging considering Trump would be bringing in a former opponent as well as the Democratic association with the Kennedy name.

Will say though, not sure how effective this would be compared to the Trump campaign simply swapping Vance with someone else that was on the original running for VP pick. Still shocked knowing that Burgum was going to be picked before Trump was swayed to choose Vance, and that Tim Scott wasn't his go-to considering Scott's potential for Republicans playing identity politics and his talent in campaign fundraising.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I like it! I've always had a weak spot for vocals like this regardless of genre.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

PieFed seems to be telling me that my edit isn't transferring over for some reason. Might be a difference in post character limits? Not sure.

Anyway, here's my post edit as it appears on PieFed:

"Edit: Read all the answers here. Thanks everyone for the insight and help. I'll be sure to communicate my concerns with her and ask her directly what she wants from me regarding this, and ask upfront if she knows about xyz and listening to what she knows of it before telling of her of things to let her form her own thoughts and opinions."

"Again, I really appreciate this. She's been far and away my best partner to date, and I want to make sure I'm doing things right since she's nothing short of a blessing in my life."


Hey all!

So I'm a cis guy who's only queer in the sense that I'm demisexual heteroromantic. Recently to my surprise, I've gotten into a relationship, and more surprising is the fact that the woman I'm dating is trans. Without coming off the wrong way, I never thought I'd find myself in a relationship with someone who's trans, and thankfully so far it seems as if there isn't a whole lot about dating her that's too different from my previous relationships, putting aside of course that she's easily been the best partner I've had to date.

The thing is, she's still working on her transition. While I think she does an incredible job presenting herself for who she truly is to the world, she's not quite fully at the point where she wants to be just yet with. Namely, she wants to do some work with her voice, and get top surgery.

Now what I want to do of course is be the most supportive partner I can be and help her with getting to where she wants to be. She mentioned that she has a lot of trouble with voice training, and in looking things up online, I came across voice feminization surgery. I brought it up to her, and she seems to have really appreciated me telling her about it.

In terms of top surgery, I've been looking into it, and was looking into the different types of implants available. I read that silicone implants apparently feel the most natural and comparable to regular developed breasts, and while I want to give her all the options available, I also think that silicone would likely be the best option of the different types for that reason, especially since she's questioned her validity as a woman before and I want her to feel like and be her true self.

However, I've been reflecting a bit. While I'm happy to explore these things and learn more about them to try and help her find what's best for her, I also don't want her to get the wrong idea of things. While it hasn't been the case to date that she's taken things this way, even specifically telling me she appreciates what I'm doing, I also worry about either getting potentially too involved in her personal life, giving the wrong idea that I'm making suggestions based on my own interests rather than hers, or that I might lead her make a decision where the end result doesn't match the person she is and wants to fully be.

What can I do as a partner for her who's cis to best assist her with her journey in transitioning? Where should my place be in supporting her through her journey? How can I prevent myself from making a good-intentioned suggestion that might not end up being the most affirming thing for her? How can I ensure that I'm giving her all the information she needs accurately, without unknowingly pushing options that might not work best for her?

Thanks in advance, I'll be sure to start responding once I wake up and will take any criticism and critique as needed.

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