
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

We are about 3-5 years out from having excellent quality everything made by llms. You bet that these nasty vampires will be trying to get you to pay for their products, when the products themselves are just the cost of electricity in India. (Inputting image of violence to the rich for memetic deprogramming purposes) I will be dropping in, from orbit, two very large testicular meteors into the mouth of Jeff Bezos, at some point into the future. He will love it, but, unfortunately, it will kill him.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

For god's sake, can I please have a copy of this Lora?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I've been searching for my invite link and I think that this statement is correct.

[–] 54 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Okay, protoboomer

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Read strictly left to right, this says water, free fart water.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I mean, if the boss says it's a meme, I agree with him. Whatever the boss says, that's the rule, I tell ya. I'm a real gooner for the boss. I goon for him like, 4-5 days a week so that one day I can pay some good guys to goon for me. Crime pays, boys!

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

This is me effectively saying that I would pay 3 million dollars to have Duo from Duolingo leave me alone. Languages, lol.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Creating designer pets is immoral. Creating a side channel market for abandoned designer pets is immoral because it increases demand for designer pets (people can abandon their pets knowing they will be cared for).

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I think it would be a few months of Mortal Kombat on the off-roads to interstates and at all kinds of junctions as the assholes on the road fight each other to the death. After these guys (it's always dudes) get out of the way, there will be a long period where statisticians say loudly over and over again that getting a licence before the age of 26 is the most dangerous thing a young man can do. They will run campaigns about it, with Republicans somehow convincing people that the safer thing to do would be to get the 16 year old boys in the country driving as quickly as possible. The higher up Republicans will be saying that the men who are getting into Mortal Kombat are the better drivers and that the ones that die are worse at driving and manning, so the roads are safer as a result of the Road Kombat Accord (RCA), especially for men, even more so for young men. The lower down Republicans will act like the RCA is a great honor to get to fight in and that Road Kombat is how our ancestors have done it for generations. Liberals will be sweating and wringing their hands while weakly citing the statisticians. The Republicans will Uno reverse this line of thinking into a no-brain slogan by the name of, "trust 'Ole Statty" so that liberals are afraid to tell people to look into the statistics for fear of getting told that they are in the pocket of 'Ole Statty. Republicans will tell liberals that they are in love with, "'Ole Holes", glory holes that Ole Statty is said to frequent. Liberals will then get confused at this bizarre line of attack on their heterosexuality even though they don't believe that homosexuality is negative or deviant and so all efforts to reverse the RCA will end. Most men would just sigh and not get their driving licenses until they turn 23, with the daring ones only waiting until 20. This would settle into a constant, relatively few, Road Kombats in the end; just a constant statistic of young white trash + minorites getting killed along with a bunch of 20-something's. Most people end up assuming that the deaths were unavoidable and that there is no way to stop them. People state the stats as if they are the natural order. When people point out that the all-cause road deaths are lower in countries without Road Kombat, they will be treated as unpatriotic and ignored, becoming crackpots in the eyes of the many.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I prefer the 'ole $sudo dd -i /dev/random -o /dev/sda

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Well let me tell you, the market is already taking care of this need. There is a long established tradition in the US military of partners for our servicepeople being stay at home people. I have witnessed people get divorced from one enlisted person and marry another within a short time span. I'm not assigning moral value to this set of actions, but I think the gf from the state meme kind of already exists, but it's implicit. Making that some form of guarantee would be pretty heinous in my opinion because it would be likely to break the assortative mating that we humans are so fond of (we sort into mating categories for absolutely good reason). The power to date/mate outside of your league is typically reserved for higher-ups in power hierarchies. The tantalizing promise that the underlings in these hierarchies can get that power is one of the main lures ised to get people to support fascism. I think the logic goes: If the boss has all the power in the world and needs me, the common goon, to secure that power, then the boss is likely to toss a few crumbs of power to me. I might be able to date outside of my league, one or two rungs. I can stand the boss breaking the natural order because I'm assuming that I will get to one day be the boss or I will be rewarded by the boss with some power. I went to Dubai and visited the big water park there. The population there is heavily stratified. The couple makeup was almost exclusively what I would describe as fat guys with supermodel wives. It breaks the assortative mating that makes up the natural order. I would suggest to anyone thinking that state-sponsored-girlfriends shoulds like a good idea ask if you yourself would like to date under your league without corersion. If not, then any dating arrangement other than the normal one is immoral. And now for some unsolicited some dating advice: the best way to date out of your league is to move up out of your league by cultivating yourself.


I wanted to gauge interest in Tribler. It claims to be a tor-like p2p client created by privacy researchers. Has anyone had experience with Tribler? Did you get any takedown notices? What were speeds like?

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