
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I don't know how to sex.pot plants. Just commenting to bump, hope you get an answer!

[–] 24 points 3 days ago

Fun fact: If you actually fell and landed on something with enough force to make it's way inside of you the object would quite literally rip your asshole. When it's a true accident, it's very clear due to the blood loss and whatnot

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Right there with ya. Gotta love the anxiety shits

[–] 19 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Nitrile is an option as well. They don't contain the protein that triggers allergic reactions

[–] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I highly recommend giving kumla a try! It's very filling and will probably leave you a couple pounds heavier (don't be shy with the butter). On the vegetable note, I can see it as a practical measure but some things are worth the extra effort imo

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

My wife has EDS and that comment sounds very familiar. ! you should look into Ehlers Danlos syndrome

[–] 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

That must've been giving off a wonderful aroma. Especially combined with the cholera squirts of the era and ever present urine stank

[–] 4 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Yeah my family is from the Midwest. On my mom's side we're 4th gen Norwegians who founded a town in Kansas (pretty sure it's Kansas). They arrived just before the depression and I'm pretty sure my family's legacy of bland cooking is partly a result from that and our Norwegian heritage. We still make kumla every year. Good stuff (minus the canned veggies. Seriously Midwest, it's ok to use fresh vegetables)

[–] 5 points 6 days ago (3 children)

You're probably right, I just wanted to take a cheap shot at the Midwest haha

[–] 27 points 6 days ago (11 children)

Is that why the Midwest was addicted to canned vegetables, "casseroles", and why they're allergic to anything more flavorful than salt and pepper?

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Don't get me wrong, Im a metalhead too and generally agree that metalheads are cool people. But you're way more likely to find a Nazi at a metal show than almost any other genre. Punk has a Nazi problem too. It's just the way "outsider" music goes. It attracts everybody on the margins, whether or not they're open minded. That said, if my car was broken down and I needed help from a stranger, I'd still be looking for the metalheads, punks, goths, jughalos, etc. They're generally decent people and it's a shame that we have to deal with shit stains who ruin our collective image


Hey all, my city is doing a pride parade soon and I'm planning on handing out some material in the hope of starting a reading group. I'm looking for any recommendations y'all might have. I want to cover as much of the spectrum as I can with ~5-6 different pieces. I'm thinking one or two for a general "what is anarchism?", something on queer theory, black anarchism, ableism, and a 5th thing that I haven't determined yet. Any and all recommendations are welcome, whether or not they fit within the categories I outlined. Thanks!

Some of the pieces I'm considering at the moment:

Queer Social Anarchism - Elisha Moon Williams

Queers With Guns - Elisha Moon Williams

What is Black Anarchism - Andrewism

Life Without Law - Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness


I couldn't find a "grammar help" community so I thought this might be a good place to pose this question. Sorry for asking something that boils down to "please help me with my homework" but I'm at a loss. I'm supposed to be using MLA format.

Here's the text I'm quoting:

"While recognizing the critical potential of the dystopic imagination, this volume examines it as a form of urban representation; the modern city, after all, appears to be an instantiation of a dystopic form of society."

Here's my sentence:

Prakash notes the utility of dystopian media, stating "this volume examines it as a form of urban representation; the modern city, after all, appears to be an instantiation of a dystopic form of society." (3)

Is this right? Should I have the period at the end of the parentheses? I tried looking through my textbook and a few online articles but I couldn't find an example with a parenthetical citation and a quote that includes a period. Thanks for the help!


Hey y'all, for mayday I'm wanting to spread some leaflets, zines, etc around the hospitals in my area. Does anyone have any recommendations for pieces geared towards the medical field?


The propaganda worked. I bought a Thinkpad, the thigh highs are on the way, penguin stickers are already here. Now it's time to actually put Linux on my machine.

I'm a bit lost on which version of mint to put on the T480. It's an i7 8650u, 16gb RAM, 256gb SSD (will eventually be upgrading the RAM, SSD, and display). My question is, is the t480 "old" by Linux standards? From what I've gathered cinnamon is the standard version. Edge is for new (?) hardware that may not be fully compatible with cinnamon. MATE is for old/lower power hardware that can't handle the demand of cinnamon and xfce is for even older/slower hardware.

I've been running in circles all morning trying to find experiences of people with a T480 who are running mint and which version they're using. Old is apparently 3+ years according to various articles trying to convince me to upgrade and I haven't found much on what is considered old hardware for Linux. As someone who hasn't bought a computer in nearly a decade, a quad core processor with 16 gigs of ram is ridiculously powerful. My last computer was a $90 shitbox that I got on clearance from Walmart in 2016 to do online lessons in EMT school. So my perspective/experience is utterly useless.

Can a T480 run Mint Cinnamon 21.3, or am I better off using MATE/xfce? It's going to live a pretty easy life. I'll mostly be using it to browse, stream music, do (online) homework, write papers, and put books on my e-reader.


I've finally fallen in love with reading again over the last year. Problem is I've only been reading non-fiction. it makes my brain hurt. I'd like to have some stuff I can turn to when attempting to read gender trouble gives me another headache. I don't have any particular preference for genre. I used to read fantasy, historical fiction, dystopian stuff but I'm more than happy to explore other genres as well!

A short list of things I've read for reference:

  • The saxon stories, Bernard Cornwell
  • LOTR, the hobbit
  • 1984
  • The road, Cormac McCarthy
  • The plague dogs, Richard Adams

Had this epiphany last night when we went to an asian fusion place. The similarities are uncanny

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