
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I didn't get diagnosed until just last year, and I'm in my early 40s. While this new knowledge has certainly had a significant impact on my life, I can't help but wonder how different my life would have been had I been diagnosed in the 3rd grade when I came home and point blank asked my Mom if I had ADHD... spoiler: she told me no.

[–] 70 points 1 week ago (19 children)

His plan is to tell Ukraine to stop fighting and just let it happen.

[–] 160 points 1 week ago (21 children)

If illegally bribing a porn star to be quiet about an extra marital affair before he won the election is considered an official act of the president, then I'm officially done with this country.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Fellow vet, hoped to be done fighting, but this country is devolving into madness, and I'm prepared to fight for the constitution. I took an oath, as all that served did, to defend this country from all enemies, foreign or domestic, and I took that oath to heart. Hope for the best, prepared for the worst.

Generally speaking, most of this stuff is purchased through civilian stores just off post catering to military needs. No paperwork required to buy, but you'd be better off dead than to get caught wearing awards you didn't earn. And yes, there are ceremonies and other formal occasions where one needs to wear a dress uniform with all your ribbons and awards on them.

Wearing medals or badges you didn't earn is super cringy, and you're basically just shitting on everyone who actually did earn them. I'm not trying to take away this guys service, but as an actual recipient of a CIB, I feel like his lying is a direct slap in the face.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I have a circular path through my house that I'll walk aimlessly whenever on the phone. On days without many phone calls, I'll end up having a much much lower step count.

Edit: fixed a word

Yeah, but we used to call the guys that just went and bought shit they didn't earn PX Rangers. Anyone could go buy any badge or medal they wanted, but that doesn't mean they earned the right to wear it or that they have the documents proving they were awarded it... and I don't know about you, but I got presented with a certificate and a physical medal for every medal I earned, badges we had to buy but only after they were earned.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm guessing the whole unit got put in for them, and he was part of the unit, just not in an MOS (military occupational specialty) qualified to earn this particular combat badge. Someone didn't look close enough and just rubber stamped it. Basically, it just slipped through the cracks... but he knows as he knew then he wasn't in an MOS that could receive this award.

The Combat Infantry Badge, as the article mentions, is only awarded to infantry and special forces soldiers that have seen combat as typically these units were the only ones that saw action. With Afghanistan and Iraq, we saw a new form of conflict where there wasn't a specified frontline to the fighting and support rolls (such as the one he was in) often found themselves under fire. There was some push to award all soldiers that saw combat a CIB regardless of what job they held. The Army decided against doing this, but they did eventually create the Combat Action Badge (CAB) in 2005, which is similar to a CIB in that the recipient must be engaged in combat to earn it, but it is awarded to any MOS. He likely would have qualified for the CAB through his service, but I'm guessing it just wasn't a thing when he served.

I'll take it one step further and say potato salad CAN be downright delicious when made well... I have also had potato salad so bad that it caused me to have an existential crisis about how I ended up where I was, eating what I was, and I had to pause to reconsider my life's choices.

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

TIL hard boiled eggs can explode in a microwave and that the explosion can be as loud as 133 decibels. For reference sake, a gunshot is about 155 decibels depending on caliber, so that's one loud ass egg.

Well, yeah, he only suffered a scratch.

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