
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

I'll toss in as I have two, a set at home and at work.

For music, they're honestly kinda meh. They'll get the job done if you want some music but lets be frank you'll find better sound quality headphones out there.

The reason I absolutely find them game changers is they allow me to wear them when I'm at work. I work on mechanical equipment in hospitals, so I need to hear what's going on around me, one earbud can block up a side but this means I can hear when someone is talking to me. Also I found that earbuds didn't fit me well so would potentially fall out, these wrap around the back of the head and stay in place, even when I'm working in some strange positions. And when I'm pulling out the power tools and things are going to be loud, I stick in earplugs, and I can hear what I'm listening to better even.

Phone work, I was shocked because my last job I was in a cargo van with minimal insulation so A LOT of road noise, but I'd hear the person I'm talking to with little issue and they could hear me well. Makes hands free phones a lot better.

I listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and the like. I mean chew through so many of them it's not even funny. Because of that sometimes I found with the single earbud one you'd have something in stereo, well that single earbud messes it up and you gotta set it to a mono sound. These you've got that dynamic sound going.

So in short, if you're going for audiophile level stuff, pass on these, but for daily drivers in day to day life they're on the top ten things I've ever bought.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Pen, pocket journal, wallet, phone, and whichever pocket knife I grab that day.

I'm really a simple person, but I"m going to go into my favorite pocket knife and I'm angry that it's not made anymore. The SOG Q2. It's a "baton" shape" IE, slightly longer than a standard pen. Has a flashlight, bottle opener (with flatehead screwdriver, in other words beveled the bottle opener) and knife. The opening mechanism is such I've never had it accidentally come open on me, can be opened one handed, and to keep it from closing you're literally holding the body that goes over the knife.

[–] 11 points 2 hours ago

I'm going to assume this isn't "lottery" ultra-wealthy where you can spend it all and suddenly be back to destitute. So you say you wouldn't live that differently, and immediately begin with "quitting work." That's the first step, because being wildly wealthy does change you incrementally because in this situation you've just bought yourself a commodity that once spent can't be bought back, time.

You now have 40 hours a week that you were giving to someone else. Add on 5-10 hours for commute time (.5 to hour commute) that can get up to 50 hours for whatever the hell you want to do.

Buying a new car just a quick glance at Carmax and you're looking at around $13,000 for a standard sedan. Not many have that pocket change going around, much less to buy the house that at low end houses cost $100,000 so you're done, no worries, no muss, no fuss and you didn't give some company your money in interest because you bought for cash. And on buying houses, as competitive as the market is, buying with cash right now at least in my region is about the only way to do it.

So lets assume you're working from home right now, you gained back 40 hours. Hey, I want to have a party/trip/etc! Well, your buddies are all working, possibly can't afford to go on trip, night out to eat. Offer to pay, but it's still the getting the time off. They've got bills to worry about, the ones you're not even thinking about. Sometimes they'll show up, other times, not so much. So either you're out fishing and working on your hobbies during that 40, or working to a new project job wise which really by this point is how the wealthy keep getting more and more money because build up a new thing, hire someone else to run it, passive income. But you don't have your friends to hang out with, travel and the like, you'll run into the others that don't have those concerns because you can buy your way around inconveniences (airport seats are uncomfortable, but those lounges are nice. Why have to take connecting flights? etc) those are also going to be the ultra wealthy. And they have a standard of living that will look more and more "normal" to you. Little bit of peer pressure, little bit of "take a ride in my Lambo" and finding it fun, it's a frog in the pot situation, you'll go back to your roots and go "How did I live like this?"

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Lets be honest, the "fight" part people are too comfortable and aren't going to do anything. I'd love it if it were so, but I"m not a leader.

So my realistic plan is buy in bulk, start a garden, try to convince friends and neighbors to do the same to be able to help each other out when the worst of it comes. Which frankly is the exact same plan if Biden wins, but with a lot more fear behind it.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Don't worry, living in what the map calls "lower midwest" the midwest will do its best to not include.

I live in Missouri, friends living in midwest states "Missouri isn't Midwest." They can't tell you exactly where it is, but it sure isn't midwest. And the exclusion seems to continue all the way northward until I'm convinced Wisconsin is just attempting to rename itself "Midwest" so that no one else can claim it.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago

That's not cool man...

They said medieval, that is way too late.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Same *from Missouri.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

I expected nothing and I was still disappointed.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

I remember a time when I thought Captain Planet villains were hyperbole.

Soon (