
joined 5 months ago

This is so hard. My partner is vegan and I'm grateful for online vegan spaces like this. I went to a local-ish vegan speed friending event more than a year ago and many people were vegetarian 🤮 and/or a cop of some type.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

I'm picking up 40 lbs of tomatoes today to turn into tomato sauce over the weekend. I am excite!

10/10 would gobble.

As a fellow noodatarian, I look forward to your continued contributions to this community.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I make them. I don't 'sundry' them, as I live in a swamp. I use a dehydrator, and before that, an oven.

I dry almost all of my homegrown tomatoes and typically rely on local field tomatoes for canning. I'll dehydrate them as they come in and toss the dehydrated tomatoes in the freezer for use later, or to make tomato paste for canning. To make tomato paste, I just blend the sun-dried tomatoes and add the required acidity before canning.

The tomatoes in this photo were long lost tomatoes from the depths of my freezer. I blended them and added them to the top of the rice.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Burgers and corn, in paradise!

10/10 would gobble

Along those lines, but more short term and less intense, lol.

I don't really see us moving - we have good groundwater supply and aren't on a flood plain. Our area has been mapped to a 1-in-350 year event and while I know climate change is unpredictable, I'm not super worried.

Because the first two years here were so bad we spend a considerable amount of money on things like putting a bit of flooring down in the basement so it would be nicer to hide out there in storms (versus the rough and cold concrete floor) as well as generators and battery backups. I'm sure we will be happy when we need them, but we went a little nuts.

Hopefully with the weather station we can be more objective about what we are seeing and as we gather data over time, begin to understand our climate and how it is changing.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You are definitely smarter than I am lol.

We got the ambient weather WS-2000. I think we are most interested in tracking the weather in our local area over time and observing how it changes. We've lived here for 3 full years now and the first two had violent storms and tornados, but this year has been really calm. Maybe if we are tracking data objectively we will better understand our risks.

The rainfall gauge will be helpful in the garden for sure!

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I so heartily agree with this. I usually make beans on Sunday for the week.

If people have the space and can acquire one, an electric pressure cooker is a game changer. You can cook beans from dry in one hour (+ pressurize and depressurize time). Dried beans are so cheap and store for a very long time. I buy 10 kg at a time for my two person family and store them in large tub. If I remember correctly chickpeas are the most expensive variety I buy and they are $25 CAD for 10 kg, so $2.50 a kg.

When I make baked beans I use a similar recipe, but it's tomato sauce, veg bullion, mustard powder, and maple syrup. Sometimes oregano.

If people haven't joined already, you can hang out with other bean fans at vegan home cooks <3

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (4 children)

We got a weather station and I am fucking stoked about getting it set up.

Oh hell yeah, that looks so refreshing and comforting at the same damn time.

I wanted to take my husband to a fancy restaurant for his birthday a few years ago and there were a few restaurants that advertised plant based tasting menus...2/3 with fucking honey. Including a restaurant that was totally 'plant based'.

But I only knew because I thought to ask what they meant by plant based.

Serves me right for considering eating at a restaurant.


Potato, tomato, beans and greens (dill) all from the garden.

Hummus and burgs store bought.


10/10 would eat again


Home grown peas, beans, zucchini with homemade Novick burgers and store bought hummus, cheese, and rice crackers.


I've been bringing food with me in a cooler lately and honestly it's the best???

I went on a super cute day trip today and we didn't spend any money on questionable food at carnist places.

I think bringing fancy beverages is the major key alert for me. I don't buy soda for home unless we are having guests/it's a holiday. I'm always so tempted to pick up a soda/slushy when out on a trip as a treat. Having the mocktails along with our water bottles felt special.


With bonus garden pics

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