
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Oh I agree, I play Overwatch casually and couldn't care less about my rank, in fact I exclusively play quick play even after 150 hours. But Starcraft is inherently competitive to me due to its 1v1 focus and even without caring about my rank I still find it too stressful and hard to play without a ton of time invested. When I do play it, I prefer to play the campaigns or coop. 1v1 is too time consuming even without caring about rank and only playing unranked.

[–] 18 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Starcraft. I still love playing through the campaigns and coop, but I don't have the time or energy to keep up with the 1v1 anymore. Used to play it a ton back before Legacy of the Void, but you basically have to treat that game like a second job in order to be competitive and not get destroyed most of the time. I remember going like 3-4 days without playing back then and it'd take me 3-5 hours to get back up to my usual level of play.

It's still a lot of fun to watch pros or high level players play the game though, at least IMO.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Unfortunately true, but at least Poilievre is nowhere near as batshit crazy as the republicans are. Still fucking sucks that the cons are most likely going to win though. At best things will continue to get slowly worse like they already are, and at worst, things will degrade faster.

Either way the average Canadian isn't getting any help from whoever wins the next election.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

That doesn't answer the question. Where did you buy them?

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

It's just a common way to call someone an idiot where I'm from 😅

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)


Everything about them disgusts me, from the way they look, to the way they smell, the texture they have and the disgusting mouldy, dirty taste. Even seeing them growing in the ground grosses me out and I'll take a wide path around them to avoid going near them.

Outside of magic mushrooms, they have literally zero redeeming qualities. I hate them with a passion and it's basically the only food I never grew out of hating.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Unfortunately for the bears, it's duck season, not wabbit season!

[–] 84 points 1 week ago (16 children)

Tbh I find it much more surprising that there's an overlap of bears and stupid people than I do smart kids and dumb adults.

I've met an unfortunate amount of people that would struggle to dump water out of their boots with the instructions written on the bottom of the sole.

[–] 42 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

After hexbear got defederated from most of the major instances, the fucking losers just make alts on different instances so they can continue defending that propaganda filled shithole. Now .ml seems like the new worst, no matter what you do these no-life losers will find a way to spread their bullshit.

Takes much more effort to try and stop them than it does for these losers to make alts unfortunately.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

As someone that lives in a small city where my morning commute is 15 minutes, and 20 on the way home, this is fucking insane to me. 70 minutes is 3/4 of the way to the next town at highway speeds.

Edit: To add to that, I work four 10s rather than five 8s a week. If I had to drive that long every day for work, I'd only have about an hour and a half - 2 hours to relax before it's time for bed if I want 8 hours of sleep.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Cities Skylines players have entered the chat


Personally, I find Brown Dwarfs to be absolutely fascinating. An object that isn't quite a planet and isn't quite a star, but something in between.

What would one even look like? Would it look like a gas giant that's glowing red, along with swirls of gas in its atmosphere like Jupiter? Or would it resemble a star and have a fiery surface like the sun? I prefer to imagine them as glowing gas giants but I don't know how realistic that is.

Gas giants in general are fascinating to me as well, I really hope we send a probe into one of the gas giants with a camera before I die. I'd absolutely love to see what it looks like inside a gas giants atmosphere before the probe gets crushed by the increasing pressure as it descends.


Hey guys, so I installed Bazzite on my 2nd SSD last weekend and I've installed some games and searched through the OS to familiarize myself with it, but I still have a few questions about Bazzite and Linux in general that I'd like some help with! I've used Ubuntu and Linux mint in the past (2014ish) just to mess around with but never fully switched. I'm having no problems with gaming, all the games I've tested work fine and I have the latest Proton GE installed already.

I consider myself to be quite computer-savvy and tech-savvy in general, but Linux is making me question just how good I am with computers 😅 But it's honestly a lot of fun to be new to an OS and having to learn things again, feels like being a kid again and exploring everything about my old Windows 98 pc. I'm still using Windows 11 on my primary drive, but the goal is to eventually get comfortable enough to completely switch away from Windows since I don't have any games that require it.

My first question is, how do I install programs from outside the "discover store"? I can get the Plex app through the built in app store, but the Plex media server app isn't on there so I have to download it from the website, which gives me a .rpm file. I'm probably being dumb, but double clicking it just brings up an error message in the discover store saying it couldn't open the file.

I think I'm supposed to use the boxbuddy app to install it? I'm not sure. I'm not scared of using the terminal if I have to, and I'd actually like to get more comfortable with that anyways. Switching to Jellyfin isn't an option because my mom and brother use Plex through an xbox so I'm sticking with Plex for now.

Also, outside of the built in discover store, what's the best way to install programs? I know that Bazzite is built off of Fedora Atomic which is an "immuteable" distro so I can't directly install apps to the system without using rpm-ostree and that's apparently not recommended unless absolutely necessary according to what I've read.

I have a Logitech G502x plus mouse but piper won't recognize it, solaar works fine though. I can still configure my mouse in Windows when needed but I'd like to be able to do it in Linux as well, any ideas why piper won't recognize my mouse? I also have a Razer blackwidow v3 and I'm not sure what software to use to configure it in Linux.

Another small but annoying issue I'm having is with Firefox granting the RES (reddit enhancement suite) extension permissions, when I try to use it to expand a v.reddit link for example, it pops up a window asking me to "request permissions" but when I click that it simply brings me to this link without actually giving me the option to grant the permissions. On Windows I get a little popup near the extensions in the top right corner and I can simply grant the required permissions, but it's not doing that for me in Bazzite.

What are some cool programs in general to check out? My main use case is gaming, I don't program or do any work on my PC but I'd like to explore just for the sake of exploring! Also, what's a good way to familiarize myself with using the terminal? I've used the terminal on Windows quite a bit in the past, but only for basic things like unlocking a bootloader on Android and sending a ROM to it, back when I cared enough to root my phones. How would I, for example, pull a program off of github and compile it myself if needed? There's a program on github called gHub GUI by ysph that I'd like to check out, would be nice to be able to configure my mouse since piper doesn't seem to recognize my mouse.

What are some general best practices that differ from Windows? I don't really know how to narrow this question down, apologies for it being so vague.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can offer me some advice!


So after struggling through 57 hours of Bobs&Angels for the first time, I've finally got everything I need to get blue science up and running. Base has been mostly idle for the last 15 hours while I slowly spaghetti'd my way up this point. I've been aiming for only 30 SPM so far cause I knew it'd be slow going since it's my first time playing the mod and that turned out to be very true. Must've spent a good 5 hours minimum between recipe book and factory planner so far!

Next on the list once blue science is going is to start transitioning to a city block train base. My mall is nice and stocked up and once I have bots the process of phasing out the starter base will begin. Got some homemade block BPs that are 150x150 tiles big and with 1-2 or smaller trains my blocks can support up to 12 stations if I need it. I have space extension installed so I'm eventually going to need high SPM at the endgame which should be a fun challenge to build for.

Really not looking forward to making modules, those things look like a giant pain in the ass to make but I'll have to get em going sooner rather than later. Any suggestions or tips for getting modules up?

Having a ton of fun with the mod pack in general though, I've played K2 5 times, K2SE twice (burning out around 200 hours in on both tries) and this modpack is turning out to be awesome. My favorite parts of K2SE were the more complicated recipes you started running into once you got to space and started setting up mining outposts, but the complexity of Bobs&Angels has a much steeper learning curve to it. So far it's my favorite part of the mod, it's extremely satisfying to make progress in this mod IMO.

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