
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 19 hours ago

Cool, so you directly or indirectly help the fascist get elected. Smart.

That's my problem with other liberals/independents. Everyone has to pass their bullshit purity test (candidates, friends, family, etc). That's why Republicans win. They stick together no matter what.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I 100% agree. But which party is more likely to actually work towards a goal like that? Would Conservatives ever allow for ranked choice voting? People have every right to complain about Biden, but all it really does is make things easier for an orange fascist toget elected

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

It still comes down to voting for either a guy who mumbled and stumbled on some words or a convicted felon, pedophile, con man, hedonistic fascist.

Gonna be really difficult to figure out who to vote for...a real fucking challenge.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Do I wish there was a better candidate running? Sure. But I'll still be voting Biden no matter what. I'm also not going to spend my energy talking about how shit he is because all that does is help an actual fucking fascist pedophile into office. So not really sure what else your aim could be, cause if your a Democrat it's a fucking stupid one.

[–] 31 points 5 days ago (13 children)

There's thousands upon thousands of famous people. Why waste your time following or supporting someone that you feel is not a good person? Turns out a lot of people feel that same way, hence someone being "cancelled". No one went on a "hardcore vindictive streak" to get these people cancelled.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

He gave them $1,600 in stimulus checks. Some of the poorer people think he'll make things more affordable for people, lower costs, make crypto better, and essentially just rain down money. They have to think of their families future, and apparently they think Trump will do that. They don't care what he's done, he's a means to an end, and if they can wrap an American flag around him, profess him the new Messiah, and ban abortions to do it, they will.

Republicans are either extremely ignorant or they just lack any and all empathy. They get their news from Fox that shields them from the truth, and they live in constant fear of blood-drinking evil liberals, illegal racist/murderer aliens, and that their money is being stolen from them by undesirables that feed off the system.

Their entire world view is a facade to make rich people richer and their ignorance of that makes them expendable pawns. It'd be comical if it wasn't so tragic...

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If it's all scripted, then do those titles really mean anything? And can the WWE just craft whoever they want to become a World Champion given their popularity?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

No no, it's 1st world human nature to make things worse. Why fix the billionaire problem now, when we can elect the joker and try and fix it then? It'll be so much easier to fix it then, right?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

It's me lol. And yes it is. I agree

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Obligatory: Sir, this is a Wendy's....

[–] 39 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

I just hit no tip and say thanks! And walk out. It's not difficult.

What are they going to do? Make a scene? I pray they would.

I'm sorry, you tell me what fucking service I'm tipping you for? Do you tip your plumber? Do you tip the attendant at a roller coaster at a theme park? Do you tip front desk attendant at a hotel? No...pray tell, why do you think you need a tip for pouring me two-hour old hot bean water? Did you grind it by hand at my request? Did you personally see to it that I received only the very best beans at ye Starbucks roasteries? No? Then fuck off.



Crosspost from the "Energy" Community. Seemed too good not to put here.


I tried my hand at making a starter years ago and it went poorly. I was gifted some starter earlier this week and have been bulking it up in order to bake some bread this weekend. The starter is MUCH better than any of the ones I've ever made, so Ive had high hopes all week that my sourdough will actually come out decent this time.

I've been following this recipe, and it's been going....not well. Everything was weighed to the gram, including the starter, and "lukewarm" water was about 80ish degrees. The dough is so unbelievably sticky that I can barely scrape it off the sides of the bowl.

Is this normal? It's been years since I've done this so I'm back to questioning everything. I'm planning to just drop the whole thing into a Dutch oven and cook it, but I understand that I'm deviating from the recipe. My Dutch oven cooks were just so much better.

Cna anyone provide a better recipe for just a basic sourdough boule that you've had decent success with? I'd really like to continue baking bread, but I know for a fact that I'll wind up giving up again if I have too many failures (I think I baked 8 different times a few years ago, and I gave up because they were always so dense, and flat.). Really want something with a good, fluffy, stretchy crumb.

Any advice or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


A University of Virginia professor believes he has discovered how to create a freeze-ray device, inspired by the Batman villain, Mr. Freeze. Rather than being a weapon, this device is intended to cool down electronics within spacecraft and high-altitude jets.


A tiny, hard-working bacterium -- which weighs one-trillionth of a gram -- may soon have a large influence on processing rare earth elements in an eco-friendly way.

"Traditional thermochemical methods for separating lanthanides are environmentally horrible," said Buz Barstow, assistant professor of biological and environmental engineering at Cornell, the corresponding author. "It's difficult to refine these elements. That's why we send rare earth elements offshore -- generally to China -- to process them."


Not sure how useful it is yet, but it sounds like with some AI and proper cameras you could use it to completely repair certain components. Theres something similar to this using electrochemical plating to repair microfractures throughout a component - only downside is that it takes like weeks to do it properly (I'll see if I can dig up the paper later)


Looking for some ideas for friends and coworkers. If anyone can think of anything cool, I'd love to see it.

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