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[–] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Entire industries cannibalizing one another to eliminate competition and their industry's ability and desire to make the products/services they existed for in the first place. TimeWarnerHBODiscoveryblahblah shelving projects for tax cheats, making lazy appeals to nostalgia for what the companies they destroyed once made, and cheap reality garbage instead of actual media comes to mind, but it's terminal capitalism, it's happening in every sector.

Then they lay off their workers cutting their workforce to the bone by activist shareholder demand, eliminating potential consumers of the economy.

Now they want to use AI to cut the bone.

The economy no longer has any interest in the human beings it was created as a lowly tool to serve. We're being cut out entirely, except the small class of private owners, of course.

AI could and should be used to free mankind from tedious labor, that's why such innovation should have come from well funded PUBLIC research our economy should have been oriented to feed for PUBLIC benefit.

Instead, like every other technology, it will be used as yet another cudgel against society. This civilization is dogshit.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Lab grown meat is made differently than what feels comfortable and familiar to me, therefore continue raising animals for slaughter! Who cares if it's cruel and a massive contributor to capitalist made climate change?

Charging a car takes longer than pumping gas, therefore keep using gas! Who cares if it's destroying our ONLY habitat?

Reckless growth/metastasis for its own sake makes more profit for the right people. We need more wage slaves! Lets force the peasants to have more babies to drive up short term private profit! Who cares if the planet can't support such a reckless species in these numbers and we're sabotaging the medium-long term survival of our species(and countless others at our mercy we don't give shit one about)?

Humanity is determined to destroy itself. Just smart enough to develop technologies capable of threatening our sole, shared, COMMUNal habitat we all rely on for every breath, still too bone-dead stupid to seriously consider using them responsibly with temperance.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I don't see the problem. These peasant kids came out of peasant mothers. This is their sole purpose in life, generating capital for their economic betters in exchange for the minimal subsistence they're benevolently permitted to exist under.

Kudos to my fellow peasants for ramping up capital battery maturation rates. It will be integrated into the owner's quarterly earnings forecasts going forward.

That said, larger increases in earnings will of course be expected next quarter. Remember, you are expected to be happy to serve your economic betters, so smile around them so as not to make them feel any negative emotions about our subjugation, no matter your irrelevant internal feelings. Keeping our capitalists happy is its own reward. Live vicariously through their lives of lavish, modern Pharoah like gluttony.

That is all, my fellow batteries, and remember, if you're reading this, why the FUCK aren't you making our owners more money right now?!

[–] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

The tragedy of humanity is that we know we can be better than non-sapient animals responding out of emotional, knee-jerk survival instinct that is necessary in the wild but destructive in civilization. We have sparks, inklings, we can see the higher path, the path where our sapience has created the ability/technology to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, and even facilitate self-actualization for EVERYONE.

It's right there, some even do it on a small scale, very rarely humanity makes a step in that direction before taking a step back.

But most of the time, that inkling is extinguished. Our higher, sapient, empathetic mind still not quite evolved enough to overcome our lower brain that sees everyone else as competition and a threat that can only be defeated, ensuring individual survival, by hoarding moooooaaaar than them, and keeping them away.

Juuuuuuust barely smart enough to split the atom with concerted team effort, but still so dominated by our base, animalistic impulses that we did it explicitly to first and foremost make big boomie boom rival monkey tribe.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

We live in perpetual class occupation precisely because the owner class has never had a problem assaulting the lower classes, while the lower classes argue about how unseemly and unfair it would be to fight back.

The path forward not involving the peasants actually fighting back for once is just more of the same, the owner class leveraging their capital/power/governmental capture to get more for themselves by finding new and interesting ways to exploit you.

No, there is no way forward with any hope that doesn't involve class war. Fortunately for the owners, their divisive propaganda is working as intended. We're more interested in fighting one another over social wedge issues, largely exacerbated by economic inequity btw(more peasant income, for example, would mean fewer abortions without bans as abortion is often, obviously, and understandably an ECONOMIC decision), than our common enemies at the top. Until we stop looking for fellow peasants to blame for our problems and start looking upward at the root cause, there is no hope.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Nah, everything seems right to them, they just plop the knife on the corpse after.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

Republican voters: "Does he still piss off the many, many, many groups of people we openly hate and wish harm upon more than any other candidate could?"

Well yes, but what does that have to do with effective governance?

Republican voters: "what the fuck is governance?"

[–] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

The NYT Strikes me as an organization that would rather attempt to continue to exist under Trump than try to fight the rising fascist tide he's riding.

They've always been that high on themselves, and they've always been pragmatists to the point of standing for nothing except their own gravitas.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

Am I supposed to be mad at these small time ~~con-men~~ capitalists? This is what the modern global economy is all about. Attempting to fuck over the people who aren't you, attempting to receive the maximum while providing the absolute minimum you can get away with without consequences. Their mistake was only slightly miscalculating that minimum where people would feel cheated but otherwise leave minus their money grumbling, but not enough to make it a weird news of the day story.

When's the last time your fast food sandwich looked remotely like the one on all the signs?They look like that sandwich in the ad was a tire that got deflated, deforming under its own weight, at best. Those scammers just had swaths of lawyers and lobbyists to make their false advertising your problem, until now it's just how it is. Deception is a vital component of market capitalism.

Why are you harassing these glorious, aspiring job creators acting in rational self-interest?

[–] 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This is the basis of capitalism.

Both parties lie to eachother, attempting to get more than the other party through manipulation and coercion with whatever leverage each party has, rejecting the pursuit of equitable mutual benefit, and when it is allowed to metastasize into every sociocultural aspect of one's cultural mores and values, as it has here in Corpmurica, it creates a toxic, antisocial group of rugged individuals beating each other to death trying to impress the most successful practicing sociopaths who were the best at dishonest manipulation and exploitation of their fellow humans.

If you want to create a civilization at war with and constantly undermining itself at every level instead of working toward the common good of the species/planet/future, this is the global economic system for you!

But hey, it was all worth it for the free market of ideas giving us so many valuable, innovative choices! It has sesame seeds and no pickles?! No fucking way....

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (4 children)

And remember, because I feel this always needs to be said with such sums...

193 million isn't enough for him, and 193 million plus whatever millions he made in years prior isn't enough for him. He's going public because he's a broken, disturbed human being that looks at his unethical levels of wealth, enough for most of the other humans that live here to live 2 dozen extravagant lifetimes, and still demands mooooooaaaaaar.

Why isn't this widely accepted as severe mental illness?! This is hoarding disorder.

These aren't big ocean house sums. These are buying politicians sums, and they are only achievable through exploiting other human beings and selfishly pocketing most of the value of their labor because you can get away with it.


A society in which it's everyone for themselves, that refuses to care for one another, is no society at all. Then everyone acts shocked and horrified at someone who understandably snaps, like modern western culture doesn't run entirely on schadenfreude.

That was the crux of the idea of a social contract, which is long dead in the US. Now people line up to revel in the suffering of their fellow citizens with "well you were stupid to do xyz in life, so you deserve your suffering haha."

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