
joined 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I was just thinking how at times where I used it, I was much better at detecting and avoiding inappropriate / cringe behaviour on my part. Even when looking back at times where I took a break.

Just imagination from overthinking? I think I'm just terrible at it, and overthinking is just the right amount of thinking for me.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Currently using Modafinil, which is rather bad on side effects and risks, hoping for an upgrade next month. So I had to work with that.

The Plan: Use it on about 50 days per year, and make them count. E. g. not on days full with unproductive meetings, but when I have a clear task and time to execute it. A task with high visibility. It'll look to others as if I were rolling 200 days like that.

[–] 51 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The only way I can picture this: Face the talker, lean forward at the hip joint as far as balance allows, rotate both arms like V-22 Osprey propellers, mouth wide open without making a sound.

[–] 26 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Why must I be a Jar Jar type? Why can't I be a Doc Brown ADHD type?

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Reminds me of this "Life and times of Tim" episode where he just wants to buy some weed, and he knows a guy already, but it turns into this insane circus where he has to watch bad alternative theatre for hours, and one wrong comment about it cancels the whole deal:

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Stimulants having a calming effect is not an absolute must with ADHD.

I can only recommend to keep going for an official diagnosis & treatment. It's the single best use of your time. Cheapest, even free, is the way from a psychiatrist, with a referral. But you probably noticed that it's nearly impossible to find one.

Very nice and completely remote is GAM medical, but it's not paid for by GKV. I got the impression that it's pretty thorough and responsible. Not fast though; if you start now, it would still take months to get a prescription, if necessary.

Quite shady and only technically legal are sites like They take advantage of the fact that any EU doctor can write a prescription that works in any other EU pharmacy. It works more like a webshop, pretending to include a doctor consultation, and it is certainly not safe. Especially the only ADHD drug they have, Modafinil, would require a thorough consideration and check-up when used for ADHD, because it has significant risks. It's the fastest way, but I don't recommend it.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I think it should be relative to the person's abilities. 8 hours of work, laundry, 50 minutes focussed studying, healthy dinner, remembering aunt's birthday and bedtime at 10 might seem reasonable to most. Some with ADHD might also pull it off. For others, their best is to do one of those things after work.

Different people, good and bad days. Absolute measure & judgement for everybody is the problem.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Absolutely, I mean, we should still do our personal best when it comes to important tasks, but some days, our best feels like very little to nothing.

I already try to work with lists and break down tasks into smaller tasks, but that can lead to 30 items per week. If it's going really great, I do 25. But among the 5 failed tasks could be something really important, like a last deadline for a bill before it goes to court, tax filing before thousands are lost, even watering a flower etc. To others, it may appear like I achieved nothing, but honestly I'm already happy it went that way and some stuff got done.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Funny thing is that this is the ONE ADHD thing I don't have. My trick: Super-panic about being late.

The broader strategy is that I set an exact time that triggers the "panic mode". So for example when I need to take a 3 day trip, I put my open suitcase in the middle of the room and fill it only casually as is convenient, starting days before. Hours before departure, I'm putting what is still missing in, but very relaxed, and do other things such as shower, eat, whatever needs to be done. But like 20 minutes before departure, the "panic mode" is triggered. Whatever is still missing then is done with maximum stress, only absolute show-stoppers, no optionals, complete panic the whole time.

Knowing that panic mode is still there to help last minute, allows me to do the entire thing very relaxed.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

What can really work well is an ambient background noise, such as the TNG engine ambient noise or whatever you are into (SWTOR station ambient, ...), wind, ocean.

The trick then is to put it on exactly when the focussed studying starts, and to turn it off abruptly when you (have to) interrupt, e. g. for phone, door, water.

That prevents you from the half-assed "I'm technically working right now" when you are really not.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Even after I became aware that I have ADHD in my 40s, additional years were still wasted after not getting treatment, with lost jobs, money etc.

Sitting on a referral from the GP for 18 months now, and they don't even give me an appointment in a distant future. The only thing that worked for me in my 20s: Set the bar low enough. Stop "planning" to study for 3 hours "tomorrow", or half-assing 2 hours while a video plays, you are on the phone and get coffee 5 times. Instead, admit that you'll only get 25 minutes in. But do them today, completely focussed, no distractions, not even getting water, no toilet break etc.

Think of it like squid game. The team that gets the best test score after 25 minutes studying lives. You'd rather pee in your pants than to get up and certainly wouldn't check your phone.

Worked for me, can't say if it will for you.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I use plain old mindmaps for many things. When they are related to tasks and todos, I use a tool where it has little checkmarks, possibly completion progress bars, failed-icons, blocker-icons etc.

For understanding a topic, e. g. from a textbook or a job problem, hand-drawn works better with the additional freedoms it provides, such as this one:

It fits in nicely with how I work through a text:

  • Think about what I want to get out of this
  • Flip through & glance over everything. Whatever draws my personal attention, be it drawings, graphs, tables, the headers - different for everybody. Might occasionally look at one of those things for a bit longer.
  • Read the TOC
  • Do the actual reading start to end and draw a mindmap
  • Possible do-over the mindmap once I understand where I did it "wrong" due to my previous assumption of how things categorise and relate
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