
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I came here to mention Seven Spires! After listening it through about 40 times, it is by far my favourite album ever, topping Solveig (for which I'm in a minority I think).

I like and liked a lot of bands, but only Seven Spires made me completely obsessed for 2+ years

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Most of southeastern Europe uses Viber as the "default messaging app", so it does vary by region.

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago

I actually like the idea of being able to see how many upvotes/downvotes came from specific instances much more than seeing the actual users. It would cover some of the positives mentioned in the github discussion:

-Could help fight bot and multiple-account voting (if we assume that people who make multiple accounts do it on the same instance)
-Could help identify voting-patterns from specific servers (obviously)

And then if something looks suspicious, the admins can already see who voted, so they could check out whether some user is abusing the mechanics.

I find that this approach might be worth talking about, but making user votes visible to all seems very unnecessary.

[–] 79 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This image always comes to mind:

[–] 20 points 3 weeks ago

I always wonder with these whether they actually say something or someone posted just a bunch of random circles to screw around with people

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Interesting, in my degree we had one lesson in Java for OOP (the rest of the course was C++), Java for android programming, Python in another course, and everything else from year 1 to year 4 (that had programming) was in C/C++. Except for assembly in computer architecture.

[–] 17 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

My Cyrillic reading eyes!!! They burn!!!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

English and my native Serbian.

Ich habe Deutsch in der Schule gelernt. Ich benutze es sehr seltsam, aber ich habe fast nichts vergessen, weil unsere Lehrerinen sehr sehr Böse war. Deutsch in der Schule hat meine Leben 10 jahren verkurtzt.

Έχω μάθει και τα Ελληνικά. Ένα από τα όνειρά μου είναι να διαβάζω τα κείμενα στα αρχαία ελληνικά, αλλά αυτό ήταν τρόπο δύσκολο. Γιατί αποφάσισε να μαθαίνω πρότω τα νέα Ελληνικα, καί σύντομα τα αρχαία είναι πολύ πιό εύκολα.

I can understand a fair amount of Russian, but I can't necessarilly speak it as well.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

The lemmy community "Fuck AI" literally has

A place for all those who loathe machine-learning

as a description.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile the Greeks make due with pottery shards

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

And Sweden for melodic black metal also!

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Digamma was never pronounced as the sound 'f' according to that link. According to wikipedia, the first time Greek developed the labiodental 'f' sound was between the 4th and 15th centuries:

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