Chu chu
joined 3 weeks ago
Lalala... Can't hear you, Putin, Xi, Jong-un, Chamenei... lalala
Which substance are we talkin?
Something something back at the academy, I...
Herr Scholz, das Volk ist deprimiert wegen der US-Wahl!
Ich schmeiß den Lindner raus, dann geht es ~~allen~~ mir wieder besser.
Kalifornien hustet.
Und Scholz fährt auf dem Amerika-Zug mit...
Ruhe in Macht, Arno Dübel.
I'd be afraid that public opinion making isn't the only topic or problem they ignore or repress.
Linnemann wählen ist schon ernsthaft antisozial 😤
I'm saying that unchecked bad actors are going to act bad. The American people don't seem to know this, but the US hasn't been isolationist for more than a century. Also, 2001.