I rather be destroyed by a comment then to be obese and ruled by an orange deranged criminal convicted sex offender clown.
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Dear America,
Sugar is not a flavour.
I agree with you, but I would also say, as a retort, that Marmite is not a food.
Not with that attitude
Marmite is a test of willpower.
Marmite is dingle berries in a brown anal paste.
That's being too kind.
Thank goodness for the scribbles, otherwise I might have learned who wrote this thing I liked and we can't have that.
I live in Japan and definitely some sweets that I've brought back from the US to share as well as recipes I've made (from my grandmother's cookbook) were too sweet for a number of folks (usually men, so there may be something else going on here with cultural images/norms and the like as men aren't generally "supposed to" be overly fond of sweet stuff). Still, the vast majority of people liked them and wanted more. I do find myself toning down sugar in recipes, though. Less in grandma's cookie recipes, less in the cornbread recipe I found online, etc.
You people have clearly not experienced Indian desserts, which can get absurdly sweet. For example, take gulab jamun: it's basically a donut hole soaked in sugar syrup.