What the hell? As I was watching this episode, I just kept thinking about the ways that Rafal could go on to do astronomy on the sly once he recanted and was at university. I never expected that the main character was going to get killed off in episode 3 of a two-cour show. What a great episode though. I saw Rafal playing with that little pouch earlier in the episode and didn't know what it was. I never expected that it was the means by which he would kill himself if caught.
So many things I want to talk about. First, the mystery of why Rafal's dad has so many astronomy books is now a lot clearer. I wish we got more insight into his thinking during this exchange:
Secondly, this show has some gorgeous night sky animation. Just breathtaking stuff @rikka@ani.social:
Lastly, the whole back half of the episode where Rafal and Nowak were talking philosophy was amazing. It's hard to believe Rafal ~~is~~ was just 12 years old when he was quoting multiple ancient Greek philosophers and then dropping a quote from the previous heretic that Nowak just killed:
Rafal's behavior shook Nowak to the core I believe. I wonder where things are going to go from here. We just had a ten year time skip at the end of the episode, and some new characters, so I am looking forward to that.