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I'm flowing with patriotic mucus!
That match lives rent free in my head lol
Look my allergies have been killing me this year lol
I actually get to watch live this week!
Not Uno!!!
Uno got got.
I would love a Hangman vs Uno rivalry
Was Mox murdering Uno last year not enough for you?
That was such a disappointment to me. Finally the dark order is getting a story line since Brodie died, and it ends in a week with basically a squash match.
Was some bullshit.
ππ Swerve really drug Hangman down to hell
He completely broke Hangman
Mercedes sounds so fake and condescending. I love it!
Gonna need a Β£100,000 gofundme
I'd donate to a Bruv fund
I'll throw in a tenner fuck it.
That was a good promo
MJF is backed into a corner and super insecure again
Ospreay is just good af and passionate
Two main characters battling it out!
Okada is a such a shithead to just use the time limit to his advantage at the end
Loved it! What a turd!
Same. As much as TLD is overused in Japan, I find it underused over here.
I think it's used pretty much just enough to make it impactful. I assume we're going to get Okada vs Claudio 2.0 here soon if not at All In
The Acclaimed better get the belts on Sunday
Hoping so!
Scissors crossed!
Rip MJFs neck, he's def eating a Tiger Driver
Jump scare Bryan Danielson lol
The Elite said screw you guys we're going home
Poor Saraya went from winning the women's championship last All In to not even having a match this year
To be fair: She had the 'Oh my god the brit gets to be on the brit show!!' rub last year. Better to have the match spot used by pretty much anyone else at this point than just using it so Saraya can see her brothers and sisters in the front row for the 2846th time lol.
Oh for sure! A hamfisted All In match would suck
Swerve is such a sick fuck!
Dark match before the show involved some local talent
Michael Oku with Amira appears in a dark match against Snakeboy.
Oh shit that's right! They're in the UK!
I hope we get Simon Miller as well at some point!
Kyle is so happy every time Briscoe opens his mouth lmao
Matthew with one big pearl necklace there..
Taz finding out that Welsh is a language had me in stitches.
My father-in-law is Welsh, it still gets me sometimes that it's a language.
I'm so sorry.