Lego, Reddit
Bot Test
This is a testing community for bot develompent (specifically mod bots).
Be warned: Any post/comment here could be deleted/locked at any time for no reason at all.
Testcommunity für Bot-Entwicklung (spezifisch Modbots)
Sei gewarnt: Jeder Post und jedes Kommentar hier kann jederzeit anlasslos gelöscht oder gesperrt werden.
Seems like you are talking about Lego. Be aware, they might sue you if you write anything they don't like.
Seems like you are talking about Lego. Be aware, they might sue you if you write anything they don't like.
Lego ist ein Spielzeug.
Seems like you are talking about Lego. Be aware, they might sue you if you write anything they don't like.
Seems like you are talking about Lego. Be aware, they might sue you if you write anything they don't like.
Seems like you are talking about Lego. Be aware, they might sue you if you write anything they don't like.
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