this post was submitted on 30 Sep 2024
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Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday said that Florida has so far gotten the support that it needs from the federal government after Hurricane Helene tore through the state just days ago, and that President Joe Biden should not plan a visit to the state to help with the recovery.

DeSantis said during a news conference Monday morning in hurricane-ravaged Steinhatchee that he would rather see Biden go to North Carolina, where parts of the state have been ravaged by the storm. Helene’s heavy rainfall and powerful winds left at least 100 people dead across several states, hundreds missing and washed out dozens of crucial roadways — particularly in North Carolina, with some areas only accessible by air.

“We have what we need now,” DeSantis said. “I think most of the effort should be in Western North Carolina right now because you still have active rescues that need to take place.”

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[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Sounds like probably he wants to say later “Joe Biden didn’t even visit”. Not sure why Biden would go to North Carolina to help with rescues. No idea that he was going to do that personally.