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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/FINALCOUNTDOWN99 on 2024-06-27 06:28:24+00:00.

162 in game days ago, I embarked on my second ever save file (in the first, I failed so badly that I quickly restarted). I created Toast Station. At first, Toast Station's airlock was barely an airlock, you would open and close two doors and lose a cube of air with each cycle - at the times when Toast Station had air at all!

After lots of struggling for survival, this basic proto-airlock was upgraded into the Mk 1 airlock, built primarily using the tutorial on the wiki. It sure beat venting a lot of air into space each time.

Me and the Mk 1 spent a lot of time together. Some of it was trapped outside the base, inside the base, or even inside the airlock as the power died while I was stuck in it. More still was spent figuring out why it would randomly stop working (so many burst pipes haha) and trying to fit upgrades to my first gas system in the one cube of space I had to work with next to it.

But mostly, my time spent with the Mk 1 airlock was spent waiting. Press the button. Wait a second for the doors to close. Wait a second for the pumps to start. Wait 5-10 seconds for the air to fill or evacuate the airlock, depending on how much pressure I had in the oxygen tank. Wait another second for no reason. Wait another second for the doors to open.

As big of an achievement as the Mk 1 airlock was, I knew I could get that cycle time down. I had probably lost an hour of my life just waiting for the airlock to cycle. So of course, I would spend more than an hour making a better one.

Toast Station had by now expanded significantly. The first expansion doubled the living space, and then a later expansion provided a huge dome with space for three more spokes, each twice the size of the previous base. Two spokes had since been built, a gas module, with a massive gas and liquid separation system (that had only accidentally filled the entire base with nitrous oxide twice, so by my standards it is doing a pretty good job), and a hydroponics wing. One airlock wasn't really enough any more, as I'd have to walk all the way to one just to go outside.

So I built the airlock Mk 2 on the other side of the base. Six active vents (with room for more if needed) and an IC10 with my own code powered the whole thing. It had its own backup battery to prevent getting stuck, it shouldn't permanently lock ever, and it has windows so you don't feel super cramped.

When I first tested it, I was blown away. Reliably under 2 seconds total from button press to ingress/egress. In one early test I sat waiting for the door to open only to realize it had already opened! And I can double the vents if I want to, and make it go slightly faster!

I was so excited. I had entered the future of airlock technology!

But then I had to use Airlock 1 again, and it felt so painfully slow that I concluded I'd have to replace it.

With anything I do, be it Minecraft or Kerbal Space Program or Stationeers, after a certain amount of time has passed after constructing something, I tend to grow very emotionally attached to it and do my best to keep it in its original condition. Things cease to be of active use and become historical artefacts.

Tearing out the Mk 1 airlock actually made me cry a little. When I realized I had turned it off for the last time, well, that hit hard. Yeah, call me silly.

About then a friend in Discord told me "Blow it up! Viking burial!" and I responded that I'd love to, but doing so would destroy the most important part of my base, the most historic part of my base, and depressurize the entire base (which would kill a lot of plants and vent an atmosphere equivalent to over a dozen inventories of nitrice and oxite).

So I started carefully disassembling the airlock and placing its components on the floor.

Evidently the airlock had overheard this conversation and had decided that, yes, it did want a Viking funeral.

Not 30 seconds after I responded to that friend on Discord, I must have misclicked at some point while disassembling the airlock walls, and I took apart the outer door by mistake... The airlock section became a rocket engine, sucking me and the rest of the airlock components out and tossing them throughout the Lunar surface! The force was so strong I couldn't get back in!

I managed to race around to airlock 2 and shut the emergency door so that most of my air was not lost and the plants lived. I'm very glad I didn't tear that door out like I said I would!

The Mk 1 Airlock got to go out with a bang after all! I still can't find my wrench, which I must have set down at some point. The final casualty of the Mk 1 Airlock.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/ThenShine9864 on 2024-06-21 12:59:59+00:00.

Nothing hurts me more than looking at the Steam page and seeing these images with the Rover and never being able to play with it. I managed to spawn it once in a creative game. But it got all buggy and weird. I really love Stationeers, but to this day I feel sad for not having a working Rover.

I know it might be something "useless", especially since most of the time we use the jetpack more than we walk on our own two feet. But man, it would be cool to be able to drive the damn rover.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Sad-Emotion-1587 on 2024-06-21 04:35:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/WVDM70 on 2024-06-20 19:56:50+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/arkham1010 on 2024-06-12 13:44:55+00:00.

Saw this on a video, but I wanted to share here as well. The output product of the ice crusher is heated to 15c, which results in their slow processing time per stack of 50. However, you can modify this value downwards to dramatically speed up your processing time. I lowered my volatiles and O2 temp to 200k and what took me 1 minute to crush a stack of 50 reduced it to 5 seconds.

To use logic circuits to modify this, use a memory chip, a logic or batch writer and connect them to the data port in the back of the crusher. Set the memory chip value to your desired temperature in kelvin, set the writer to read the memory chip, output to the crusher and the value to 'setting'. Click them on and presto, much faster crushing!

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/EyyyyyyMacarena on 2024-06-11 19:33:15+00:00.

I forgot who posted it (someone please name the original creator here and I'll edit the post) but here it is:

You can basically ask it what you want and it'll give you a script which works 80% of the time, every time. The simpler the script, the higher chances it'll work.

Example: Write the values of the dials I use to control my satellite dishes to both a small dish and a medium dish.

Prompt: "write a script which writes the inputs of a dial named 'Horizontal' and a dial named 'Vertical' to their respective Horizontal and Vertical settings of both a small satellite dish and a medium satellite dish"


Alias for devices

alias dialHorizontal d0

alias dialVertical d1

alias smallDish d2

alias mediumDish d3

Main loop



Read Horizontal value from the dial

l r0 dialHorizontal Setting

Set Horizontal value to both dishes

s smallDish Horizontal r0

s mediumDish Horizontal r0

Read Vertical value from the dial

l r1 dialVertical Setting

Set Vertical value to both dishes

s smallDish Vertical r1

s mediumDish Vertical r1

Loop back to start

j start

Zero modifications needed. I copied it, pasted it onto an IC and it works flawlessly.

I did the same for my fridge since it consumes 200W. Turn it on when the door is open, turn it off 10 seconds after the door is closed or if the temperature ever rises above -131C.

I also did the same for automating a bunch of other smaller things. Filtration unit - pump some CO2 if it falls below a specific percentage - a small LED Display which shows percentage of all connected batteries. Automating the grow lights is a breeze now. Just an IC needed.

It works and if you're like me a complete noob at IC scripting this not only helps you get started but it's actually helpful to learn - since it isn't always perfect you end up needing to debug sometimes and really understand what you're asking and what you're getting. It got me from not knowing anything about MIPS scripting to basically being almost able to write a simple one myself.

I highly recommend it.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Jakub__Kubo on 2024-06-03 09:00:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/True-octagon on 2024-06-03 06:27:02+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/mr-octo_squid on 2024-05-30 15:27:31+00:00.

I mostly play on Mars but started a Moon save this time around to play with the new starting equipment.

All in all, I gotta say I am very pleased with the new starting equipment.

Utilizing boxes to expand the limited storage on the lander is just *Kiss* excellent.

The removal of the portable AC but adding a portable generator seriously smooths out early game.

It doesn't produce a ton of power, but when you just need an extra nudge of power on long prints, it helps a ton.

Being able to use the fire extinguisher to add CO2 into my starting atmosphere for my plants is super convenient.

Mining, especially early game was always a big annoyance for me.

Having an additional mining belt from the start to fill with ICE is super handy.

The mining charges, oh boy are those a massive boost to early game resources. I am going to be producing and using these in excess, I can already feel it.

I am only a few hours into this save and I genuinely feel way less fatigued.

A+ update, good work Devs!

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/kakatze on 2024-05-22 22:44:52+00:00.

Hey folks, i just wanted to share my first "real base" i built and share a bit of my experience with the game.

Tbh, fell in love with it the moment i played it for the first time, but i took a kinda harsh approach. Every time i would die the second time, i restarted. Did that 16 times so far, the picture is my best run so far. This time i stopped with the harsh approach so i can learn the game and when i played more i wanna try to build a big automatic base without dying once. Thats a long way tho :D

Back to the picture. So far i only got so far that i started with the furnace and had a very simpel air filtration system running. This time i built a bit more. A proper filtration system for oxygen, nitrogen and volatiles. Each with a portable gas buffer and safety, so when the pressure gets too high it gets released so nothing blows up. Next came the semi automated furnace where i can input fuel just by using the valve on the left of it(slightly visible).

Next is to redo the machines area, build a small greenhous and making the base pretty, like you see i only started with walls and coloring the pipes. So its a full enclosure with air so i dont needa wear the helmet the whole time.

Maybe ill make a update on that, maybe not. We will see :3

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/WVDM70 on 2024-05-16 18:51:03+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/DrunkOnKnight on 2024-05-13 21:19:20+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/WVDM70 on 2024-05-09 20:56:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/KaleMercer on 2024-04-23 18:21:19.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Aidan647 on 2024-04-14 17:28:39.

Hello there

For the past moth or so I and my friend were working on new stationeers IC Simulator: Stationeers Code Simulator or SCS for short.

Availible on

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/TheGeist on 2024-04-10 02:14:45.

When you are mindlessly welding your base expansion together make sure you stand outside of the steel frames unless you want to jump out of your skin.

Completely destroyed my hardsuit, but I was able to get back to my safe base.

Scared the hell out of me out of nowhere.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/DrwTrippy on 2024-04-07 05:42:47.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/WVDM70 on 2024-04-08 22:14:08.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/AnimumLupum on 2024-04-06 11:47:33.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Captain-Costen on 2024-04-01 19:28:50.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Proxima-72069 on 2024-04-01 02:21:59.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/fro99er on 2024-03-29 10:49:27.

Mission report from Friday March 29th, 2024

Europa Station 3.14

At approximately 3am(Earth EST) alarms alerted the on duty crew that the atmosphere within the base began to dip into toxic levels, causing harm to the crew as well as crew members in deep sleep- see image 01

In response the on duty team attempted to diagnose the problem and implement a fix for the safety and perseverance of the mission, base and team.

The on duty team, using the atmo analyzer discovered high levels of c02, oxygen and potentially dangerous levels of pollution and N2o

3:35 atmo readings were captured and the on duty team fired up the existing "filtration station" and began filtering the atmosphere. -image 01

3:42 All crew members in deep sleep expired due to the declining conditions of the

4:23 atmo readings were captured again. - Image 02

4:34 the on duty team conducted a casualty cleanup of the 8 bodies due to declining atmosphere conditions, moved and ready for recycling - Image 03

4:36 readings were taken and the atmosphere within the base was approaching nominal ratios compared to earth

N=75 ish %


others were all less than 3%


4:39 the on Duty Crew noticed their air tank was >750 and actions were taken to refill the tank

4:40 on duty crew placed their air tank into the filling station.

4:40:15 according to The crew member on duty statement:

"The air tanks pressure immediately and rapidly filled to 22,000 to 25,000"

these readings were not able to be captured to verify them.

4:40:30 given the high level of danger, the on duty crew began an evacuation of the base

4:40:45 crew member began cycling the airlock

at approximately 4:41 a catastrophic explosion occurred on the station, killing all crew members and destroying the entire base - Image 04

4:45 the surviving reincarnated crew member opted for Europeon Seppuku.

Space OSHA is currently conducting an investigation into this incident, awaiting independent review of the mission report and statements from on duty crew

Preliminary results are as follows

-Improper use of filtration station lead to 2 possible reasons for this deadly incident.

1 Improper usage of equipment cause a massive build up of pressure in the system, causing the machine to kaboom

2 the pressure build up was then passed onto the tank, which (allegedly) pushed the air tank to 4x its rated pressure.

Contribution to the catastrophic loss of Station 3.14:

-Lack of automated base atmosphere systems leading to a deadly mix

Lack of proper training of crew on duty

Lack of emergency evacuation planning

Recommended action items:

-proper training of crew member's

-installing automated atmo system.

-Installing an emergency 'OPEN THE FUCKING DOORS RIGHT NOW" button that would allow rapid emergency evacuations of the base

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/3davideo on 2024-03-28 22:32:45.

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/Spidedk on 2024-03-27 13:34:09.

With the resent edition of showers and dirty water, we are moving in the right direction to having good reason to strive for a functional base with pressurized interior where you would remove your spacesuit.

I really really hope the developers keep pushing this route, and I would really like to see toilets and human waste the next edition to the system. It would pair nicely with the mood emotes that they just implemented.

This would of cause open up for a fertilizer ressource for farming. The Martian anyone?

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The original was posted on /r/stationeers by /u/TransWitchCovenHead on 2024-03-25 00:00:15.

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