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A free software to take back control of your videos

Peertube is an open, federated alternative to Youtube without advertising or tracking. On this site, you can find a good Peertube instance, with good rules, good moderation and most importantly a friendly community.

founded 4 years ago

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In this case, it's one specific channel: That is, ! It's run by /

AFAICT, federation hasn't been working from this channel to lemmy for ~3 months, for all the instances I checked (perhaps a particular lemmy version broke things?).


By comparison:

I'm not following anything else on peertube so I don't know how common this is (and I couldn't find anything on the GitHub issues), but different behaviour on mastodon and lemmy would superficially indicate that it's a lemmy problem, which would be a shame given that lemmy is much better for consuming peertube.


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I am thinking of recording a series of episodes where I try to beat factorio with the smallest possible ore settings. It would be vanilla factorio.

In this video I show what the voice recording might sound like, but I need your feedback if this is pleasant to watch/hear etc.

This is the first time of me doing anything like this.


I'm new at both PeerTube and at Piped/NewPipe frontends. I've always wanted to support PeerTube but every time I browse instances I see very little content and it's especially barren for the type of stuff I like. Not really a tech guy, even though I'm learning some programming my background is that of a Literature teacher that likes gaming (especially indie gaming, but some AAA RPG/JRPG/narrative/strategy gaming is cool too) and video essays about anything that have at least a bit of humanities bend.

I've started using Piped to watch YT videos (I don't use NewPipe since I rarely use my phone, more of a desktop guy). I've heard you can watch both YT and PeerTube videos on NewPipe. Can you do the same at Piped? And if so, what would be the best way to find channels with the aforementioned characteristics?

Stuff in Spanish is fine too since that's my actual language but I assume there's not much stuff in Spanish in PeerTube and therefore even less quality content and even less quality content that caters to my specific likes. So I foresee it'll mostly be in English like in YouTube.


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Hello I am recording a few episodes of Krastorio 2.

I am playing with the companion mods that are recommended by the Krastorio team. No other mods are used.

Let's see where this takes us!


Youtube, for so many years, was just too good. Yes, they changed the 5 star rating system to likes and dislikes and a few years later disabled dislikes altogether, but their algorithm mostly digs up interesting content and it just works for creators and viewers.

This might change soon. Their new strategy to disallow ad-blockers will frustrate a certain kind of viewer. Those who dislike surveillance and like open-source tech, those who use uBlock Origin and know why.

Just like a few years ago mastodon suddenly reached a certain kind of popularity, because twitter had their first big fuckup, maybe Peertube is next. It certainly is the most polished decentralized solution that doesn't use a blockchain. Creators or fans could easily host their own videos, fans can watch it, without ads.


I released some more videos! Full playlist is here:


I am very new to PeerTube and I just discovered First instance so far that shows me some entertaining videos straight away.


mastodon's official instance is lemmy's official instance is pixelfed's official instance is

what is peertube's official instance? im looking to upload videos without the fear of my content getting deleted because the instance is closing. and i mostly prefer to use the official instances of fediverse enabled social networks.

i read about on the faq, but signup is not available yet.



Because it doesn't seem to work as I expected.

I thought if a peertube server follows another peertube server that all the videos that the second server uploads to any channel are automatically pushed into the timeline of the first server. That doesn't seem to be the case though, I have seen multiple servers that follow each other but the videos posted on one are nowhere to be found on the other.

Why have this servers following servers thing then? Is it just a whitelist? But if it was a whitelist I shouldn't be able to follow any accounts on other servers from an obscure pt account, which doesn't seem to be the case also.

Soooooo, any ideas? Just bugs?


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This is the second try (original post: of me trying to get an answer, this time I'll be more specific of what I am thinking to do. I thought a more generalized question would be enough. Sorry for that.

A peertube server needs lots of storage. Many of the videos will hardly get any views. Storage space on a vps is pretty expensive, storage space in general isn't cheap. So my thought was to

have a disk at home (maybe external disk on a raspberry pi) and a VPS.

The VPS only has a very limited amount of storage, but is otherwise totally able to run peertube well. So why not have a virtual file system on the VPS, which looks like it has the size of the HDD and it uses a specified amount of the vps storage for caching. So if someone watches a popular part of a popular video, the vps can serve the video content from the local disk. If someone wants to watch the video that nobody ever watches, it's not a problem since the uplink from home can easily deliver that as well, without the video taking the precious storage. Block caching would be best, since file caching wouldn't be ideal with video files being really big in some cases. So a very long video would fill the cache, even if only parts of it are needed.

The remote storage doesn't need to be from home of course, could be cheap cloud storage. I know that peertube works with s3, but it will only move transcoded videos into a bucket and then serve them directly from there. I don't want that from home, it would also not use the upload performance of the VPS for popular videos.

Any thoughts? Good idea or not?

I have worked with bcache in the past and was always very impressed with the performance, I think my scenario could really work.


It's nice to see Vietnamese PeerTube videos and users.


If it were up to my opinion. the short answer is yes. if the topics/genres that I were interested in, i.e. I searched for, I clicked, gets recommended more.

For a privacy perspective it might be a bad thing depending how it was implemented, it's quite unlikely that the algorithm is is done externally, or locally on a users machine, it would likely be from the server and stored there too. unless we have something like a peertube client that could sync the preference data between devices.

either that, or we'll have to encrypt it. if we so care much about privacy. but decentralization definitely helps.

Now on the topic of addiction is a whole another discussion, it may vary for user to user. I'm not an expert in this but for me I can control what I want to do fairly well. I tend to scroll through the recommendations at leisure, when I want to look for useful information like guides, tutorials, advice on a skill i'd use the search bar, categories, or try sift through the recommendations.

a while ago I was mindlessly scrolling and quickly made aware of it, I despised the feeling and avoided doing the same thing. other might be still stuck in a loop. i'm... not sure.

the recommendations from algorithm are the ones that had "gems" aka information that would helped me tremendously that I wasn't specifically looking for and higher quality videos. It's like a double edged sword, depending on the user's intent, or.. control of their intent.

that is definitely a problem to some people, so we should give them an option to make it more adhd friendly.

I'd like to say in defense of algorithms if it were something I knew what it was doing. I'd be in favour of. it's more of a discoverability function, like what's poppin on peertube y'know? I haven't found anything good for a while, it's very rare and like mostly found on accident or via youtube. maybe it's just that we haven't seen any massive adoption here, but I don't really know, what do you think?

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