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Steam version v0.1.4.1 has been released.

Patch Notes:


▼Major Fixes ・Fixed an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the total number of Pals captured by the guild reached approximately 7000. ・In the previous patch, save data that had already been in this state (for servers, the server's world data) remained in a broken state that made it impossible to load, but after applying this patch it will be resolved and will load properly.

・Fixed an issue where some weapons equipped by other players would disappear when a player used a grenade in multiplayer.

・Fixed an issue where, although the displayed capture probability increased when the capture power was strengthened with Lifmunk Effigies, the capture probability did not actually increase at all due to an internal processing bug.

▼Base related ・Fixed an issue where if a Pal that was manually assigned to a breeding farm went to sleep, it would not wake up forever. ・Fixed an issue where no wood would drop when Pal at the base felled a tree.

▼Others ・Implemented countermeasures against some cheats and exploits.


We will continue development placing top priority on fixing major problems and issues. Thank you for your continued support of Palworld.


Figured it would be a good idea to collect known issues in one place:

  1. Dedicated servers with mods to enable more than 15 pals per base can have pals 16+ assigned to a base deleted Source
  • For the above, I would have dedicated servers with such mods hold off on 1.5.1 until players get a chance to put all their base pals back in their palbox and/or update their worldoptions.sav file with the correct max pals: Website to create a custom worldoption.sav Local run version or better yet set the max number of workers in PalWorldSettings.ini then use this tool to create a new worldoptions.sav file.
  • Servers that are using a custom WorldOption.sav to increase the Base worker limit may be spared from this issue.
  • "Deleted" pals may be in spheres above the vicinity of the Palbox.
  1. Pre patch incubators will not work (will only accept/store small pal souls)
  • Destroying and rebuilding the incubator seems to fix this.
  1. The Pal Info mod (and likely any mod that shows Pal info) conflicts with 2.0.6 and as such should be disabled until the mod author can update the mod for 2.0.6
  2. Players with UE4SS installed get a blank screen when trying to start the game and log in.
  • Go to Palworld/Binaries/Win64/Mods/ edit mods.txt to change BPModLoaderMod from 1 to 0.
  • Note, UE4SS Blueprint type mods will not work with the fix above but at least you'll be able to log into the game Credit
  1. Dedicated servers may fail to launch
  • The server executables have new names.
  • Make sure your scripts point to the new server names (old ones had -test at the end, new ones are -release I believe)
  • If you're using any firewall rules that point to a specific name for the dedicated server process, it'll need to be updated to the new binary name.

Some days ago I wrote this post documenting my experience in playing Palworld on Linux using Steam / Proton / Wine on a supposedly almost out of spec laptop.

To help with this follow up, my specs are as follow:

  • CPU AMD Ryzen 7730u (8c/16t) - RAM 16GB shared with the iGPU (2GB dedicated) - SSD fast enough to not be the bottleneck - Ubuntu Linux 23.10 with xanmod 6.7.0 kernel - Proton Experimental (tested with GE-25 and GE-27, same results)

Where were we

Last time I posted, I could barely get stable 20fps using all low settings in fullscreen.

Where are we

Now I am able to get almost stable 30fps (locked, see next chapter) in fullscreen using all low settings

The settings (aka how to play Palworld on low spec hardware on Linux, at least with AMD)


  • Install Gamemode and verify it works - (optional) Install Mangohud to monitor your performances - Ensure you have Gamescope on your system - Steam and the game either installed or added manually

Installing the two mods we need

  • Install this mod (yes it works on desktop too); pay attention to not select the FSR2 version, instructions are included in the README
  • Then install this mod that supposedly enable FSR3; DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this is effective or not, as theoretically gamescope only supports FSR1. Anyway, I have it on

TLDR After modding

If you are on Ubuntu

apt install -y mangohud gamemode gamescope


Install the dependencies manually


  • Right click on Palworld in Steam - Paste this in the "Launch Options" box

VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr,dx11 VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_2 gamemoderun gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -w 1152 -h 648 -F fsr -r 30 -o 20 -f -- mangohud %command% -dx12

Why and what is this

That's the preset I game with. Basically, besides setting some tweaks for Vulkan:

  • It uses gamemoderun from Gamemode to ensure the system is optimized for games
  • It uses gamescope to forcefully set the internal resolution of the game to the values indicated by -w and -h (lowercase) upscaled to -W and -H (uppercase)
  • To do this, it uses fsr (specified as the -F option). The -r flag locks the FPS at 30, while the -o flag locks the FPS at 20 when the window is not active (win+tab for example)
  • The last command is optional, and is mangohud that adds its overlay to the game. You are highly encouraged to use something like GOverlay to tweak mangohud

My settings

My settings are tweaked for my hardware. Feel free to experiment. In my experience, the sweet spot for gamescope (which by the way is probably one of the most noticeable difference) is 1280x720.


You should see huge improvements in terms of performance with some compromises on the graphical side.

If something breaks, not my fault.

Happy penguin gaming!


I did a bit of experimenting and I thought I'd share the results


... check that the breeding ranch is fully within your base's blue circle.

The building is massive, and the game lets you have part of it outside, but I ran into a ton of bugs with pals going into a weird state where they can't be assigned after they un-assign themselves to the pen (usually when fast travelling).

(Edit: this is before patch 1.3.0)