Blahaj Lemmy Meta

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Blåhaj Lemmy is a Lemmy instance attached to This is a group for questions or discussions relevant to either instance.

founded 2 years ago
Can't upload images (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Edit: Seems to be working again. Thanks to whomever thanks are due.

When trying in the app I use, Sync for Lemmy, I get a generic error message after a bit.

Thought it might be app related so I tried on the Web version, at, where I get the following error message:

{"data":{"error":"unknown","message":"Request error: error sending request for url (http://pict-rs:8182/image): operation timed out"},"state":"success"}
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

is this someone trying to kill a smaller instance?


Ever since I started out here 9 Months ago, there has been nothing more confusing then getting GIFs and Videos to display properly.

I've tried hosting them on, Ingur, Imgflip and some free hosting sites yet non seem consistent enough across all apps/sites.

I myself use Boost for lemmy, if it loads just good for me it loads for no one else. If it doesnt load for me it works for some others. sometimes it doesnt work for anyone or me. Sometimes it links to a side directly. Sometimes it does 3 really cool flips in the air and gives up after. sometimes using the same hosts yields 2 different Results, like the last 2 GIFs I uploaded and hosted on Imgflip. Its just so inconsistent.

At this point I don't know. So Tl:Dr: What image hosting side work for most people in displaying videos and gifs on most apps?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

In the last 24 hours you've likely noticed that we've had some performance issues on Blåhaj Lemmy.

The initial issue occurred as a result of our hosting provider having technical problems. We use Hetzner, who provides hosting for approximately a third of the fediverse, so there was wide spread chaos above and beyond us.

As of lemmy 19.x, messages queue rather than getting silently dropped when an instance is down, so once Hetzner resolved their issues, we had a large backlog of jobs to process. Whilst we were working through the queues, we were operational, but laggy, and our messages were an hour or more behind. These queues aren't just posts and replies, but also include votes, so there can be a large volume of them, each one of which needs to be remotely verified with the sending instance as we process it, so geographical latency also plays a part.

As you can see from the graph, we are finally through the majority of the queues.

The exception is Unfortunately, the lemmy platform processes incoming messages on a sequential basis (think of it as a sequential queue for each remote instance), which means Blahaj Lemmy can't process a second message until we've finished processing the first message.

Due to the size of they are sending us new queue items almost as fast as our instance can process them, so the queue is coming down, but slowly! In practical terms, this means that communities are going to be several hours behind for the next few days.

For those that are interested, there is a detailed technical breakdown of a similar problem currently being experienced by reddthat, that explores the impact of sequential processing and geographical latency.


Howdy, y'all. :)

So, within the last couple of days or so, I've been having this problem where if I click on the notification bell, then the chain icon next to a shown reply, then click "Show context" above the horizontal rule (see screenshot), it doesn't proceed to load the context. Rather, it just reloads the same page.

The strange thing is this doesn't happen with every notification. Another notification I had was from here on the Blahaj Lemmy instance, and that worked fine. Maybe it's a thing to do with federation protocols? Anyway, I'm no expert. I just thought I'd ask. :)



Ever since the update this is on every page for me

and when I click it this interface comes up


Hi all our lovely users,

Just a quick post to let you all know that along-side the upgrade to 0.19.3, we've also added a couple of alternate UIs to the Blåhaj lemmy for you.

Obviously the default lemmy-UI at still exists and has been updated to 0.19.3 alongside the lemmy server update.

There's also now an Alexandrite UI at which is a more modern, smoother UI, written in svelte, by sheodox.

And then for those who are nostalgic for reddit days of yore, and memories of when PHP websites last ruled the earth, there's MLMYM (courtesy of rystaf) at

Please enjoy, and I hope the upgrades work well for you.


The uploaded image is just a test, its supposed to be my profile banner but with animated fire but when I try to upload it as my banner I get a timeout error (jerboa only shows a bit of that error and doesnt let me copy its text) and its always a broken image in previews

Also, the file is .gif but after uploading the link says .webm? Is that normal?

I've seen other people with animated banners and pfps but they were on other instances so I guess it might be an issue on this instance

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Upgrade is complete. Please let us know if you have any problems.

Note - for those of you that were using Two Factor Authentication, due to the way lemmy 0.19.x implements 2fa, you will need to re-enable it manually from your settings once you have logged in.

Edit - As a bonus, we have two new interfaces for folk to try


Whenever I try to add an image either a profile picture or an icon for a community I am managing I get this error. I tried two browsers too. SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data


Im thinking of something like the ! Community I made a while ago, but for Oldtimers, Youngtimers and Vintage Motoring!

This community wouldnt be limited to just old Cars, but things like Bikes and other Vintage Vehicle related things!

The main reason im asking is, since itll be mostly revolving around old Cars people might not like it. but what do you think? if not here, you perhaps got other instances as suggestions?




I’m getting an error when I try to upload pictures that says:

“syntaxerror: JSON

Parse error: Unexpected identifier “Request””

I saw an older thread on here about the same error and it was suggested it could be a file size thing, but the files I’ve tried uploading are around 30-50 kb so I don’t think it’s that.

It doesn’t seem to be an issue with the file itself having something causing an error either, as I’ve tried using image files made on different computers as well.


I've noticed a lack of a general purpose trans community on this instance. The transfem community is disproportionately bigger than the trans masc is, so it seems logical to me that we combine for a general-purpose trans community, similar to r/trans for things that aren't specific to either.

Is there any interest for this idea? Does it already exist on here?

Update: I have created the community. Post away!


I'm not able to log on to my blahaj zone account, and the website in general does not seem accessible anymore. Does anyone else here have similar issues, or did I miss a maintainance notification? (Posting from my alt, since I can't log in)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I've been trying to register for an account for On my PC, the only thing I can find is an instance titled I tried signing up for that and it worked, but the site is this weird Tumblr knockoff instead of what I'm used to with instances and communities. I have no idea how to navigate this thing. Where the hell are all the communities??? Why is it just users posting stuff to their followers???

Is affiliated with If not, why can't I access on my computer? I am posting on jeroba for Lemmy on my phone since that is the only place that's letting me access (but won't let me log on with the account I made on on my computer).

Can someone help me with this/explain what's going on? I'm very confused.


EDIT: is back up. Horray


Esto es una prueba

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Hey. I've been getting blasted lately from my trans friends who use this platform, and I've been through a real rough patch as of lately, so I've been taking it really badly. I just wanted to clear the air - that isn't me that made those comments.

Personally, I don't even care about this subject, but my mental health hasn't been good and this only made it worse. I've pissed a lot of people off but this isn't something I'd ever say or do.

Idk exactly how I'd convince you of this but to save my mental fortitude I'm not gonna explain any further.

What am I supposed to do? Say, "oh no, this isn't me. Please don't hate me."

If you believe me, I don't care. If you don't, I don't care either. I'm only doing this so people stop harassing me.

It's this type of drama I left lemmy for, and I'm not of the mental capacity to deal with it more.

So if you'd excuse me, I'll go back to not using this account anymore.

Since my post is confusing, tl;dr. This is my account. It has been since June. I do not have a blahaj account. Someone used my name here and posted weird comments.


People don't stop being trans because you disagree with them politically. I despise Jenner and other high profile trans grifters but I'm not shitty enough to deny their identities.

Do better. As a user of both sites this shit is genuinely upsetting. Despite how you may feel about hexbear, how can you claim that they bait people into revealing their internalized transphobia and then turn around and make shitty claims like this? I don't give a shit if you call me a tankie or red fash or whatever, but I'm trans whether you like me or not.


I was banned from for “personal attacks” for 3 days because of calling someone a “piece of shit” after they called me a “cunt”. The comment calling me a cunt wasn’t removed and the user hasn’t been punished at all by the admins.

The comments in question: modlog:

In the interest of full disclosure, this is my other comment that was removed:

And here’s the comment of that user I was referencing, in the Blahaj modlog after it was removed:

This feels like an overreach, especially when the admin clearly didn’t feel it was important to punish their own user for “personal attacks” in the same thread.


Ever since I joined 6 Months ago, I've had the issue where comments or entire posts won't show up. Recently it has gotten even worse, where it feels like I can only see 20% of what lemmy has to offer...

To be a bit more exact, the Comment Count under posts and the total posts of a Community are always far more then what is actually there. Furthermore, if I post something and someone comments under it, I can read the comment in the inbox, but if I click on it to open it under the post itself, it simply isn't there. Thats also why im certain that all those missing posts and comments are actually there, just not displayed

I believe non of those stem from defederated places. The only idea I could come up with is that back when I first joined, there was a discussion around some language settings that could screw with that for some reason. But nowadays I can't find those threads, so I figured I'd ask here.


submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

It seems that the issue was resolved behind closed doors, so it could have been resolved behind closed doors to begin with, and then if the defederation was to go ahead simply announce the defederation.

Making an announcement "it will be defederated in 48 hours" made for this weird countdown drama thread (we even had people show up and be sad about defederation!) that didn't really go anywhere, and then y'all just locked it when we refederated and made it clear that you were never interested in input and you'll be running the instance as you please (which is well within your rights of course). So what was the point of the thread?

I can see how it is nice to have warning if a community you're involved in is going to be defederated, but it also drags drama to our nice little corner of the fediverse, and pins it at the top of our feeds for all to see. In fact it shows up as the top of every feed for me, Local, All, and Subscribed. I can't get away from it.

Every time these threads show up they end up blowing up. Honestly, if you didn't make these threads, I wouldn't care who you defederate. But because the thread exists, I have to come in and I have to have an opinion. That's a personal issue and I recognize that, but I would hazard a guess that I'm not the only one. People who have never interacted with Blahaj nor the instance getting defederated show up in these threads sometimes. These threads invite drama, and for me personally, whenever they come up they make this space feel significantly less safe and make me want to leave Lemmy as a whole because it feels like it's just nonstop defederation drama for days at a time, but it's pinned at the top of my feed.

Maybe these threads actually provide utility, and I should just take these threads as a sign I should take a break from the Internet for a bit. But to me, they just seem like they're all downsides.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Update: In light of the update here, the defederation is no longer going ahead.

However, something more needs to be said. Even here on Blahaj, some of our users took issue with the choice to defederate over this issue.

So I would like to give some background and context.

Blahaj Zone exists, because both Kaity and I left mainstream social media to escape transphobia. Reddit, with its lackluster approach to fighting transphobia, and twitter, with its outright celebration of transphobia pushed us here, to the fediverse, and to create Blahaj Zone and Blahaj Lemmy.

To that end, we will continue to treat transphobia seriously. Our goal is to create a space where gender diverse folk can exist and let our defenses down a little, where we don't have to worry about getting dragged in to an argument with a transphobe, or a bad faith actor "just asking questions".

If you are looking for a more reddit like experience, where in the interest of increased engagement, we let low level transphobia slide, and push responsibility for dealing with it on to community mods and individual users, then you will likely not be happy with blahaj going forward. If you choose to stay here, understand that we may defederate again in the future over similar issues.

The choice is yours.


It has recently been brought to my attention that the lead admin of is engaging in ongoing transphobia.

You can see the conversation in question here

For that reason we will be defederating from in 48 hours.

There are only three communities on that instance used by small number of our users, so this won't have a big impact, but if you are one of those users, you will need to use an alt account on another instance if you wish to access the communities.


Are there plans to update to 0.19?

Changelog v0.19.0 Changelog v0.19.1

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Today is the first Lemmy cake day for @supakaity and myself, which means that it's a year since Blåhaj Lemmy went live!

At the time, it was pretty much a two (one) person instance that Kaity spun up as a side project when I mentioned that I was enjoying Lemmy.

Back then the threadiverse was super quiet, and Blåhaj Lemmy was only really used by me. Sign ups were open, but everyone that wanted to use Lemmy was already set up on other instances, so we didn't get many signs ups, and those that did join tended to stop using their accounts, because the Threadiverse was so quiet.

And then Reddit happened and things have never been the same since! Mass sign ups, technical struggles with our rapid and unexpected growth, inter instance dramas, it was a very interesting few months!

But now, after the teething issues, we have an active, vibrant and inclusive queer community that has eclipsed Blåhaj Zone itself!

Thank you to everyone that has been a part of that! And here's to our next year!

Feliz año a todes!

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